Thursday, 30 January 2014

Land Mark Discovery: Stem Cells created in less than half an hour

Stem cell research has been an exciting field of research due to its unique potentialities. Yet again it has heralded a new discovery when the researchers of the Riken Centre for Developmental Biology of Kobe, Japan headed by Dr. Haruko Obokata developed a simpler, cheaper and faster way of developing stem cells. Through a series of experiments conducted over a period of time they have shown that immature white blood cells when immersed in an acidic solution can be turned into the master cells capable of developing into all other kinds of specialised cells.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which can differentiate into specialised cells. They can be thought of as blank slates or cells which are yet to be specialised. They are in their early stages of development and have the ability to become any kind of cell to form skin, bones or any other organ.  Because of the inherent ability to transform into any type of cells, they have wide range of uses in medicine. There are two major types of stem cells- Embryonic stem cells (ES) are those which are harvested from embryos or precisely the inner cell mass of the blastocyst or an early stage embryo and adult or induced pluripotent cells (iPS) are those which are obtained from the adult skin cells and are genetically reprogrammed to become stem cells. Since harvesting of ES embryonic cells requires destruction of embryo there are several ethical concerns about its use. Inducing pluripotency (ability to regenerate into specialised cells) is a tedious process and involves the serious risk of tumour development.

The new method developed by Obokata doesn’t involve any genetic tweaking. This has been a case of serendipitous discovery when she observed that as cells that have been squeezed as they passed through a thin tube, shrank to the size of stem cells. She immediately   wanted to check the effects of different kinds of stress like low oxygen, heat, starvation and acidic condition had on cells. Through carefully planned experiments she has shown that immature white blood cells bathed in mild acidic solution of pH 5.5 for 25 min lost their blood identity and started redifferentiating by showing the gene markers typical of early embryos. When these cells are transferred into a regenerating media they began to multiply and acquired features of typical embryonic stem cells. When these cells were introduced into embryo of mice they developed into different tissues. Dozens of such mice were created in the lab and they appeared to be healthy, normal and fertile. The procedure was referred to as “stress-triggered acquisition of pluripotency” and cells are called STAP cells. This experiment was first performed in the blood cells extracted from a new born mouse. The she repeated the same procedure with brain, skin, muscle, bone marrow, lung and liver cells to check for the authenticity of the process.

Some scientists viewed that this is in compliance with the way how nature allows injured cells to regenerate. This new procedure has been claimed as a landmark discovery since it is set to revolutionise the field of the stem cell biology since it opened up a new possibility of turning back the developmental clock directly without interfering with the genes. Regenerative medicine would receive a massive shot in arm since it raised the hope of repairing and regenerating the damaged tissues in treatment of diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease. New and healthy organs can be regenerated at any time without risk of rejection by the immune system. This will drastically bring about a fundamental change in perception of scientists about the interplay of the environment on the genome.

There are several instances in nature where environment or the external stimuli played a crucial role in developmental cues. For example temperature determines the sex in crocodile, when frog’s cells destined to become skin when exposed to mild acidic conditions develop into brain tissue. Stap cells have certainly opened up new vistas for personalised medicine. This procedure would even shed light on the mechanisms the cell would undergo during wear and tear and can unravel the phenomenon of how the age of cells is locked in. But the most intriguing part would be to understand the mechanism of how cells are reprogrammed into stem cells under mild acidic cells. If so, then the why doesn’t it happen when we eat lemon, vinegar or coke.

But it is still unclear if this procedure can work in humans and with adult tissues. Even if this procedure is developed in humans, it has to be shown if the tissues developed from the Stap cells are safe and wouldn’t turn into tumours. Still there is a long way to go but definitely this breakthrough would add to the existing knowledge of the stem cells and might further help in accelerating progression of the stem cell research for clinical applications. Tests in humans and other mammals are still underway and if it works in humans it will be a gamechanger.
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