India scripted history with an iconic soft landing on the lunar south pole. A place that was unexplored till now and in Sanatana Dharma parlance, elevating the kundalini shakti dispelling the darkness of the Aghora. Treasuring this landmark achievement, the landing site was aptly named as “Shiva Shakti Point” resonating with the sentiments of the nation. Cherishing India’s relentless pursuit to explore space, the Chandrayaan-2 crash point on the lunar surface is now denominated as “Tiranga Point”. Chandrayaan-3 success invigorated the prospect of the moon being India’s gateway for future interplanetary missions. “This is not the end but the beginning of the end”. The real journey will start now.
yet another space mission, ISRO has set the stage for its first-ever study of
the Sun, the Aditya L1 mission. The sun-observatory will be hoisted by the
PSLV-C59, the 59th flight of the workhorse PSLV, and the 25th
mission in XL configuration into a low earth orbit. Subsequently, the Aditya L1
spacecraft will undergo orbital maneuvers using Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) to
reach the Sun-Earth Lagrange point L1, halo orbit which is around 1.5 million
kilometers from Earth (roughly 1% of the Earth-Sun distance). The rocket will
set off from the second launch pad of Sriharikota Range (SHAR) on September 2,
activities have immense effects on the entire solar system. The Sun is the sole
source of energy for the entire solar system including earthlings. It is 150
million kilometers from the Earth. The Sun is an active ball of hydrogen and
helium gases. The centre of the Sun is
called the core with temperatures reaching as high as 15 million degrees
Celsius. The nuclear fusion reactions occurring in the core powers the Sun. The
visible surface or photosphere is relatively cool and has temperatures of 55000C.
The Sun is
the nearest star to the Earth and the regular explosive eruptions of the Sun release
a lot of energy, which if directed to the Earth can cause disturbances in the Earth’s
atmosphere. The thermo-magnetic phenomena on the Sun are accompanied by the
release of constant flow of particles and magnetic fields which nearly fill the
space. The constant flow of the particles called solar wind is mostly composed
of high-energy protons. The solar wind and the Coronal Mass Ejections (CME)
change the nature of space and alter the magnetic field of the Earth.
While mild
Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) of the Sun’s surface cause Auroras, strong
eruptions can potentially disrupt satellite communications and terrestrial grid
systems. Hence, it is important to continuously monitor solar activities to
better predict the space weather. The core objectives of the Aditya Mission include
the study of coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, Coronal Mass Ejections
(CME), dynamics of the solar atmosphere, and temperature anisotropy.
points are often referred to as the parking places in space which are gravitationally
stable. The spacecraft can operate for a long time from these places with very
less fuel. These are points of equilibrium where the combined gravitational
forces of two large bodies (in this case the Earth and the Sun) are equal to
the centrifugal force experienced by a smaller body. These points are named
after the Italian Mathematician Joseph Lagrange after his discovery in 1772. In
all, there are five Lagrange points. The L1 point which lies between the Earth
and the Sun offers an uninterrupted view of the Sun without any
For a
comprehensive understanding of the space weather and to study the Sun, the
European Space Agency (ESA) in partnership with National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has launched the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
(SOHO) mission in 1996 to be positioned at L1. The mission originally planned
for two years continues to operate for over 25 years and is extended till 2025.
Even NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory is also positioned at L1 because of
its vantage position.
scientists maintain that L1, L2, (on the opposite side of the Sun), and L3
(behind the Sun) are relatively unstable due to their precarious equilibrium.
Spacecrafts destined for these positions must be carefully adjusted to avoid
irreversibly falling into the Sun. L2 is considered most ideal for astronomy
and previously hosted NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the
current home of Planck. James Webb Space Telescope is expected to move to this
position soon.
L1 and L2
are unstable on a time scale of approximately 23 days. Hence spacecraft
orbiting these positions must undergo periodic course correction and altitude
correction. L3 is not deemed to be important because of its position relative
to the Sun.
The L4 and
L5 positions have stable orbits. Due to their stability dust and asteroids
accumulate in these regions. The asteroids located around these points are
called Trojans in honour of the asteroids Agamemnon, Achilles, and Hector
(characters of the Trojan War). These points are relatively closer to the Sun
and are highly suitable for asteroid hunting. On the other hand, the SOHO
observatory at L1 point has the credit of hunting over 3000 comets till now.
The Aditya
L1 spacecraft placed in the Earth’s orbit will be made elliptical and will be
pushed towards the L1 position. As it travels towards L1, the spacecraft will
move out of the Earth’s Sphere of Influence (SoI). Once the spacecraft exists
the SoI, the cruise phase starts and leads to its injection into the large halo
orbit around the L1. The entire process from launch to reaching L1 orbit will
take four months.
The earth’s
atmosphere acts as a protective shield and blocks the entry of numerous harmful
radiations, particles, and magnetic fields. Hence our regular instruments on
the Earth will not be able to study all these ionised high-energy particles and
radiations. To study these particles and phenomena it is important to move away
from the sphere of influence of Earth’s magnetic field.
At L1, away
from the Earth’s atmosphere, the Aditya probe will deploy all seven instruments
on board especially to study solar flares, propagation of particles and fields
from the flare, and the Sun’s atmosphere, i.e. Chromosphere and Corona. Aditya
L1 has seven instruments on board. Four of them for remote sensing of the Sun
and three in-situ instruments for observing the local environment.
The four
remote sensing payloads include- Visible Emission Line Coronograph (VELC) for
Corona imaging and spectroscopy; Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) for
observing the photosphere and Chromosphere; Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer
(SoLEXS); High-Energy L1 orbiting X-Ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS).
The in-situ
payloads are the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX), Plasma Analyzer
Package for Aditya (PAPA); and Advanced Tri-axial Resolution Digital
Magnetometers. All these payloads are indigenously developed in different labs
of the country in close collaboration with various centres of ISRO. Aditya L1
is only the. Similar to the Chandrayaan series, ISRO can plan missions to
stable points like L4 and L5. Built in a budget of Rs 378 crores, Aditya L1 is
the most cost-effective solar project in the world.
Coming at
the back of the Chandrayaan 3 mission which is making invaluable discoveries,
the country is highly hopeful of a breakthrough exploration of the mysteries of
the Sun through the Aditya L1 mission.
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