Friday, 22 January 2021

Capitol Hill Protests: America’s worst nightmare comes back haunting

 Unprecedented scenes of chaos, confusion at the Capitol Hill tore apart the carefully nurtured reputation of the United States of America as an epitome of democracy. ‘Brazen anarchy’, as some media agencies described was witnessed at a time when Congress was conducting the certification of electoral process. Gunshots, violence and evacuations at the Capitol Hill and the emergent pandemonium reminded people of 9/11, alluded the police.

Protestors were seen occupying the Office of the Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Police had to be rushed in to evacuate the legislators. Even Vice President Mike Pence who eventually broke up with President Trump was placed in lockdown. Incidents of panic and disruption has irrevocably tarnished the oldest democracy of the World.  While strict curfew has been imposed with immediate effect and 52 people were detained, the incident at the time of writing this article led to four deaths. American lawmakers termed this as insurrection and called it a black day. World leaders expressed shock over storming of Capitol Hill and urged for peaceful transfer of power.

Political analysts contend that Capitol Hill protests are a consequence of Trump’s address to his supporters, where he egged on the crowd, “you will never take back our country with weakness”. Liz Cheney, Republican from Wyoming, told Fox News, “The President incited the mob. The President addressed the mob. He lit the fire”1. Agencies even reported that after disparaging Mike Pence, Trump watched the unfoldment of the ugly protests at the Capitol Hill.

Unequivocally, while the glaring security lapses despite numerous hints of a looming mutiny is the outright culprit for situation slipping out of control. The unending trail of challenges, petition in court for the audit of election results in the disputed states have raised doubts about the veracity and credibility of the election process in America. Every Presidential election in America ends with claims and counter claims of massive election frauds.  This is not new. In 2016, the election results were greeted with “Not My President” protests. But it is unfortunate that being the most technologically advanced nation, America has failed to evolve a fool proof and authentic election process that can annihilate distrust among the public.

Peaceful transition of power has been the hallmark of a vibrant democracy. More so, after a deeply divided, abusive and highly contested elections, it becomes indispensable. Being the oldest democracy, America has set template for other democracies to emulate. Foisting itself on a moral high ground for eons, America has lectured the World on democracy. Pertinently, all the actions of the oldest democracy have become matter of great interest.

Capitol Hill protests have totally unravelled the façade of American democracy. The unfathomable hypocrisy which is coming back to America and hitting it very hard. In summer, the Left liberals remained silent when the BLM protestors indulged in episodes of violence, arson, ransacking and unabated loot. They have endorsed the violence and rioting to overthrow Trump. Incidentally, the Liberal Lefts occupied Capitol Hill in Seattle Neighbourhood in Summer and prevented the entry of Police calling it an autonomous zone. This event led to death of one person and the perpetrators got away with the murder. Now, replicating the same template and taking it one step further the far-right now laid siege to Capitol Hill. Leftists supported the disruption with their favourite cliché of “respect for dissent”.

Under the cloak of protecting democracy this entitled class lent support to such movements across the World. Their inalienable approval to any and every protest against the establishment made the slogans, “Gandhians with Guns; Dissent is safety valve of democracy”, progressive buzz words in India. Authorizing violence as be all and end all of all the problems, the Liberals have encouraged mobocracy.

Ironically, by lending credence to even to the illogical theories of “good terrorist and bad terrorist”, they have eventually rolled out the new paradigm of “good anarchy and bad anarchy” as well. Hence, when the exemplars of such ideology cringe about the Capitol Hill protests their unfathomable hypocrisy stands exposed.

Interestingly, even the media narrative of justifying the brazen loot under the banner of BLM as dissenters to labelling the Capitol Hill protestors as “domestic terrorists”, the entire liberal cabal has revealed its double standards. Hypocrisy of the Leftists and Antifa has no parallels this time with their own logic coming back to hit them hard.

For decades, India has been favourite whipping boy of Progressive Americans. Even now, while they outrightly denounce and condemn the protestors siege of Capitol Hill which indeed, is the most despicable act, they are standing shoulder to shoulder with Farmers protesting in India’s capital city. By approving the acts of dissent that are now emboldening the disruptive forces, whose acts are tantamount to treason.

Similar to Capitol Hill, New Delhi is the seat of power and any security lapse with protestors laying siege can be a serious threat national security. Notwithstanding, these consequences, the Progressives in the past supported the Shaheen Bagh attack and by extension, replicated similar move during the Farmers Protest in India’s Capital City.

Capitol Hill protest should thus be a wakeup call to the Left Liberals who have dubious agenda and buoy up selective outrage. Instructively, for all the infamy heaped on India, democratic functioning and more so the electoral process is robust, elections are largely violence-free and is characterised by a peaceful transition of power (barring 1975 emergency).

Reflecting on the protests, President-Elect Joe Biden said, “Let me be very clear, the scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect the true America. This is not dissent, its disorder, it’s chaos and it borders on sedition and it must end now”. Clearly, the great legacy of the US can’t be reduced to or representative of this episodic violence. Similarly, the disparaging remarks on India based on few unfortunate incidents is untenable. By extension, even the farmers protest in India’s capital too border on sedition and incoming US administration is best advised to reconsider its support to all and sundry protests.

Joe Biden has a big task ahead, the first and foremost being healing the wounds of political hostilities, bringing people together and leading them as single unit. Fresh reports at the time of writing this article indicate that Congress has officially certified Biden’s victory and that Trump has pledged a peaceful transition.

In the meanwhile, while America is wrangling with what qualifies to be a political coup, Emperor Xi is advancing Pax-Sinica. Lastly, Capitol Hill protests underscore the quintessential need for building robust institutions to nurture the democratic ethos.

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