Thursday, 16 January 2014

Is the Coalition Of People Tipping For A Coalition Government?


Sensation savvy media is going gaga over the debutante AAP and indeed provided the fledgling party with much needed publicity to catapult its popularity across the nation.  After AAP took over the reins of power following people’s referendum in the capital state, media intervention and exuberant coverage of the new cabinet has undoubtedly steered the party into limelight. Be it for the sudden obsession to please the middle class who have veneered the party to a respectable position or the new found interest of the educated who have realised their stead fast duties towards nation, media has taken a deliberate advantage. This has even resulted in the telecast of the proceedings of the state assembly on the television as well.

Initially AAP was brushed aside as underdog, but it made an incredible difference in the political terrain of Delhi and climbed up the political ladder by popular vote. Having assumed the power they are expected to assiduously prove their leadership and governing abilities to lay claims for a larger role. With the result, the party has flung open its doors for all, due to which enthusiastic, well-educated, mature professionals, entrepreneurs; intellectuals are jumping into the band wagon of AAP who are aspiring for a greater role in nation building. Propelled by the overwhelming support of people of Delhi the party have resorted to inclusive mood of attracting people of various conflicting ideologies into the party. Consequently, new ideas, new spirits within the party are bound to keep it in high spirits for sometime but in absence of proper ideology and national perspective about the diverse issues that impinge the nation at various stages the future of the party as a national force would be a big sham.

Lately the political bickering and rifts  within the party are coming to fore and making news for dubious reasons. The party who had confounded fears about the existing parties and their standards seems to have fallen short of those credentials too early too fast. A party which has indeed attracted personalities far and wide now seems to suffer from lack of perspective about wider issues. Mallika Sarabhai, noted social worker has expressed her concerns about the ideology of party regarding women’s issues, gay rights and their stand on the minority rights. Similarly Captain Gopinath was apprehended about the party’s stand on checkmating the FDI in retail. AAP must have done a greatest service to the nation as a mass movement with its objectives of anti-corruption, against misgovernance, against VIP culture and made a head way into aam aadmi who were greatly enthused by its agenda. As it ventured ahead to graduate into a political party it has grossly undermined other crucial aspects of governance which form the backbone of administering a state or region. It is widely popular among masses for sympathizing with their woes and for standing by them in their times of desperation. But with people of different ideology jumping into the party with rejuvenated national interests the party has been now reduced into a coalition of individuals lacking a harmony in ideology. Earlier the entry into the party has been highly regulated and restricted to individuals with integrity. With every passing day the party is assuming new avatar as scintillating allegations and conflicting facts surface about the ministers of the party. The order, discipline and moral uprightness have become matter of serious debates as various disparaging voices are heard from amongst the party. Emboldened by its reputation in the urban and semi urban belt, it is ambitiously strategising to contest for Lok Sabha elections in as many as 400 seats.

The concept of the participative democracy was fostered by AAP for taking crucial decision of staking claim for power in Delhi might have been an excellent idea to appease the voters who voted them into power. Eventually it raises serious doubts about the inability of the central leadership to take strategic decisions. One of the cofounders has postulated that similar formula should be extended to other issues like presence of armed forces in the Kashmir valley and para military forces in the Maoist areas. This kind of immature approach speaks of volumes of their political inexperience, lack of perspective and callousness about the issues that threaten both internal and external security. Moreso, their promise of providing free drinking water and reducing electricity tariff are nothing sort of election freebies as both of them are fulfilled by paying off the agencies from the state exchequer. This socialistic approach is not unique by any means and their huge call for revamp falls short of real action.

Apart from overwhelming response to its mass membership drive, nothing positive about the party has been in news. It made a great difference in Indian political scenario by breaking the barriers of casteism, discrimination and polarisation with its novel and appealing ways of reaching people and communicating with them. Hence other parties are now forced to emulate the immaculate approach and novel election campaigning strategy devised by the AAP.

However the role of being a worthy alternative at the national level seems to be preposterous. Putting aside the contemporaneous corruption issues for a while it is time to be nation–centric. Can India at this stage afford to have a political novice to manage the helm of affairs while it is struggling to check the rebellion within its motley under control? The past decade has witnessed the worst form of corruption, debauchery, misgovernance ever since Independence. India which was touted as emerging super power in Asia by the west is now at the verge of being shunted as an “underachiever”. Any electoral verdict delivering a fractured majority would entail a greatest disservice to the nation known for its priceless treasure of demographic advantage.

The prudent middle class who are pushing hard for a change must be aware of activities dirty tricks department of the oldest political party which is fighting behind the screens to make a dent in the huge anti-congress wave on which BJP is riding. Politics apart, stability and strong governance are indispensible for a country. Fighting against corruption, misgovernances are no mean issues but to be a front runner among the emerging nations and to extricate the nation from the shackles of poverty stable growth is needed. Political stability is the first step in this long march towards economic growth and development. National interests of AAP can largely increase the chances for a hung parliament. Coalition government needless to say, will dispel the investors, industrialists and foreign governments away from Indian markets. The way forward would be realising the need the stable governance which can entail the nation with a vision of shining India and might lead nation to a higher level.

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