Thursday, 14 March 2024

There Can Be No Justification for HAMAS Terror Attacks. The World must stand with Israel.

Just a day after the 50 years anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, an unprecedented attack in the annals of Israeli history unfolded as Jews observed one of the holiest days of the Simchat Torah. HAMAS terrorists from Gaza attacked Israel by air, land and sea. The infiltrators breached the Southern border and launched one of the deadliest attacks. Declaring “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”, HAMAS fired 5000 rockets toward Israel in 20 minutes. The operation was named so, to detest the raids by Israeli forces on Al-Aqsa Mosque.  This provided a cover fire to the infiltrators. Even the near-perfect Iron Dome with a 90 percent success rate was overwhelmed by the rockets fired from the Salvo rocket launcher.

Unlike the Yom Kippur War, where Israelis fought back against the coalition of Arab armies led by Egypt and Syrian armies, on October 7 shocked Israelis were woken up by a macabre of savagery waged by non-military jihadi groups. The infiltrators made their way in droves boring holes into the $1 billion impregnable border fortified with numerous sensors, cameras, and security mechanisms. Entering the Israeli towns and villages, the terrorists conducted door to door searches killing every person on their way. They brutally raped Jewish women, mutilated their bodies and paraded the corpses. Those who weren’t killed including children, elderly people and some women were dragged by their hair were transported back to Gaza as hostages. Contrary to a conventional war, which is waged across borders, the infiltrators made their way into the territory and unleashed mayhem that is unthinkable, inhuman and barbaric killing hundreds of hapless innocent people.

The infiltrators estimated to be over 1000 and armed to the teeth went on a killing spree and as many as 250 bodies were recovered from the site of a Music festival alone held at the Gaza border. As per some reports over 700 people were killed and 2000 were injured in the first two days. These numbers far exceeded the loss of life suffered during the worst day of the Yom Kippur War. This unprecedented travesty will forever be etched in the memories of Israelis who prided themselves in their strong military and start of art intelligence agencies. The grave and abysmal intelligence failure has let down the country.

Located in a conflict-prone arena and surrounded by hostile neighbours, Israel has built strong deterrent mechanisms and a formidable, battle-hardened enemy to resoundingly drive away collaborative and collusive attacks. But the latest attack by HAMAS has demolished Israel’s reputation as the most powerful state in the Middle East. The collective conscious is now gripped by a “feeling of national humiliation, vulnerability and fear provoked by the attack”.

Hours after the attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared “Operation Iron Swords” and in a video message announced, “we are at war, and we will win..Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known”.

HAMAS attack, replete with all hallmarks of terror has left behind a trail of barbarity that has no place in the civilised world. This targeted violence has brought back the memories of 9/11 and 26/11, the latter in terms of the mode of attack. The perpetrators of both these attacks had a similar mission- terrorise people, severely disable the national security system, stoke fear, create instability, and chaos, and instill a feeling of vulnerability.

Along with these factors, the dastardly HAMAS attack has vehemently underscored their covenant (preamble)- “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it1 with jihad as their guiding force as stated in Article 15- “the day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.”

HAMAS espousal of jihad shouldn’t be a surprise given its genesis as the offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). HAMAS is the short form of Harkat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, an Islamic Resistance Movement that was formally established in Gaza as MB’s political arm in 1987 following the outbreak of the first Intifada. Initially, it vied to compete with Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which violently resisted Israel. Since the 1990s HAMAS military wing Izz al-din al-Qassam Brigades launched aerial attacks on Israel from Gaza.

In line with article 13 of its charter, “initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement, abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion” HAMAS rejected the Oslo Accords and resorted to violent methods and spearheaded the second intifada from 2000-2005. HAMAS charter ostensibly precludes all alternatives for a peaceful resolution including negotiations, concessions or adjustments. No wonder, HAMAS flouted the ceasefire agreements at will and peace was elusive. The Palestine issue is theological for HAMAS and by extension, Jihad is their duty.

After Israel vacated the Gaza Strip in 2005, HAMAS won a majority of seats in the Palestine Authority (PA) legislature and became the de facto authority of Gaza in 2006. The ousted, incumbent Fatah, the political rival that dominates PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) has become the sole power in the West Bank. While Fatah has renounced violence, HAMAS unwavering hostility created a split in the Palestine Authority and turned Gaza into a veritable terror hub.

As opposed to a conventional war where concessions could change drastically change the course and subdue a conflict over a period of time, the hostility inspired and driven by jihadi ideology can have no recourse. For over 75 years, India has been at the receiving end of asymmetric jihadi warfare with Pakistan deploying unconventional methods to destabilise military superior India. State-sponsored terrorism has been Pakistan’s policy towards India. By nurturing, patronising and supporting terrorism, Pakistan has weaponised terrorism and effectively leveraged it against the global superpowers as well. The world woke up to the disasters of terrorism only when this asymmetric warfare reached its shores and claimed innocent lives.

Over a period of time, global conflicts have been transitioning to asymmetric warfare and unconventional strategies to deal with rivals. Emulating Pakistan’s terror template countries started raising militia and coopting radical Islamist terror groups to settle scores with adversaries. Alongside, these countries in cahoots with elitist liberal groups set a stage for propagating the ‘oppression theories’ and ‘victimhood’ narrative to justify any and every kind of brutality committed by these militia and terror outfits. Any discourse that conformed to this liberal opinion was deemed politically correct and that which questioned the incongruencies is remonstrated as bigoted and discriminatory. Now, things have come to such a pass, that condemnation of jihadi terror activities is berated as Islamophobia.

The devasting reports trickling in from Israel of over 40 beheaded babies, of a woman whose womb was torn open causing the slow death of the unborn baby, pictures of children burnt alive, and recovery of over 100 bodies in Kibbutz in Southern Israel by HAMAS is unarguably raising suspicions about their stated objective of liberation of Palestine State. Does this inhuman savagery even fall under the category of retributive actions? This is not a simple attack. This is jihadi Islam.

Whitewashing this barbaric manslaughter, 31 Harvard Student Organisations have held Israel “entirely responsible” for HAMAS brutal attack. In fact, several thousands of pro-Palestine groups have marched out in support of these attacks across major cities in the world and a pro-Palestine group shouted “gas the Jews” staging in front of the Syndey Opera House. Is this barbarity, resistance by any stretch of the imagination? Does suffering an alleged ‘oppression” bestow a free pass to unleash a mass homicide? By drawing a depraved equivalence, the liberals are deliberately mainstreaming the butchery of the terror outfits.

This monstrosity has to be called out. The attack against Israel by HAMAS is a terror attack. Just as the US has adopted a no holds barred approach post 9/11 and launched a global war against terror, Israel has every right to defend itself. Finally, the statement by al-Qassam brigade, “every targeting of our people without warning will be met with the execution of one of the civilian hostages”, reminiscent of ISIS- Jihadi John executions has removed the remotest doubts about the jihadi doctrine of HAMAS.

HAMAS attack on Israel has many lessons for the World. Nations can no longer afford to have a laid-back approach towards jihadi Islam that is slowly finding a base in democratic countries. While these attacks have irreversibly jolted the contemporary geopolitical matrix, PM Modi’s unequivocal support to Israel which has caused some consternation can be traced to India’s zero-tolerance for terror. Though the commentariat intends to read too much into this statement with analysts attributing it to India’s renewed strategic alignment with Israel in the wake of I2U2 and IMEC, India has been at the forefront in leading a war against terror.

Hours after the attack PM Modi tweeted, “deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour”. Indeed, PM Modi’s statement expressing solidarity to Israel today which reads- “people of India stand firmly with Israel in this difficult hour. India strongly and unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations”, echoes India’s commitment to extricating terror.

The issue of terrorism has been India’s global agenda and India’s solidarity with Israel which hems with Western countries and “clearly out of step with countries in the global South” (as remarked by an expert) is entirely necessary for India’s national interests. India and Israel face similar threats. PM Modi’s statement is an indirect assertion of India’s right to defend if targeted by any group/entity. These attacks should serve as a wakeup for the World to call the bluff of the perpetual victimhood narrative and the unquestionable jihadi Islam that is now spreading across the World and threatening to destabilise nations.

The 21st-century civilised world has many institutional mechanisms to resolve longstanding disputes and rivalries. It would be inane to seek solutions for them in the 7th-century politico-military enterprise.

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