Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Deconstructing US-Pakistan relations: An Indian Perspective

Despite India’s strong reaction, US has steadfastly defended its decision of selling eight F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan. In the meanwhile, Dana Rohrabacher introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives to block the sale of the aircrafts to Pakistan. Pakistan claims that F-16 would help in counter-terrorism operations and will promote regional stability.  Currently Sartaz Aziz, Pakistani adviser on foreign affairs is in Washington for the sixth Ministerial Level US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue with John Kerry. With US leadership upholding the decision of sale of F-16s to Pakistan, Aziz reiterated that F-16s will help not only Pakistan in carrying out counter-terrorism operatives but would promote regional stability. It is widely believed that despite disapproval of Congressmen, it will not be impossible for US leadership to go ahead. In light of present scenario it would be incumbent on India to deconstruct the US foreign policy towards Pakistan. Indo-US watchers critically opine that Indian strategists by and large failed to interpret US policies in a logistical way. While some believe that by far Pakistan successfully managed to hoodwink Washington and effectively milked it for own ends. Others rally that Washington has de-hyphenated its relations with India and Pakistan since 1990s.

As illustrated by Zorawar Daulet Singh, US didn’t de-hyphenate its relations with India and Pakistan. Rather India has consciously de-hyphenated its relations with US by passionately ignoring Washington’s disposition with Pakistan. During the Cold war regime the US was keen on extending its power across the globe. Even UK was enamored to build better relations with Pakistan over India with UK proclaiming to remain close and friendly with Pakistan. Britain reiterated that it wouldn’t hesitate “to avoid any action which might weaken these relations”.  In the aftermath of partition when India was battling critical refugee exodus from East Pakistan, the western powers, US and UK despite their divergent policies towards South Asia favored Pakistan. Amidst threat of heightened hostilities, in 1950 US diplomatic arm strongly viewed that Pakistan would be an ideal candidate to foster its larger geopolitical interests in Asia. Further Pakistan’s repeated pleas for military assistance and Washington’s anxiety to portray themselves as neither Pro-Indian nor anti-Muslim consolidated US’s official drift towards Islamabad. Subsequently, US tried to strengthen Pakistan’s view point on Kashmir at UNSC. Categorized as a middle power, bilateral relations with India were deliberately undermined owing to Delhi’s unflinching commitment to remain independent (non-aligned).

The West largely believed that maintaining solidarity with India burdened by internal and external hostilities would be rather improbable. Further they construed Indian policies towards accession of Princely states after independence and its defiant attitude towards Kashmir as traits of imperialism and if unchecked might become another Japan. To maintain a balance of power in South Asia, they propped-up Pakistan. US state department minutes of 1949, shortly after Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to US noted that, “national traits if not controlled could make India Japan’s successor in Asiatic imperialism. In such circumstances, a strong Muslim–bloc under the leadership of the Pakistan, favorable to US might offer desirable balance of power in South Asia”. Subsequent American leadership too have been highly critical of India and even berated India’s independence as largely undeserved. Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger unabashedly pronounced their inimical opinions regarding India.

US’s penchant for Pakistan stems from its profound keenness to shape the balance of power in South Asia. Pakistan, in effect served as a launch pad, wherein US not only made forays into subcontinent but also secured safe access to facilities and bases to contain Soviet Union. In turn, US ensured that Pakistan had all the sophisticated weaponry and equipment to take on India in a direct combat. Robert Komer in 1966 cabled to Lyndon Johnson: “We have built up Pakistan’s own independent position and sinews- to the tune of almost $5billion in support. We have protected Pakistan from India”.

India’s assertions to be independent from the beginning was incongruent with the US’s foreign policy which relies fundamentally on maintaining balance of power in a region. As per the dictums of its calibrated geopolitical strategy, US intended to neutralize an independent middle-power (India) and tried to maintain the balance by aligning with Pakistan. By and large, Indian strategists logically failed to deconstruct US foreign policy towards India. The underlying conjecture that prompted Indo-US civil nuclear agreement were unencrypted. By late 1990’s when India’s rise became imminent, US aspired to reshape, the contours of India’s regional and global roles and also wanted to quash India’s concerns of US’s Pakistan policy. Nuclear agreement was in fact a bait to deflect Indian concerns and fears of US’s Pakistan policy. Moreover, after the collapse of Soviet Union, US’s resolve of reigning as supreme global power became more preponderant. US envisioned that India with its significant landmass and economic reliance post 91 reforms had the needed potential to be a significant regional player. Under the ruse of strategic congruence and to checkmate the nuclear aspirations of New Delhi, Washington harped on the nuclear agreement. Simultaneously, it aptly, chose the occasion to follow up its decision of delivering F-16s to Pakistan. The uninterrupted logical flow of aids despite the 9/11 testimonies the “unalterable” stance of US. Since 2001, nearly $31 billion were pumped into Pakistan by US of which $17 billion were diverted to buttressing Islamabad’s military capabilities.

Over the past six decades, US has hardly changed its geopolitical strategy, rather India re-oriented its policy framework. Even now despite obfuscations, detractions, calumny and serious U-turns Pakistan occupies pivotal place in US’s foreign policy stratagem. In spite of India’s strong reaction and severe opposition from US congress men, Washington is all set to deliver eight F-16’s worth $700 million. By far, Pakistan, a major non-NATO ally of US remains it largest benefactor. The Quadrilateral Consultative Group constituted by the US with Pakistan and China ignoring India to restore peace in Afghanistan stands as a latest testimony to US’s obstinate obsession for Pakistan.

The list of the nefarious activities of Pakistan shrouded under patronage of the US have hardly affected its policy. The genesis of Pakistan from India was on religious lines and over the years, it mobilized anti-India jihadi forces by projecting India as a Hindu nation. The Kashmir issue is symptom of the larger malaise that afflicted Pakistan. Pakistan by seeking parity with India fleeced resources from US. It tacitly lured China to its ambit by gifting 1942 sq km of Pok along the Indo-China border and by stealthily handed over the prized secret designs of the latest weaponry gifted by the US. In return China fast tracked nuclear facilities in Pakistan and gifted it a nuclear weapon. In the meanwhile, Pakistan under the guise of assisting US in fighting Soviet Union in Afghanistan promoted its own agenda of creating terror outfits which later attacked the US. Despite the double-cross, deceit, calumny and multiple casuistries, US leadership had supported Pakistan. In fact, President Ronald Regan intervened to prevent the prosecution of A. Q. Khan who purloined a treasure-trove of nuclear secrets while working at Holland.

Indo-US relations began to witness a new dawn in late 1990’s due to a drastic change in India’s perception towards regional security. India began to slowly overlook the US-Pakistan relations and began reposing interest in building bridges of friendship with the US. In reality, US’s Pakistan foreign policy is deeply entrenched and rooted in West’s symptomatic geopolitical strategy of maintaining a regional balance of power. The interminable generous bounties conferred by US is part of its statecraft, critically evolved and pursued by its state department over decades. Pakistan defected US on several occasions and Washington till now refused to admonish Islamabad. The strategic alignments, nurtured by US are hardwired to serve its dubious ends. Its time India comprehends, the canonical state craft of US and envisions its geopolitical strategies logistically. Pakistan has been viewed as a strategic asset by US. While US nonchalantly ignored India’s concerns, it would be interesting as how Washington will craft its Pakistan’s foreign policy with China emerging as profligate donor to Pakistan’s military coffers. Moreover, with animosities between US and China escalating, how long US will accost its strategic asset in South Asia?
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