Thursday, 16 September 2021

What does the Rise of Taliban 2.0 mean for the rest of the World?

 The stunning fall of Kabul into Taliban’s hands has left the World flabbergasted. Buying into the American intelligence predictions which declared Taliban will take months to capture Kabul and the latest report that gave four weeks hold out time, World believed that Kabul can withstand. But the striking visuals of Taliban occupying the Presidential palace has alarmed countries. The pace of Kabul seizure stunned many countries and forced them to advance evacuation operations.

In little over a week, Taliban occupied over 13 provincial capitals. With thousands of Afghan security forces voluntarily surrendering to the Taliban, in absence of any resistance, Taliban entered Kabul and triggered the departure of President Ashraf Ghani.

Presidential office, later confirmed that Ghani left Kabul to avoid bloodshed. In the meanwhile, a section of media portrayed this astounding turn of events as a “bloodless coup” and lent a despicable “legitimacy” to this takeover.

Clearly, the Taliban must have struck deals with the local landlords and various resistant forces to advance their march towards Kabul. However, it is beyond the logical understanding that US intelligence which has been in the region for 20 years failed to get a hint of it.

Taliban 2.0

Even before the World could assess the impact of this sudden change, visuals of the plight of Afghan civilians trying to flee the country by even latching onto the wheels of a commercial flight hogged the limelight.

Along the same time, the sudden emergence of a new crop of social media activists hailing the Taliban as “sons of soil”, exonerating them of their atrocities against women by drawing parallels to the crime rate against women in Western countries and non-existent Hindu terror, the exultation over return of Taliban to power and the new obsession to justify Sharia as being cool reeked of an assiduous attempt to whitewash the brutalities of the Taliban.

This kind of discourse in conjunction with the Taliban’s new trend of addressing press conferences including an Israeli media, seems to be a novel effort to give the Taliban a face lift. Unmissably this new coverup, displayed all the characteristics of signature style of orchestrated campaigns launched to deliberately implant a narrative.

Additionally, through subtle assurances of peace and amnesty, proclamations that women would be guaranteed rights as permitted under the Muslim law, which in itself is a smart way of indicating imposition of Sharia, Taliban unveiled their new moderate avatar before the World.

But buried deep inside this new makeover efforts are the videos of Taliban intimidating Indians, a large contingent of 200 security agency employees were held as hostage. The abduction of female mayor of Afghanistan Zarifa Ghafari topples the façade of Taliban’s image makeover.

Also, in contrast to friendly media portrayal of everything is under control, India and other countries are experiencing great difficulties to evacuate its citizens and embassy employees. India sought the help of local assets to drive the contingent through 15 odd check posts managed by Taliban to reach the airport. In the aftermath of the civilians flooding the tarmac of Kabul airport, India stationed C-17 flight at Ayni airbase in Tajikistan.

Similarly, as opposed to the promises of not allowing terrorists a base in Afghanistan and amnesty to Afghan workers who worked with US government, Taliban released several dreaded terrorists from prisons. They began summary execution of Afghans who earlier worked with western government conducting door to door search. Fresh reports suggest that LeT is manning borders in certain regions of Afghanistan.

Together, all these events inexorably point out the Taliban 2.0 which is made to appear as moderate is indeed no different from its earlier version. Clearly, they have packaged themselves well to suit the modern world.

Nations response to Taliban take over

On August 13th, representatives of 12 nations which include- US, Qatar, UN, China, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, UK, Germany, EU, India, Norway, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey at a regional conclave in Doha agreed that “they will not recognize any government that is imposed (on Afghanistan) through military force”.

But less than 24 hrs after Kabul fell to Taliban, China called on Taliban to “ensure smooth transition” of power and expressed willingness to “deepen friendly and cooperative relations” with Taliban. Making no secret of its elation, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan described the Taliban seizure of Afghanistan has, “broken the shackles of slavery” and endorsed the regime.

Forthcoming of Taliban’s return Russia stopped short of recognizing the regime. But stated, “the situation in Kabul now under the Taliban is better than it was under Ashraf Ghani”. Instructively, the embassies of China, Pakistan and Russia are still open in Kabul even as all nations have started evacuations.

 Iran cautiously welcomed Taliban. Qatar offered to facilitate peace talks and diplomatic evacuations. Bahrain has promised to initiate conversation about Afghanistan at GCC. Turkey which has pledged to security to Kabul airport is an active player in Afghanistan currently.

Among the European nations, UK took a strong position and voiced that nobody should bilaterally recognize Taliban. Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated, “we want a united position amongst all the like-minded as far as we can get one so that we do whatever we can to prevent Afghanistan lapsing back into being a breeding ground for terror”.

Germany opined that the fallout Afghanistan owing to the American pullback more to do with domestic politics is bound to have domino effect. In the wake of turmoil in Afghanistan, at the request of Norway and Estonia, as the President of UNSC, India summoned an urgent session, the second such session in a month.

India expressed great concern over the situation of the war-torn country and “hoped that there is an inclusive dispensation which represents all sections of Afghan society”. Indian representative Tirumurti emphasized, “if there is a zero tolerance for terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and it is ensured that the territory of Afghanistan is not used by terrorist groups to threaten or attack any other country, then Afghanistan’s neighbours and the region would feel safer”.

India which currently adopting wait and watch policy is the only country to have opened E-visa services to the Afghan citizens.

Geopolitical Dynamics

America’s incompetent and disorderly pullback of troops coupled with Biden’s statement of not regretting his decision has changed the geopolitical dynamics. Refusing to accept responsibility for a botched-up exit, he blamed everyone- his predecessors, previous administration, Afghan army for failing to put up resistance, except Taliban.

By exonerating Taliban of all culpability, Biden fundamentally undermined the basic objective of America’s mission in Afghanistan of War Against Terror (WAT). Trump’s Faustian bargain with Taliban that contradicted its global positions on democracy, human rights, gender equality, religious extremism and terrorism exposed America’s vacuous commitment to all expounded values.

The message is not lost on the World.  Above all, the fleeting retreat of the American troops, meek surrender and self-righteous justification in consigning the country to terrorists has irrevocably tarnished its reputation as the Super power of free world.

America’s current ignominious withdrawal and blatant disregard to the implications of the same on the region has eroded its credibility especially in Asia. This has advanced its much-touted terminal decline. America’s exit has left a huge global vacuum which Beijing is more than eager to occupy.

The huge mess in Afghanistan exemplified specious nature of so called free world which America advocates. Since the turn of this century, China made no secret of carving an alternate World order and challenging the West’s rules-based World order. America’s retrenchment in the recent past has strengthened its resolve. The disastrous exit of America has impaled the ethos of a democratic (free world) world order.

America’s bungling exit has only stratified its infamous record of dumping allies. Afghan government is the new entrant to the list which continues to grow. Credibility loss, is going to hurt America’s foreign policy that seeks to counter Chinese expansionism. Together, American intelligence monumental failure in assessing Kabul’s fall despite 20 years boots on ground could be hard to contend with.

Even as analysts, defend America’s exit from Afghanistan is to focus on Indo-Pacific which is the arena of global contestations, it defies all logic. Having vanquished its credibility by throwing an ally under the bus, prospective American partners in the region will be forced to rethink about their strategic ties.

Quick to gauge America’s strategy, after Taliban took over Kabul, PLA’s eastern command ordered live fire drills close to Taiwan island as an indirect message to the leadership. The Global Times, openly taunted Taiwan for depending on an unreliable and untrustworthy ally. The images of America airlifting its stranded diplomats from Kabul embassy reminding frenzied evacuation from Saigon in 1975 has only symbolized America’s perfidy.

Doubling down on strategic engagements with countries in the Indo-Pacific, Biden has marshalled his diplomats to the region to mobilise a counter-coalition against China. However, America’s watershed moment in Afghanistan has successfully watered down all these efforts. On the contrary, America’s humiliation and self-defeat has buttressed China’s alternate totalitarian world order. The nascent friendly ties of China with authoritarian regimes like Pakistan, Turkey, Russia and Iran are bound to receive a fresh shot in arm.

By welcoming Taliban’s takeover and announcing friendly ties and extracting assurances to not shelter Uyghur separatists and attack its assets in the region, China has stabilized its position.

Tamely accepting the Taliban’s commitment of not undertaking terrorist attacks against US and its allies under Doha treaty, US ignored interests of India. India has been at the receiving end of Taliban-ISI nexus since 1980s. Pakistan is the patron-in-chief of Taliban and the latter actively collaborated with its master to target India. Afghanistan under resurgent Taliban could turn into breeding ground of terrorists ground can pose a major threat to India’s internal security.

India’s Options

Expressing disappointment over America’s disorderly exit, EAM Jaishankar clarified that India position on Afghanistan is different from America. India viewed America’s ties with Pakistan to leverage Taliban with an iota of mistrust and skepticism. 

With America’s exit nearly complete, veritable Pakistan-China nexus bound to intensify its boxing strategy of India, India is now exploring new options. As a message to the West, Russia would eventually recognize Taliban. India has doubled its outreach to Iran. Jaishankar made two trips to Tehran within a month and the second one on the eve of President Ebrahim Raisi’s oath-taking ceremony was quite significant. New Delhi has also increased engagement with Central Asian Republics (CAR). Jaishankar recently visited Uzbekistan and Tajikistan for the Regional Connectivity conference and SCO Foreign Ministers conference respectively. Saudi Arabia and UAE only two countries to have recognized Taliban 1.0 besides Pakistan are now quiet. India currently enjoys strong strategic ties with both of them.

Taliban return culminating in emergence of a mini-caliphate has invariably scripted a new dimension in geopolitics. Rise of medieval, ultra-conservative, jihadist regimes and their eventual legitimization by super powers for their interests is bound to have inimical consequences. Mainstreaming of the terrorist regimes and their eventual acceptability is set to embolden extremist outfits across the globe. As has been the case, the absence of sanctions and damning retributions on the state-sponsors of terror and their eventual co-option is posing a major threat to regional security. Take over the state by terrorist groups aside increasing the risk of state assets, finances including strategic weapons falling into hands of rogue elements will compound threats to their adversaries.

Most importantly, Taliban resurgence accentuated the limitations of military to deal an ideology. It is time, twin weapons of global isolation and sanctions regime must be employed against the terror groups and their patrons to remedy the world from the ideology driven scourge.

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