Saturday, 28 December 2019

While Muslim leaders jostle for leadership, China is set to rewrite Quran

The recently concluded four-day Malaysian summit spear headed by the 93-year old Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammed has inadvertently exposed the fault lines in the Muslim World. Referred to as the M5 Summit, this miniature version of Islamic coalition is a brain child of the Pakistan-Malaysia-Turkey axis which aimed to develop a regional forum to vociferously defend Islamic interests and burgeoning Islamophobia. Having met along the sidelines of the UNGA summit, the leaders of these countries who are united by their strong opposition to India’s move on revocation of special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir formally signalled the launch of a new religious coalition. Aside China, these three leaders raised Kashmir issue at the UNGA summit as well.

Needless to say, the trigger for this alternative Islamic forum has been the underwhelming response of Muslim community to India’s decision to abrogate article 370. Since 1969, the Muslim Ummah threw their weight behind Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a coalition of 57 Muslim countries to voice out their concerns. Headquartered in Jeddah and controlled by the Saudi, OIC has thus far been the flag bearer of Muslim World. Dismissing the abrogation of article 370 as India’s internal matter, both Saudi and the UAE subdued the issue.  Dissatisfied with this approach, the trio, laid foundation for this new coalition, to champion global Muslim causes.

Coming together of Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia which has nothing in common other than the religion has raised curious doubts among analysts. None of these countries lie in geographically contiguous area nor they are bound by a common agenda and face common threats. But leaders of these countries are known to be veritable religious zealots. Keen on resurrecting the glory of Ottoman Empire, Erdogan who stormed into power in 2003 recklessly trampled and rebuked secularist credentials integral to Turkish constitution. Intent on clinching the leadership of Sunni Muslim community toppling the Saudi Arabia from the coveted position, Erdogan is forging new ties and muscling to increase its heft and clout in the region. Nonagenarian Mahathir, the old race horse known for his aversion to the West defeated Najib Razak in elections on charges of steering country into Chinese orbit and corruption ascended the Prime Minister chair. Faced with the dauting challenge of taking a strong position amidst rising tide of Malay ethnocentrism, projecting himself as the champion of Malayan rights, Mahathir unabashedly embraced the religious zealotry with ease and turned down India’s repeated request to extradite religious hate-mongerer Zakir Naik. Even the persecution of Shias and Ahmediyas are reported to have increased under his regime. Imran Khan’s fascination for religious fundamentalism doesn’t need a fresh introduction, famous as Taliban Khan, he claimed that a game of cricket with India is jihad and married his spiritual mentor months ahead of Prime Ministerial elections. Clearly, political Islam or fostering Islamisation has been the top of the agenda these leaders and the new summit by consequence.

Having pledged to be more vocal on political Islam, in November, Prime Minister Mahathir announced soft launch of M5 Summit with a theme, “The role of development in achieving national sovereignty”. The five countries to lead the inaugural session included- Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia and Qatar. Qatar which has been battling the Saudi and the UAE led trade, economic and social blockade is an important addition to the new grouping. Though Qatar didn’t object India’s move on Kashmir, Qatar based Al Jazeera took up cudgels against India. Mahathir announced that 450 scholars, intellectuals and leaders from across the World will attend the meet to discuss the challenges faced by Muslim Ummah based on the seven pillars of development & sovereignty, culture & identity, justice & freedom, integrity & good governance, peace, security & defence, technology & internet governance, trade & investment.

Saudi Arabia which has been closely monitoring the situation summoned Imran Khan to Riyadh days before the summit. Under duress, Khan cancelled his visit to Kuala Lumpur at the eleventh hour. This together with Saudi King Salman’s telephonic conversation with Mahathir before the meet underscored Riyadh’s disapproval of the new coalition. Ever since the Yemen War, Saudi’s disposition took a downward spiral. Brewing crisis in the Middle East, burgeoning sectarian rivalry and security threat from Iran, loss of face due to Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, receding global oil demands have slowly undercut its influence and reputation. Though it attempted to resurrect its leadership by creating an Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC), which failed to emerge as cogent pan-Islamic force since it excluded Shia countries. Being the leader of a potent Islamic World, Saudi failed to address major issues beleaguering the Muslim countries- Yemen War, Rohingya Refugee crisis, religious persecutions, Syrian war, rising sectarian clashes and many more. So, when Saudi questioned plausibility of weakening the cause of Islam through multiple institutions, Mahathir chose to ignore the concerns and held the Malaysian Summit.

Notwithstanding the abstentions of Pakistan and Indonesia, hoisting himself as a strident vocal advocate of Muslim World, he targeted India for legislating CAA. After lashing out at India for “invading and occupying Kashmir” at UNGA, he drew attention of the Muslim world to the latest anti-CAA protests in India during the M5S. He said, “I am sorry to see that India, which claims to be a secular state, is taking action against some Muslims to deprive them of citizenship. If we do that here (Malaysia) you know what will happen, there will be chaos”.  Playing a second fiddle, OIC immediately issued a statement criticizing CAA. “The General Secretariat of OIC has been closely following the developments affecting Muslim minority in India. It expresses its concern over the recent developments pertaining to the issue of citizenship rights and the Babri Masjid case. It reiterates its call to ensure safety of the Muslim minority and the protection of Islamic places in India”. Out doing M5S, OIC had indeed raised the Babri Masjid issue, a case amicably resolved by Indian Judiciary. The spurious concerns raised by both the forum reeks of hypocrisy and poor comprehension of India’s democratic functioning. Additionally, reiterating its defiance, Mahathir warmly received and acknowledged the presence of controversial preacher Zakir Naik at the summit.

In their tearing hurry to pitch themselves as the saviours of the Muslim World with tough anti-India posturing, they gave free pass to China which is perpetrating the worst form of human rights violations against Muslim and preparing to rewrite Quran with Chinese characteristics. The outlandish criticisms of OIC and M5S against India reflect their churlishness. Criticisms of discrimination against minorities in India are purely fictional, for they are entitled with special privileges under the constitution of India. Rapid demographic dividend of the minorities vis-à-vis majority community in India vouch for the same. The fictitious allegations of Muslims being denied citizenship under CAA are simply motivated and stands no ground.

US state department’s annual report for the year 2019 blacklisted nine countries for religious freedom violations which includes-China, Pakistan, Eritrea, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Ironically, these black listed countries are casting aspersions on India which has asserted its position as beacon of democracy and secular values.  Front runner of the religious persecutions Pakistan unleashed this nefarious anti-India propaganda. Playing the Muslim card, it spurred both the organisations to slander India.

Antithetically, Khan feigned ignorance about the incarceration of over 1.5 million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps. Similarly, Turkey, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia which are contending for leadership of Muslim community turned a blind eye to unspeakable Chinese atrocities. Turkey became first nation to voice out concerns about the situation in Xinjiang fell silent after Erdogan’s state visit to China recently. Saudi Arabia also followed same trend. In what can be termed as brazen subjugation, the entire Muslim World, failed their fellow Uighur brethren by adopting a resolution at the 50th Council of Foreign Ministers which read-“ the council welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by General Secretariat’s delegation upon invitation from People’s Republic of China (PRC); commends the efforts of PRC in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between OIC and PRC”. A cache of leaked documents recovered by NYT, exposed the travails faced by Uighurs detained in the so called “re-education camps”. From cultural persecution to illegal organ harvesting and now bedding of Uighur women with Han men whose husbands are away in detention camps, China is committing inhuman crimes against the hapless Uighurs. Entire Western World, sham human rights organisations including the saviours of Muslim world have been silent over China’s massive crackdown. The vassal state of China, Pakistan’s Taliban Khan has even feigned ignorance about persecution of Uighurs in interviews with international media.

The summit participated by four Muslim leaders- Turkish President Erdogan, Iranian President Hasan Rouhani and Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamid al Thani and Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohammed is nothing more than virtue signalling to Riyadh. This convention is a fervent attempt to challenge the hegemony of Saudi Arabia and the move is more political than ideological. Else what explains their complete silence towards China’s religious persecution. The collective anti-India posturing is a motivated vitriolic aimed at maligning the nation which is attempting to reclaim its due place on global platform.

Emboldened by the global silence and empty rhetoric of Muslim countries, China is constituting an expert committee of 16 members to rewrite Quran and Bible with socialistic characteristics. Though the names find no mention, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) last month called for, “comprehensive evaluation of existing religious classics aiming at the content which don’t conform to the progress of the times”. Religious censoring has been rampant in atheist China, Mosques are bulldozed, Churches are locked. PRC founder Mao Zedong, ordered destruction of religious monuments and wiping out every trace of religion during the cultural revolution. Religion has been an instrument for China. It is allowing the Chinese Buddhism to flourish only to buttress its soft power. CCP has always remained supreme and hence no wonder as Chairman of everything in China President Xi has ordered re-evaluation of religion to make people patriotic with Communist party ideals as its religion. The guardians of the Muslim World are better advised to better introspect their own record on religious persecutions and then take the countries which are worst offenders of religious persecution to task rather than bashing up a pluralistic nation which is an icon of syncretic culture, India to flaunt their religious chauvinism.

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Friday, 20 December 2019

CAA and hypocrisies galore

This article is an attempt to highlight the bigotry and sanctimony of various stake holders and their attempts to wreak havoc in the country in the aftermath of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

Political Parties

Having agreed to partition country along religious grounds and woefully failing in forcing the undivided Pakistan to maintain the sanctity of Nehru-Liaquat pact the grand old party has mercilessly staked the lives of millions of minorities. For over the past seven decades, lives of religious minorities these Islam nations is hanging by tenterhooks. Left to fend for themselves, the grand old party which is at the forefront to claim all the honours for the independence of the country, shirked away from shouldering its responsibilities. It has displayed neither the political will nor conviction to correct the historical blunders and unfinished tasks of the partition. Like other unfinished missions which begged for a fair conclusion, BJP government promised to bring some shine, respect and honour to the millions persecuted minorities tabled the historic Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) in the Parliament. Instead of hailing the monumental effort, initiated to rescue minorities in this geographical continuum, congress party vociferously opposed the legislation tooth and nail. With unassailable, evocative and inspiring replies, BJP rebutted the arguments of the opposition which pretentiously held on to the dubious narrative of religious discrimination.

Stalwarts of the Congress party- Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhai Patel have alluded to the fact India has moral and civilisational responsibility towards non-Muslim communities who are left behind in Pakistan. In 2003, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh then, the leader of opposition voiced out “it is moral obligation that if circumstances force people, these unfortunate people (with reference to minorities facing persecution), to seek refuge in our country, our approach to granting citizenship to these unfortunate people should be more liberal” in a debate with Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani. Similarly, Prakash Karat of CPI (M) in 2012 reminded then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the need to grant citizenship to Bangladeshi minorities. In 1958, CPI passed resolution in 1958 to grant citizenship to persecuted minorities.

To woo the Bengali Hindu population before the 2015 Assam Assembly election Congress party President Anjan Dutt demanded citizenship to minorities of Bangladesh. Elaborating on Congress party’s intent, he reminded that party brought cabinet resolution in 2011 sought refugee status and asylum for them. In a memorandum submitted to Prime Minister in 2012, Tarun Gogoi, pleaded that persecuted minorities shouldn’t be treated as foreigners. Switch to 2019, dawned by political amnesia, in contravention to its earlier position, prevaricatingly stoking the religious divide, argued that CAB is against basic tenet of Constitution.

Leading from the front, the peerless spin master Congress shamelessly muddled the debates in both houses of Parliament undermining the promises of its legendary leaders. Ensuring the successful passage of this bill in the both houses of the Parliament, BJP has not only proved its mettle but gave a reality check and much needed moral drubbing to the party which has abdicated its principles and ethics as a political party.

As a proof of political depravity, Congress announced Bharat Bachao Andolan in the aftermath of the CAB becoming enforceable Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). Kickstarting modus operandi of protesting the ruling dispensation, bizarrely, unrepentant about the prospect of tarnishing India’s image Indian Overseas Congress staged a rally before the Indian High Commission, London. The rally attended by barely handful of people received support from Pakistan centric groups marking the complete metamorphosis of GOP into B-team of Pakistan. For Congress Party’s statements be it on CAB or Article 370 have become almost indistinguishable from Pakistan’s baseless tirade and ludicrous rants.  Brazenly defending Congress party’s new position Rahul Gandhi called CAA “unconstitutional” and ominously endorsed the protests that ensued in the national capital ever since.

Not to be left behind other political parties made dramatic U-turns. Notable among them was Shiv Sena which voted for the bill in the Lok Sabha and abstained voting in Rajya Sabha. Coming of ages from being a strong advocate of Hindu causes, Sena as a token of its servility even likened the police action against violently protesting Jamia students as Jallianwala Bagh giving testimony of its sycophantic attributes. Cognizant of the limited purview of CAB, other parties needlessly circumvented from the whole issue by repeatedly pointing at the absence of such provision to Hindu minorities from Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

The vast majority of the persecuted minorities included Dalits. But the champion of Dalit causes, BSP and even SP voted against the bill and termed it “divisive and unconstitutional”. Arguing that CAA is discriminatory, refrained from endorsing the bill. The complicity of TMC and AIMIM who vociferously opposed the bill in orchestrating violent protests and the latter’s collusion with PFI is under investigation. Ever since legislation of this bill, both the parties known for pandering and appeasement of Muslims dubiously incited people in their pocket boroughs.  Tacitly giving a religious colour to the bill, parties allowed   protests to degenerate into chaos for their political mileage.


The fourth pillar of democracy instead of holding mirror to various stakeholders whose unbecoming conduct is proving to be inimical to the country have resorted to yellow journalism. Devoid of the patience to read and comprehend a 2000-word CAB document media has turned themselves into the mouth pieces of political masters regurgitating the falsehoods and churning reams of orchestrated partisan editorials.

Not satisfied with the peddling of facts and distorted commentaries established players of the media have unveiled a new episode of manufacturing sheroes. To suit to their narratives, they diligently identified renowned Jihadi propagandists native of Kerala and latest imports to the Jamia University. Downplaying the role of students and vandalism heaped on the capital region and elsewhere pictures of heroism of sheroes were skilfully captured through high-resolution, wide-angled cameras and hoisted onto the front pages of the leading newspapers. Besides perpetually solidifying the victimhood narrative, they used pictures of newly-minted vicious protagonists to stoke anti-CAA passions and highlight the highhandedness of the state. Indian media which frequently manufactures a new crop of Kannhayia Kumars and Umars Khalids to justify every anti-India act has propped up the new cult of sheroes- Ladeeda Farzana, Aysha Renna who called India fascist for executing terrorist Yakub Memon and extolled extremist ideology.

Giving a free pass to largescale destruction of public property carried out by instigated mobs, they have normalised the vandalism of mobs. Whitewashing the violent protests and the stone pelting accompanied by chants Allahu Akbar and Naara e Takbeer which left 12 police personnel injured, media even turned a deaf ear to the blatantly communal rants of “Hinduon se Azadi”. Unfortunately, media which tamely ignored to dwell on the communal overtones of these protestors who hurled bombs was quick to demand high-level probe on Police entry into the Jamia institute. Secret report now reveals that the men who indulged in stone pelting and vandalism are actually illegal Bangladeshi Muslim migrants.

Media’s bigoted coverage and misleading propaganda is exacerbating fissures and opening fresh fronts of confrontation. The newfound student solidarity and the concomitant anti-CAA rallies by motivated chunk of student organisations is just a fallout of this distorted reportage. The falsities, heightened fear mongering perpetuated by the Indian media is amplified by International media which is giving a dangerous religious and authoritarian colour to the whole issue. These recursive biased snippets are quickly picked up international bodies and enemy countries which are using it to portray India in a poor light overshadowing its image as a responsible nation. Needless to say, mendacious journalism has become a bane on India.

International Bodies

After the bill was passed in the Lok Sabha, religious organisation US commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) known for its religious bigotry and bias slammed India for “setting a legal criterion for citizenship based in religion” and called for sanctions on Home Minister Amit Shah if it is passed in Rajya Sabha. Known for its jaundiced perceptions, India rejected its remarks and questioned its locus standi.

Soon enough, UNHRC whose leadership is currently hijacked by religious bigots, dictatorial regimes and human rights violators termed it as “discriminatory”. Surprisingly, the commission which is muted towards religious persecutions and confinement of around 1.5 million Uighurs lashed out at India for a legislation that grants citizenship to minorities facing persecution. The irony is not lost on council which failed to pull up Pakistan, whose blasphemous laws reduced the population of minorities from 23% in 1947 to just 3%.

Meanwhile, the US in a cautiously worded statement with regard to CAA said that it is closely monitoring the developments in India. Frankly, it doesn’t have any moral authority to lecture India since the government remained a mute spectator when Trump explicitly demanded a religious specific ban on entry to the US and stalled the government till funds were granted for the construction of great to infiltration of illegal migrants. 

Civil Society and Religious Organisations

Leftist who operate under the garb of the Civil society organisations are doing a great disservice by justifying violent protests under the ruse of freedom in a democratic nation. Working hand in glove with the media which is best known for obfuscation of the facts, they are misleading people and lulling them into accepting the violence carried out the illegal migrants at the behest of vested interest groups. Islamists and Leftists the inalienable partners across the World and united by their penchant for violence and anti-India agenda are now working overtime to exacerbate the anti-CAA protests. Aided by leftists, radical Islamist outfit Jamaat-e-Islami, PFI, SDPI have emerged as anti-CAA front steering the protests. They even threatened to exterminate Hindus and other who support the bill and warned of replicating the Malabar Hindu genocide of 1921.

Hypocrisy of the Leftist-Islamist brigade is inexplicable. Ironically, the brigade, (apostles of secularism and messiahs of peace) prevailed on the government to settle fleeing Rohingyas Muslims don’t have an iota of empathy for the persecuted religious minorities. Portraying CAA an attempt to exclude Muslim from obtaining citizenship, the brigade is creating fear and panic.  Ever since Modi’s ascent to power, Urban Naxals, castigated his regime as intolerant and inimical to Muslims. Then what explains their browbeating if Muslim brethren are saved from these travails in India? On the contrary, Modi government substantially increased scholarships to the Muslim community and initiated several social welfare schemes for minorities. Deemed as minorities, Muslims enjoy special privileges in India then why should they object to minorities from the neighbouring countries fleeing religious persecution be denied a dignified life through grant of citizenship?? 

Determined to rectify historic blunders imperilling country’s sovereignty, days into second term Narendra Modi government swung into action. Bestowed with an absolute majority, barely hundred days into power, he expedited passage of various bills including the contentious Triple Talaq and the long awaited, abrogation of the article 370. Wary of losing the support of minorities, political parties dilly-dallied over these bills. By taking the bull by its horns, Modi has consolidated his leadership like no other leader. Additionally, Supreme Court’s Ayodhya verdict ending the seven-decade long stalemate has bolstered the political fortunes of BJP as an unassailable political party.

Modi’s incorruptibility, forthrightness, uncompromising attitude and his refusal to co-opt the Lutyen’s brigade turned him into an inveterate enemy of left brigade and vested groups which leeched India and crippled its progress. Like a juggernaut on roll expending his prowess and energies Modi endeavoured to resurrect India’s position as a fountainhead of invaluable civilisation and rising power. BJP began to reap political gains from Modi’s burgeoning popularity. Expanding from the confines of traditional Hindu belt, BJP became pan-India party sweeping the traditional bastions of regional and national political parties. Staring at irrelevance and oblivion parties itched for an opportunity to throw Modi-led BJP out of power.

In cahoots with vested groups, political parties made several unsuccessful attempts to create large scale public dissent to malign BJP. Congress party’s reprehensible collusion with external agencies to orchestrate protests on foreign lands is a case in point. Desperate to wrest back control with perilous disregard towards national interests, political parties waited for an opportunity to build an atmosphere of fear and paranoia in the country. CAA had thus become the fodder canon for the survival of the political parties which are far losing their political and electoral relevance. Through obfuscation, flagrant U-turns, propaganda and fear mongering they began instigating violence.  Sparing no efforts, parties connived with vested groups to drive a wedge in the social harmony of the country. Else, nothing can explain the sudden antipathy towards CAB which was recommended by various political parties and leaders cutting across the ideological spectrum. Hope the Indian electorate who are no longer taking to violence kindly can see through this insidious political game at display.

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Indian Diaspora influence the UK elections

After the Citizenship Amendment Bill, UK elections have been the much-talked affair on the social media by the Indians.  Even the recently concluded Canadian Parliamentary elections where the New Democratic Party (NDP) led by the Canadian-Indian Jagmeet Singh who emerged as King maker with 24 seats also failed to elicit as much interest as the UK elections.  Indian Diaspora in Canada accounts for 4% of the total population have fairly dominant electoral presence unlike the 1.5 million Indian origin people in UK which account for 2.3% of total UK population. Then, what made Indians watch the UK elections so keenly? All this distils down to the unwarranted interventions of the UK Labour Party in India’s domestic affairs.

On August 5th, in line with the constitutionally laid out legislative procedure Modi government having obtained consent of two-thirds of elected representatives in both the houses, revoked special status granted to the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Incensed Pakistan by India’s historic decision, it mobilised anti-India propaganda blitzkrieg through its diaspora. On August 10th Pakistani origin Muslim MPs of Labour party forwarded letters to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to “strongly condemn” India for abrogating article 370. Conservative leader MP Bob Blackman shot back at Labour party stating that India is “perfectly entitled” to implement its election manifesto and advised that UK should keep away from the domestic affairs of a third country. Acknowledging the concerns of Muslim MPs, on Aug 11th Jeremy Corbyn tweeted, “The situation in Kashmir is deeply disturbing. Human rights abuses taking place in Kashmir are unacceptable. The rights of Kashmiri people must be respected and UN resolutions implemented.”

With the tacit support of Labour party pro-Pakistani supporters under the garb of protests attacked women and children assembled at the Indian Embassy to celebrate Independence Day. India took strong objection to the protests, but Mayor Sadiq Khan and Corbyn refused to condemn the rally of over 10,000 protestors who descended on London. Emboldened by their silence, they marched again on September 7th, hurled eggs, stones on the Indian Embassy. Labour party which has been a platform for anti-India lobby, Khalistanis and Islamists didn’t express any regrets for the second attack.

It is no secret that Labour had an uneasy relationship with India especially after Modi’s ascent to power. He reluctantly called upon Modi on his visit to London in 2015. Barely a year after the Brexit, UK shadow foreign minister Emily Thornberg in her conversation with Indian Journalists Association hinted that UK will invariably, “incorporate human rights into post-Brexit trade deal” and criticised India’s plans to deport illegal Rohingyas infiltrators. Corbyn who has never hidden his dislike for India, in contravention to norms of international politics, allowed Labour party to pass an emergency motion on an internal issue of India on September 25th. The resolution called upon Corbyn to seek the entry of international observers into Kashmir to demand for the self-determination of the people.  It stated, “accept that Kashmir is a disputed territory and the people of Kashmir should be given the right of self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions”. Pandering to the interests of its dedicated vote-bank, Labour Party left no stone unturned to rake up India’s domestic affair for its narrow political gains. Labour party’s brazen politicisation has evoked the backlash of the Indian Diaspora.

With an eye on the Muslim vote bank who constitute 5% of the UK population, Corbyn took to divisive politics. Liberal Democrats and Labour Party vied for support of Muslim community. During the election campaigning both toed an anti-India line. He met Indian Overseas Congress group which had expressed its disappointment with revocation of article 370 to create fissures among Indian groups. Despite Corbyn’s politicking, displaying rare unity, over 100 Indian Diaspora demanded the retraction of Labour’s anti-India resolution. Though Indian-origin Labour leaders Keith Vaz and Virendra Sharma prevailed on the party to recall the motion, Corbyn didn’t change a word of it and alleged it was misinterpreted. Labour Party didn’t budge.

Despite the episodes of two violent protests, Pro-Pakistani groups under the banner of “Free Kashmir” planned a demonstration coinciding Diwali day. But neither the Labour party nor the mayor of London made any attempts to stop it. After strong complaints from Indian Embassy and MEA UK restricted the march after Johnson weighed in. Miffed by Labour’s obduracy, Indian groups in a joint statement termed its approval for march on Diwali as an “act of Hinduphobia and racism”.  

Indians have traditionally supported the Labour party but Corbyn’s move to placate the Pro-Pakistanis undermining the sensitivities of the Indian Diaspora is not lost on them. With elections seemingly imminent, Corbyn greeted Indians on Diwali and made hurried temple runs. But Corbyn’s anti-India stance ostensibly sprouted seeds of discontentment in Indian Diaspora. Exacerbating these rifts, Labour party even denied enough representation to the Indian candidates in the elections. Corbyn’s antipathy towards Jewish community and his regrettable arrogance to apologise for his anti-Semitic remarks generated angst among Jewish community. His unabashed appeasement, compulsive obsession to be politically right, an illusionary utopia of socialistic liberalism which offered no solutions Brexit have driven people away from the party and the self-styled “international leader”. Corbyn’s anti-Semitism, overt Hinduphobia, benign overtures towards Hamas and Hezbollah, support for the Irish Republic movement evoked questions about his integrity.

In sharp contrast, Johnson pledged to strengthen ties and trade engagement with India post-Brexit and lauded Modi’s nation building efforts. Adopting a wait and watch policy, conservatives maintained that Kashmir was a bilateral issue. Corbyn’s defiance to even alter a word in the Kashmir resolution is the final nail the coffin. Irked by his irredeemable anti-Indian stance a resilient and united Indian Diaspora voted enmasse against the party. Indian Diaspora which is known to be highly influential in their adopted country has for the first time delivered an impactful verdict driving home a message. This voting pattern should alert political outfits (intent on ganging up against India) in countries with sizeable Indian Diaspora.

2019 UK general elections, a third in four years delivered a comprehensive mandate to Conservative Party led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson who promised to get Brexit done by Jan 31st 2020. Conservatives registered their greatest victory since Margret Thatcher’s 1983 mandate winning 365 seats polling 43.6% votes way ahead of the majority mark of 326. Labour tasted its worst defeat since 1935 obtaining 203 seats. Campaigning against Brexit, Nicolas Sturgeon’s Scottish National Party lapped up 48 seats up by 13 seats. 

Fatigued by the Brexit impasse that missed three deadlines voters turned out in huge numbers and delivered decisive mandate. Conjectured as ill-prepared, disorganised politician with a mop of ruffled blonde hair, the gaffe-prone Johnson, a product of Oxford is deemed as an elitist in British political circles. Infamous for his affairs, and regarded as wunderkind, he made no secret of his desire to be Prime Minister. Pursuing career in journalism, he became an editor at the age of 35 and simultaneously forayed into politics. Defeating the Labour party in its bastion, London he became mayor in 2008 and got re-elected in 2012. As a mayor he reduced crime rate of the city, build more houses, introduced rent a bike scheme and presided over the 2012 Summer Olympics. Not good at playing a second fiddle, he failed to enthuse as foreign secretary under Prime Minister Theresa May. He unceremoniously exited after failing to rescue a British citizen jailed in Iran on her visit to the country on charges of spying.

Being an avid Brexiteer, after May failed to deliver, Johnson emerged as a favourite in the selection process that lasted for six weeks. Irresolutely committed to extricate UK from the EU even without a deal, he even prorogued the Parliament. Crippled by the absence of absolute majority to facilitate a Brexit, he finally announced elections needed to divorce EU.

Unlike Corbyn who is hostile to India, Johnson is intent on deepening ties with India. While Indo-UK took a hit due to May’s chaotic immigration policy, Priti Patel has promised to overhaul the immigration plan and introduce Australian-style point system. Johnson who brooks no complacency towards terrorism can be an effective partner in India’s counter terror cooperation. His election can be a big boost to Indo-UK bilateral relationship. In all, 15 Indian-origin Brits got elected, seven each from conservatives and Labour and one from Liberal Democratic Party the highest ever so far.

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Monday, 2 December 2019

Leaving behind the historical baggage, India and Sri Lanka begin a new chapter

Barely ten after days after Gotabaya Rajapaksa took over as the seventh executive president of Sri Lanka, he made India his port of call. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among the first leaders to congratulate Gotabaya on his victory. In his first telephonic conversation, he spoke about working together for “peace, prosperity and security of the region” and extended an invitation to visit India. Losing no time, Modi soon dispatched External Affairs Minister, Jaishankar Subramanian well versed with Indo-Sri Lanka relations to prepare ground for Gotabaya’s visit to India. This meeting turned out to be Gotabaya’s first official meeting as a President. India’s proactive approach and alacrity underscores the importance of strong Indo-Sri Lankan bilateral ties for peace and security of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Days ahead of Gotabaya’s three-day visit to India, Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Taranjit Singh signalled India’s interest to make a fresh beginning. In line with India’s intentions to deepen ties with Sri Lanka, after the ceremonial Red-carpet welcome at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Gotabaya said, “My expectations are very high and I want to, during my tenure as the President, bring relationship between India and Sri Lanka to a high level. We of course have a longstanding friendship, historically, culturally and politically. At the same time, we need to work together for the benefit of India and the people of Sri Lanka on security as well as economic development”. Gotabaya’s optimistic remarks has in one fell swoop demolished the cynicism of naysayers who keep harping about the India’s disastrous accord with Sri Lanka. His pragmatism demonstrated an inclination to offload the baggage of the past and embark on a journey of stable and reliable friendship.

The Indo-Sri Lanka accord has irrevocably damaged bilateral ties. Beijing capitalised on the rifts in the Indo-Sri Lankan relations and smartly pushed itself into Indian neighbourhood. China’s seeping penetration posed fresh challenges to India and forcing New Delhi to reconnect with the region. Unveiling the Neighbourhood first policy, Modi endeavoured to revamp India’s ties. Scripting a fresh beginning to Indo-Sri Lankan relations, Modi visited the island nation in 2015 becoming the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Sri Lanka in 28 years. Aside bolstering assistance towards the rehabilitation of the war ravaged Tamilians and inking infrastructure development projects, as token of tangible expression of friendship and support, India launched “Suva Seriya”, a prehospital care ambulance service initially for the Western and Southern provinces in August 2016. By August 2018, India expanded it to seven more provinces. Invoking cultural ties, Modi attended the Vesak Day Celebrations in 2017. Expressing solidarity to the country ripped by the serial blasts, Modi travelled to Colombo in June days after he took charge as Prime Minister for a second time.

Indo-Sri Lankan ties which took a toll under the decade long Rajapaksa regime from 2005 to 2015 showed signs of revival under leadership of Sirisena. But infighting, inept governance, political squabbling and glaring administrative lapses in national security ensured their defeat and Rajapaksas’ romped home victory in the 2019 Presidential elections. It was largely believed that with a China-leaning left regime in power in Nepal a pro-China Rajapaksas’ return in Sri Lanka is India’s worst nightmare. Aside their overt Chinese leanings, Rajapaksas having outmanoeuvred the hedging game are known for their authoritarianism. India which has kept its ears close to the ground, in the past two-years built bridges of friendship with Rajapaksas and Buddhists, the main constituents of the Sinhala wave. Cognisant of imminent collapse of the Sirisena regime under the burden of its own political inconsistencies, Modi had an informal meeting with Mahinda Rajapaksa in June.

Known to be a polarising figure, Gotabaya’s fraught nature of electoral victory singularly powered by an overwhelming Sinhala majority confirms the same. Besides the vital challenges of reviving dwindling Sri Lankan economy and national security, largely denounced by minorities, Gotabaya also faces the tough task of earning the trust of Tamil minorities. India being the second largest economy in the continent with a proven counter terrorism potential and key stake holder in rehabilitation of Sri Lankan Tamils is his best bet.

Unlike the previous Indian leaderships, Modi seems to have earned the trust of neighbours. On the eve of Gotabaya’s visit to India Sri Lankan newspaper Daily mirror editorial wrote- “Prime Minister Modi is a man of conviction and courage. He has the backing of his people. He does what he believes is best for India, whether or not the World understands or appreciates. He wouldn’t hesitate to advocate such thinking for his friends in his neighbourhood”. Beyond mere lip service, Sri Lankan strongly believes that Modi can deliver. This kind of pragmatism is not lost on Gotabaya who is a strong and decisive leader. The one hour long one-on-one discussion between the leaders, on the issues of national security and economic development attests the resolve of both leaders to build a strong relationship.

Separated by a distance of 12 nautical miles, geographically India is Sri Lanka’s closest and the only neighbour. Succinctly highlighting the significance of Indo-Sri Lankan ties, in the press meet after the bilateral dialogue, Modi said- “A stable, secure and prosperous Sri Lanka is not in India’s interest but also in the interest of entire IOR”. He stated that Sri Lanka is vital part of India’s Neighbourhood first policy and SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region) doctrine. Owing to its strategic geographical location, Sri Lanka will have an impact on the emerging contours of Indo-Pacific as well.

Prioritising relationship with Sri Lanka, Modi signalled that both countries must be aware of the sensibilities and securities of each other countries. Building upon the foundational frame work of the historical ethnic, cultural, religious, linguistic and civilizational linkages and keen on strengthening multi-faceted relationship and cooperation, India announced financial assistance to Sri Lanka. This includes a $400 million Line of Credit (LOC) towards infrastructure development, expediting the use of $100 million LOC for solar projects and a special $50 million LOC to combat terrorism. Clearly, India’s support in terms of finances aren’t close to Chinese investments, but India’s generous offer of assistance in intelligence sharing and crucial cooperation in tackling the Islamic terrorism which is finding its roots in the island nation is highly significant.

Sri Lanka which has cultivated an extensive intelligence network has been instrumental in crushing the LTTE and ending the 26-year old civil war. But radical Islamic terror is a different ball game and India’s support and assistance will help in extricating the fledging terror networks in the island. Indeed, the counter terror cooperation besides unearthing terror launch pads in the island can effectively safeguard India against Islamic terror attacks emanating from Sri Lanka.

In this context, it must be appreciated that while Sino-Sri Lankan ties rest on the pivot of economic assistance, Indo-Sri Lankan ties are more intricate and multi-dimensional. Rajapaksas who are known for their nationalistic approach understand the need for strong and stable relations with India.

Even now Tamil leaders accuse central leadership for failing in their responsibilities towards Sri Lankan Tamils. Highlighting India’s concerns towards them, Modi raked up the issue of implementation of the 13th amendment, which seeks establishment of provincial council system and devolution of power to nine provinces with Gotabaya. During the press meet, Modi announced construction of 46,000 houses with Indian assistance for the internally displaced people in the Northern and Eastern provinces and ensured early completion of 14,000 houses for Indian-origin Tamils in Sri Lanka. Another issue that plagues Indo-Sri Lankan ties has been of exploitative fishing of Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan waters. Leaders have reportedly discussed this issue in the bilateral talks and Gotabaya has pledged to release Indian boats and fisherman in Sri Lankan custody.

While analysts wish to address India’s proactive approach in engaging with Sri Lanka through the prism of China, there are many aspects to Indo-Sri Lankan besides the security aspects. Sri Lanka’s defence acquisitions and close ties with Pakistan also raises India’s hackles. In is election agenda, Gotabaya advocated a neutral foreign policy. Mindful of India’s redlines Gotabaya affirmed, “Sri Lanka will not be party to any activity that could be a security concern to India” at the Presidential Banquet. Elaborating Sri Lankan foreign policy, in his interview to Hindustan Times, he reiterated, “We genuinely want to strengthen our relationship. I have always said that we don’t want to do anything which will jeopardise the security of India or act against the concerns of India in any way”.

Sri Lanka with external debt of 66% to its GDP has currently the lowest growth rate of 2.3% in South Asia baring Pakistan. Besides the Chinese loans, indiscriminate corporate borrowing from external agencies backed by government guarantees in previous regime have intensified island’s financial woes. Curbs on lending and financial assistance from IMF and other European agencies owing to blatant human rights violations aggravated economic crisis. To overcome, this mounting debt burden, previous regime signed 99-year lease of Hambantota port with China to defray the $1.1 billion loan. But this hasn’t offered any reprieve. On the contrary, financial crisis exacerbated as tourism sector suffered a slump post Easter attacks.

To avoid massive macroeconomic instability, Gotabaya is inviting investments from India, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the US. Referring to the Hambantota lease as a threat to national security, Gotabaya announced that his government is working towards renegotiating the deal. Though strategists are ruling out any reworking on transaction of a sovereign agreement, Rajapaksas having woken up by the fallouts of the BRI have made it a campaign promise. While this doesn’t necessary mean that China will stop making forays into the island. But this opens up door for India to step in and offer assistance in reconstruction of Sri Lankan economy. To this end, India should reconsider reviewing the trade agreement and reduce the trade levies and increase mutual interdependence. A tangible economic cooperation and a balanced bilateral trade can go a long way in enhancing trust and deepening ties.

Through candid discussions Modi and Gotabaya have explored immense opportunities for fostering cooperation. Straddling along the commercial shipping lanes and strategically in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is pivotal for India’s security and the island nation must be sensitive to New Delhi’s concerns.

@ Copyrights reserved.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Spectacular roller-coastering in Maharashtra

Election results for the assembly elections of Maharashtra and Haryana had been a mixed bag for BJP. The pre-poll alliance of BJP and Shiv Sena having comfortably crossed the majority mark ensured the return of coalition of power without any hiccups. On the other hand, the party failed to obtain majority on its own in Haryana clambered for support to form government.  The 11-month old JJP led by Dushyant Chautala sprang a surprise in Haryana. With a top notch maiden political performance Chautala emerged as a surprise kingmaker. Though the stakes were high, losing no time, BJP put best foot forward and eventually tied up with JJP. BJP-JJP sealed the coalition and in less than 72 hrs Manohar Lal Khattar returned to his official duties as Chief Minister.

In sharp contrast, Sena threw a spanner into government formation and stalled the process with its tantrums of equal power sharing. Refusing to settle for anything less than a chief ministership post for 2.5 years it posed hurdles. Negotiations between the parties with three decade long political partnership failed to end the political impasse. Sena remained adamant. Reluctant to make any amends to its demands, it held the state hostage to the political stalemate despite a decisive mandate. Through its mouth piece Samna, Sena doubled its attacks on BJP. Discussions between the coalition partners failed to cut ice. As the deadline of November 8th, (end of current term) neared, Sena hardened its stance triggering speculations of constitutional crisis. On Nov 8th, Devendra Fadnavis tendered his resignation.

Throughout its poll campaign, BJP maintained that Fadnavis would be the chief minister of state for five years. Keen on installing a Sena candidate as Chief Minister, Sena remained defiant, but continued to hold closed-door talks with other parties. On Nov 9th, Governor invited Fadnavis, the leader of single largest party to initiate government formation. But the deadlock over the 50-50 power sharing couldn’t be resolved. After BJP expressed inability to form the government, governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari invited Sena leader Eknath Shinde, the second largest party. Sena expressed its willingness to form a coalition government.

Days after elections, both NCP and Congress maintained that respecting people mandate they would sit in the opposition. NCP which had yet to reveal its cards didn’t respond to Sena’s offer. Desperate to form the government Sena sought an extension for three days to submit requisite letter of support. Governor refused and invited NCP to stake claims. After all the major parties failed to form government, governor recommended imposition of President’s rule. By November 12th President’s rule ensued.

Miffed by governor’s refusal to give time, Sena took the Maharashtra to Supreme Court. It alleged NCP and Congress was ready to offer support but governor failed to give more time. Indeed, on NCP’s behest, Sena severed ties with NDA, Cabinet Minister Arvind Sawant tendered his resignation. Since November 12th, Sena held hectic parleys with NCP and Congress. Apprehensive of losing its Muslim voter base for allying with a Hindutva Sena Congress remained reluctant and avoided making any public statements. On the contrary, NCP’s Sharad Pawar made no secret of his negotiations with Sena about the power sharing. He shuttled between Mumbai and New Delhi.  Formation of coalition gained pace after Sonia Gandhi gave a go ahead for alliance with Sena on Wednesday.

True to his reputation of being a wily politician amidst this political high drama in Maharashtra, fuelling speculations of a plausible ties up with BJP, NCP supremo Sharad Pawar held a meeting with Prime Minister Modi for 40 minutes. After the meeting, he dismissed rumours of tie up and termed it a routine affair to address farmers distress.  Back in Mumbai, the “troika” Sena-NCP-Congress arrived at a ministerial berth sharing formula of 15-15-12. Though parties had severe disagreements over plum positions of Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and Speaker, the new coalition, Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi as per media reports inched towards staking government formation.  Notwithstanding the visible fissures, by Friday night the coalition named Uddhav Thackeray as its chief minister and declared that new government will take oath on Monday (Nov 25th).

Come Saturday morning, the nation wakes up to the the news of Devendra Fadanavis having sworn in as Chief Minister of Maharashtra for a second time with Ajit Pawar as deputy chief minister. The unprecedented turn of events left the country flabbergasted. Akin to a midnight political coup, a series of events from 8pm on Friday to 8am on Saturday changed the political contours of the state.

As per media reports, Ajit Pawar, nephew of Sharad Pawar, submitted letter of support signed by MLAs to governor by 8pm. By 10 pm governor apprised the President of the turn of events. At 12 midnight, Ajit Pawar along with few MLAs met the governor extending support to BJP. Fadanavis met the governor at 2 am to stake claim for government. By 5:47 am, governor revoked Presidents rule. Around 8 pm Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar accompanied by their families officially took oath. Ascertaining the events, Prime Modi tweets congratulatory message to Fadnavis and extends best wishes to him. BJP and NCP with 105 and 54 seats was tasked to prove majority was tasked to prove majority on November 30th.  The numbers are definitely stacked in favour of new government, and well poised to offer stable government provided the alliance successfully passes the AgniPariskha of floor test.

Outwitted and outflanked by swift moves of BJP, NCP and Sena questioned the legality of whole process and alleged high-handedness of BJP in influencing the constitutional offices for their political interests. Stumped by Ajit’s political manoeuvring, Sharad Pawar and Uddhav Thackeray held press conference. Elder Pawar feigned ignorance and claimed Ajit had deceitfully obtained the letter signed by NCP MLAs. He vowed to take action against Ajit after taking the consensus of the party members. But Pawar’s rather soft approach towards Ajit raised doubts of being the unseen hand behind these sudden twists and turns. Uddhav stated BJP committed a sin by going to governor at midnight and swearing in as Chief minister without any official notice. Congress party’s absence raised doubts about cohesion of newly formed coalition. But soon Ahmed Patel accompanied by Mallikarjun Kharge accused BJP of the political coup and threw weight behind the coalition.

By 3pm Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad rebutted the false claims of the trio (Sena, NCP and Congress) who gloated about the murder of democracy. Defending governor’s actions, as legitimate, he clarified that Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar are leaders of legislature of their respective parties are entitled to submit letters. He exuded confidence about BJP-NCP led by Ajit Pawar winning the floor test and claimed BJP has “warded off a conspiracy to capture financial capital of India through back door”. Riled by Sena’s unabated tirade, he demanded answers for its 360-degree U-turn and wanted to know the trigger. While political analysts have been situationally referring to turn of events as black day for Indian democracy. These criticisms appear far-fetched as they were officially sworn in after producing the requisite letter of support from MLAs. 

Since the announcement of elections results, Sena insisted that it should get equal share of pie, it is time for real soul searching for the Maharashtrian party. BJP with a strike rate of 70% and nearly twice the number of seats played a dominant role in winning the larger mandate. Sena piggy backed BJP and won 56 seats riding on the popularity of Fadnavis government. The mandate is an endorsement for his good governance in the state and central leadership of Modi. Instead of doing the reality check, overpowered by greed, Sena locked horns with BJP. Dumping the three-decade long association, Sena brought the state, which is vital for powering Indian economy to political deadlock. Undermining the national interests, the Sena hell bent on clinching power despite the mandate staked its ideology and joined hands with parties strongly denounced by the founding father Bala Saheb Thackeray. How much ever the parties would like cast aspersions of BJP of being power hungry, it is undeniable that the Maharashtra political crisis has an offshoot of Sena’s political greed.

Undermining the peoples mandate, Sena ditched the pre-poll alliance and rallied with parties which it badmouthed and campaigned against in the elections. While two wrongs can’t make it right, this deception have opened flood gates for political opportunism. Smaller parties are extracting their pound of flesh through hard bargaining to pledge their support. This has forced BJP to enter into alliance with a party with which it has nothing in common. NCP, which tacitly approved the saffron terror theory is know to have close links with accused of Bombay blasts. Needless to say, betrayal of political mandate has serious repercussions for both BJP and Sena which are largely deemed as Hindutva parties by vast majority. By undermining the pre-poll alliance, Sena has breached trust. People will no longer consider any political alliance a serious contender.

A series of unstable coalition governments for two decades at the centre disincentivised people against delivering a fractured mandate. The stunning mandate for the Modi government for the second time indicates that people are wary of coalition or Khicidi sarkars. They now understand the implications of an indecisive mandate. Soon people might replicate this trend in state elections. The massive political activity, hectic dramas, hood winking, poaching, horse trading and defections which are unfolding in the aftermath of assembly elections is making them weary of the democratic elections. With political opportunism becoming the buzz word people might consider voting enmasse to a decisive leader. While this can be a welcome development, smaller parties with low finances might sooner or later fade away in this biggest huddle for power.

Given the out-of-thinking of some outfits and the mastery in circumventing the gaps in the constitution it is time, government seriously considers plugging these lacunae. Having frittered huge political mandate, parties are vaingloriously stitching unnatural alliances. They disrespected and dishonoured electoral verdict.

Maharashtra is now witnessing a gruelling political turmoil faced by Karnataka last year. Instead of submitting letters of support, pre-requisite for government formation, Sena, NCP and Congress are herding their MLAs into resorts to prevent poaching and horse trading. While all the constitutional legalities are followed in Maharashtra, the trio has appealed for Supreme Court intervention alleging conspiracy. Just like the midnight judgement in case of Karnataka, SC will open on a Sunday to hear the petition at 11:30 am. NCP in the meanwhile, removed Ajit Pawar as NCP legislature party leader and replaced him with Jayant Patil invalidating his letter of support. Despite these perfunctory actions, analysts largely assert, Ajit Pawar wouldn’t have joined hands with BJP without tacit approval from Senior Pawar. They don’t rule out a lastminute flip-flop.

Finally, if the judiciary had to take final call on the political mandate, why should the government take pains in conducting the huge electoral process involving massive investment and mobilisation of state machinery? Lot is at stake for political parties. But with every political coup of sorts parties are slowly losing their credibility and morality is the biggest casualty.

@ Copyrights reserved.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

India sets the tone for recalibration with Sri Lanka’s new regime

Sri Lanka grappling with national security issues and economic crisis has elected Gotabaya Rajapaksa brother of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa as the seventh executive President. In the polls held on November 16th Gotabaya of Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) a nationalist party defeated his nearest rival Sajith Premadasa, son of former President Ranasinghe Premadasa of National Democratic Front (NDF). Sajith who is the candidate of the United National Party received support from the war-affected Sri Lanka Tamil (SLT) community and Tamil National Alliance. Scoring 52.25% of the votes, Gotabaya emerged as clear winner defeating Sajith by a margin of 13 lakh votes. Gotabaya hailing from the family of Rajapaksas and Sajith who served as Housing Minister in the Ranil Wickremesinghe’s government have deeply entrenched roots in Sri Lanka’s political system.

Despite reports of violent incidents largely surmised as attempts to prevent Muslims from reaching the polling stations, elections were by and large peaceful. Monitored by officials from several countries, the newly constituted Election Commission ensured a record voter turnout of 80%. Among the 35 candidates in fray, the contest revolved around the three candidates- Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake (Janata Vimukthi Peramuna, a leftist party). Sri Lanka which has the reputation of having the first Prime Minister and a President had a lone woman in contesting in Presidential polls.

Gotabaya, aged 70, a retired military officer and former defence secretary has been the force behind defeating the LTTE in 2009 ending the 26-year long civil war in the island. Nicknamed as “Terminator”. Gotabaya which joined the Army in 1971 studied defence courses in Pakistan and India. He has vast combat experience and played a pivotal role in raising 1st Sinhala Gajaba Battalion. He quit Army in 1991, moved to the US to work as systems manager and believed to have obtained American citizenship. He returned to Sri Lanka in 2005 to help his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa in campaigning. After Mahinda became President, Gotabaya took charge as Defence Secretary and crushed the Eelam movement. Unlike Sajith Premadasa who is touted to have a clean image, Gotabaya is a man of controversies. He wears twin hats of being a “war hero” and “war criminal”. Towards the end of Sri Lanka’s war with the LTTE, he doubled up attacks on schools, refugee camps and hospitals. Most of these murders were unreported. Tamils in the island term it as genocide. He is accused of indiscriminate killings, torture and political assassinations and his actions are under scrutiny for blatant human rights violations. In 2015 Sirisena government signed a UNHRC (UN Human Rights Council) resolution agreeing to comply with UN regulations. In press interaction, Gotabaya explicitly indicated that he will not honour the commitment made to UNHRC by the previous government. After Gotabaya announced his candidature for Presidential polls, several political parties alleged that he held dual citizenship. Just last month, Supreme court cleared him of all charges.

Infamous for the war crimes, Rajapaksa have invariably pushed the island nation into Chinese orbit. Facing international isolations for excess use of force and human rights violations, to revive the war-torn nation, Rajapaksas opened flood gates for Chinese investments in the island. Straddling the most important commercial trade routes, China grabbed this opportunity with both the hands China invested heavily in island’s infrastructure and the strategically important Hambantota port. Chinese investments between 2009 and 2014 surged by 60%. Expanding its foot hold in Sri Lanka, China made forays into the strategically important Indian Ocean Region (IOR), India’s back yard. For the first time in 2014, Chinese sub docked at Colombo port demonstrating deepening of Sino-Sri Lankan relations. By 2015, the hidden costs and the mercantilist practices of the Dragon began to take a huge toll on Sri Lankan economy plunging it into an abyss of debt trap. Civil war and government’s excesses deepened fissures in Sri Lankan society under Mahinda. Minorities began to fear the regime Gotabaya.  Besides, anti-Chinese sentiment and heavy handedness of Mahinda Rajapaksa paved for his ouster in Presidential elections.

The dual leadership of President Sirisena and Wickremasinghe who took up the governance in 2015 failed to win the confidence of people with their governance. They hardly made any efforts to revive the economy which is in tail spin. Country reeled under high debt; lack of employment opportunities further aggravated the financial woes. Having failed to repay the debt and renegotiate the deal, the duo officially leased out Hambantota port to China for 99 years. While blaming the Rajapaksas for the mountains of debt, they went ahead with new Chinese projects on Colombo port construction, land reclamation and even borrowed $100 million for the infrastructure projects. Constant tussle for one-upmanship, internal squabbles, petty quarrels further exposed the cracks within the government. Sirisena government’s poor performance furthered the return of Rajapaksas with a bang. They swept the local elections of February 2018.

By November, 2018 the political bickering between Sirisena and Wickremesinghe snow-balled into a constitutional coup exposing the fault lines in the government. Supreme Court intervened to end nearly two-months of political impasse. The constitutional coup which gutted Sirisena’s political fortunes, it marked the revival of Mahinda’s fortune who made attempts to grab the power by extraconstitutional means. As per Sri Lanka having served two serves, while Mahinda is ineligible for Presidentship. He eyed for a Prime Ministerial position. Marred by political instability, Sinhalese favoured the return of Rajapaksas. Further, the inability of Sirisena government to act with alacrity despite continued intelligence inputs about the Easter blasts riled the people. The serial blasts in April claimed over 260 lives which included foreign nationals. The fears of national security returned to the island. The cornerstone of tourism witnessed a huge slump after the Easter attacks. A dip in tourism took a toll on economy, jobs evaporated and it reeled under recession. Government’s ineptness on many fronts fuelled anti-incumbency. This factor worked in favour of Gotabaya. Given the precarious state of national security, Gotabaya with proven credentials to tackle security emerged as a preferred choice for a vast majority.

Sinhalese who constitute 74% of the island population rallied behind Rajapaksa whose support base became much consolidated after the Easter Bomb attacks while Premadasa and Dissanayake competed for the support of the minorities and other sections. Making no secret of his vote bank who catapulted him to the echelons of power, he thanked the Sinhala majority after the elections. In his acceptance speech after official announcement of results he said “I am the President of not only those who voted for me but also those who voted against me and irrespective of which race or religion they belong to. I am deeply committed to serve all the people of Sri Lanka”. His opening remarks indicates that the island is still pregnant with the religious and ethnic rivalries. This task ahead is to bring about a cohesion among various sections.

Allaying fears of minorities, Gotabaya promised to work for all. He reiterated his neutral foreign policy, “We will remain neutral in our foreign relations, and stay out of conflict of World powers”. He offered to provide a corruption-free, technocratic, authoritarian style governance based on meritocracy led by professionals rather than politicians. Essentially indicating his intentions of not frittering away progress made in reviving ties with India. In the last four years, India made forays into islands inking deals with Sri Lanka in collaboration with Japan for port development. Modi’s official visits resonated well with the Sinhala majority and the Tamilian minority in the Northern part of the island. Invoking cultural ties and developing good rapport with the Tamilian minority, India infused new trust and dynamism in Indo-Sri Lankan ties. Modi and Mohammed Solih were among the first leaders who congratulated Gotabaya on his victory. Modi telephoned Gotabaya and “expressed confidence that the fraternal, cultural, historical and civilizational ties between India and Sri Lanka will be further strengthened”. He extended Gotabaya invitation to visit India. Barring Pakistan leaders of all countries in India’s neighbourhood make India their first foreign port-of-call. Gotabaya having accepted Modi’s invitation will visit India.

Immediately after his electoral loss Mahinda Rajapaksa accused India of intervening it is elections in 2015. But soon he made attempts to normalise relations with India. In one of his private visits, Mahinda with his brother Gotabaya have reportedly met Prime Minister Modi and proposed to revive the “troika- approach”. In 2008 India proposed that Sri Lanka should choose three individuals close to the leadership and India would identify three equals and the three individuals on either side would interact to create a rapport, iron out differences, avoid miscommunications and further active dialogue. Incidentally, this approach helped in eliminating terror. Sri Lankan team included Basil Rajapaksa, Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Lalith Weeratunga. These interactions yielded great results and the results were visible. But after May 2009 these interactions became fewer and eventually stopped. This kind of out-of-box kind of initiatives can once again be relaunched to resurrect Indo-Sri Lankan ties.

Unlike Maldives, while Sri Lanka may not embrace “India First Policy” and would continue to maintain strong links with China. As of now, India’s trade exceeds China and New Delhi must make every attempt to rev up ties with Sri Lanka which is geostrategically important for India’s security interests. Gotabaya in his speech hinted at Mahinda’s entry into political fray. It now emerges that Mahinda had already indicated to Modi in his previous meeting that if Gotabaya were elected as President, he would drive the nation from Prime Minister’s seat.

Coincidentally, UNP’s parliamentary group has agreed on a proposal to dissolve the elections provided general elections are held after February 2020. Given the internal political rivalries Wickremasinghe’s UNP who lost his political mileage in the last year political showdown will find it extremely difficult to win the elections scheduled for August 2020. Rajapaksas led SLPP will win the general elections hands down. Firmly positioned in the driver’s seat Rajapaksas will be in absolute control of the island country. With China leaning leftist regime in Nepal and pro-China Rajapaksas in Sri Lanka, India has to carefully charter its path with immediate neighbours. With Rajapaksas at the helm, the US is also keenly watching the island which is pivotal for “Free, open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” doctrine advocated by the Quad.

Gotabaya tasked with economic revival and securing national interests may not risk crossing Indian redlines of undermining its strategic interests which includes Chinese military presence in IOR. Being decisive leaders, Modi and Gotabaya understand the importance of the longstanding ties between both countries which share religious, cultural and civilizational ties. Even now the vast majority of Tamilians in the Northern province will look towards India. These are the only regions which didn’t vote for Gotabaya. Earning their trust and confidence will be essential for smooth functioning of island nation. So, all it not lost. It is time India recalibrates its Neighbourhood First Policy to ensure peace, security, deepening of ties in its sphere of influence.

@ Copyrights reserved.

Monday, 18 November 2019

Sunanda’s Testimony: A Moment of Truth

Truth has an uncanny way of coming out. In this case, the conduit has been Sunanda who displayed extraordinary courage to voice out the Kashmiri side of story at the Human rights commission. The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated finally found first ever sympathetic hearing. Sunanda’s testimony at the Tom Lantos commission is first ever occasion when the World got to hear about the exodus of the Kashmiris from their homeland. The heart rendering tales would leave anyone numb. I had the opportunity to learn about the spate of the Kashmiri Hindus through Sunanda’s speech at the Indian Embassy which became viral. If not for her initiative, the World would still be unaware of gruesome personal tragedies endured by Kashmiri Hindus.

For many reasons, this event can be termed as a watershed moment. In the World dominated by powerful lobbies, the lopsided human rights commissions for decades conveniently whitewashed the enormity of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the valley. Lending credence to the litany of lies, the Indian leftist cabal used their heft to turn the tide against India. While the terror operatives continued to have a free run, the tribunals dominated by vested interests continued to reprimand India for use of force. The hapless Kashmiri Hindus who faced the brutality of state sponsored terrorism were forced to leave their homeland. Their plight is an instance of monumental shame. Let down by neighbors and friends they moved on picking up broken pieces in life.

Interestingly, in what can be called text book case of apathy, Supreme Court refused to even investigate the mass murder of the Kashmiri Hindus. On the contrary, SC ruled on the plea stalling the deportation of illegal Rohingya Muslims migrants considered as a national security threat filed by the cabal.  Ironically, the self-proclaimed saviors of human rights in India didn’t deem it fit to harp on the mass eviction of the minority Hindu community from the valley.  The elitist candle-light brigade, whose heart melt at the sight of any injustice to minority deemed it unfit for their stature to even harp at the exodus of the minority Hindu community in the valley.  By denying the Hindus justice, a nation of over 1.25 billion seized by a slanted narrative collectively failed them.

Instead of seeking retribution through violence like innocent son a headmaster, over the past three decades, Kashmiri Hindus moved to far off places in search of better livelihoods. While a section continues to live as refugees in their country waiting for resettlement. Exemplifying resilience and core civilizational values, on the behalf of Kashmiri Hindus, Sunanda rightfully earned her place in the panel dominated by the pro-Islamist lobby. She called the bluff of the radical Islamic terror and vociferously put forth Indian concerns.

Instead of offering a healing touch to the Kashmiri Hindus who finally had an audience, the “fifth column” of India continues to question the intentions of the witness. Such is the vise-like grip of orchestrated narrative that a former CJI in response to Sunanda’s testimony questioned her intentions for failing to dwell on atrocities faced by Kashmiri Muslims. Expressing concerns over the attempts of Pakistan terrorists obstructing the restoration of normalcy to the valley, in her remarks she spoke about the killing of traders who opened shops to earn their livelihood. Indeed, she even mentioned about the Chattisingpura Sikh massacre. Making no secret of their allegiance to the Islamists, the Fifth column in India infamous for their expertise in peddling lies for decades, denied religion-based persecution. But the moment of truth has arrived. Scale and depth of Pakistan sponsored terrorism can longer be brushed under carpet.

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  Moving ahead, Government must commission investigation team to probe the mass murders and chronicle the stories of the massacre to serve as a constant remainder to the younger generations. It must endeavor to bring perpetrators to justice and seriously evolve a plan to resettle the displaced Kashmiri Hindus, renounce appeasement and rusticates ideologically biased academia to lay foundation for a rational thinking society. It is time to blow the mask off the “liberal voices” who continue to instigate a psychological war in India and dismiss prejudices and historical atrocities against Hindus. The immediate task at hand is to create awareness about history to inculcate self-respect. Creating and restoring pride in the civilizational roots will go a long way in healing the wounded community. Abrogation of article 370 has been a huge first step in bringing peace and development to Kashmir. Sunanda’s bold move to speak about massacre of Hindus is thus a defining moment in creating a new awakening among Hindus. She made her voice heard to the people in the ivory towers. Hopefully, in future hearings on Kashmir issue, the commissions would ensure reserve a place for the real stakeholders of Kashmir.

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Tuesday, 12 November 2019

India’s Kartarpur Conundrum

Right from the day one Pakistan’s overt enthusiasm to resurrect India’s long pending plea of providing access to Darbar Sahib Gurudwara in Kartarpur had treachery, deceit and lies written all over it. Kartarpur barely 4 km from Indian border in the Narowal District, of Pakistan’s Punjab Province has the abode of Guru Nanak Dev who spent last 18 years of his life. Kartarpur stands as a towering example of blunders of partition where a randomly drawn Radcliff line denied millions of Sikhs an access to their sacred place. Barely a stone-throw away from the Indian border, Sikhs till now were contended by the mere glance of the Darbar Sahib through a high-powered telescope from the Indian side.  

In 1999 Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his Lahore bus ride requested Pakistan to provide access to Kartarpur. Last year, the selected Prime Minister Imran Khan, during his swearing in ceremony communicated Pakistan’s plans of working on India’s long pending plea through its catspaw Navjot Singh Sidhu who attended the event. Foisting it as a good will gesture at the behest of his ISI masters, Khan has successfully pushed this agenda. Losing no time, aman ki asha brigade and the Western media loaded with pro-Pakistani lobbyists pushed Pakistani agenda as a religious diplomacy with a potential to bring about peace and harmony between two countries.

Commemorating 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, the following year, Indian government mindful of Pakistan’s nefarious tactics approved the construction of Kartarpur corridor.  Modi government even dispatched Union Ministers to participate in the foundation stone laying ceremony. Shadowing presence of the Army General Qamar Bajwa and Khalistan rebel Gopal Singh Chawla at the foundation stone ceremony at Kartarpur confirmed India’s doubts of revival ISI’s diabolical agenda of Kashmir and Khalistan (K2). Veiling, precocious crafty mechanisations in the background, Khan overtly used this occasion to burnish Pakistan’s international credentials as a peace maker in South Asia.

Known for its characteristic subterfuge, determined to draw mileage from the Kartarpur corridor, allaying Indian fears Pakistan made tall proclamations of keeping the pro-Khalistani groups at bay. Under the ruse of orchestrated religious diplomacy, Pakistan anticipated to open a channel of communication with India and initiate peace talks. On the contrary, Indo-Pakistan relations have touched rock bottom with countries coming close to a fourth war in the wake of Pulwama attacks and Balakot retaliation. As matters worsened countries even closed air space and halted the LoC trade. Abrogation of article 370 in August was the final nail in coffin. Khan openly declared himself as Kashmiri ambassador and kicked Pakistani international media blitzkrieg. Needless to say, Pakistan’s brazen anti-Indian agenda became more obvious.

Notwithstanding the burden on the economy, Pakistan timed the corridor in the context of Canadian elections and US-based Sikh for Justice (SFJ)’s sham Referendum 2020. Indeed, weeks ahead of the final agreement on the operationalisation of the Kartarpur corridor, Pakistan was caught air dropping cache of arms, fake currency and ammunition using Chinese drones in the bordering districts of Punjab. Indian agencies busted terror module Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) working at the instructions of deep state to create unrest through series of strikes in Punjab and adjoining regions. Having failed to unleash terror in Kashmir, which is turned into a fortress in the aftermath of article 370 revocation, ISI opened the Punjab frontier. Amidst the provocations and censure from analysts of “political expediency” having given word, Indian leadership didn’t back out.

On October 24th after several three rounds of tough negotiations, India and Pakistan signed the final agreement for operationalisation of Kartarpur corridor at the Zero point along the international border. Across the world, Gurudwaras are known to provide free access and food for pilgrims. Much against the true spirit of the religion, Pakistan obstinately stuck to point to charging $20 from every Indian Sikh pilgrim for single trip. Charade of Pakistan’s touted religious diplomacy was exposed once again after it refused to do away with the service fee. Barely less than a week before opening of the corridor which connects Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab to Darbar Shahib, Indian intelligence agencies received reports of anti-India terror agencies moving to areas close to Kartarpur.

The erosion of Pakistan’s illusionary good will hit a new low after Pakistan’s official video commemorating the opening of the corridor carried the images of the slain Khalistani trio-Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Amrik Singh Khalsa and Maj Gen Shabej Singh killed in the Operation Blue Star at the Golden Temple in 1984. Blatantly projecting its intentions, Pakistan made no secret of its agenda of reigniting the Khalistan movement under the façade of the respecting the religious sentiments of Sikhs. Unsurprisingly, it has even created confusion regarding the modalities by unilaterally making amends in the operational details. Undermining the bilateral agreement, Pakistan failed to clear and confirm the first list of the travellers four days of the travel as agreed. It didn’t share even the details of the security and medical facilities. Compounding this confusion, to gain brownie points, Imran Khan tweeted that Kartarpur pilgrims can travel with any valid ID and exempted the service fee for travellers on the opening day and Guru Purb. But the office of ISPR quickly overturned Khan’s grandiose declarations. Conflicting messaging by Pakistan’s civil and military officials and inconsistencies fuelled more suspicions. Military officials insisted on entry with passports as it planned to create a database of pilgrims.

Cognizant of strategic vulnerabilities, on November 9th Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the Kartarpur corridor on the Indian side and flagged off first jatha of over 500 people. An overwhelmed SGPC (Shirmani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee) conferred Qaumi Seva award on Modi for the audacious decision replete of risks. Modi thanked Imran Khan Niazi (apparent dig) for respecting the religious sentiments. Pakistan offered to provide access to Kartarpur corridor even during Congress regime. But it didn’t respond.

Pakistan’s penchant for instigating Sikhs is evident from the signboard within the Gurudwara claiming that Indian Air Force targeted the Darbar Sahib during the 1971 war. Ignoring the provocations, Modi government pursued the corridor to offer a healing to Sikhs. Sikhs have been at the receiving end. They bore the brunt of inhuman brutality during the bloody partition paying with their lives and the events of 1984 have sowed the seeds of dissension and mistrust. Having survived a near genocide offering a closure to 1984 and providing access to places of religious significance could restore some faith in Sikhs who stood up for Hindus and persecuted Kashmiris towards India. For decades, Pakistan has been exploiting India’s fault lines to foster its anti-India agenda to the hilt. With this historic initiative fraught with challenges, Indian leadership walked an extra mile to reach out to the Sikh community. Given the religious and spiritual salience of this pilgrimage, this iconic day will now become immensely important for the Sikh community as well.

Pakistan anticipated a spectacular media coverage and an overwhelming gush of opeds adorning the international media from the sympathetic western media for its beguiling peace initiative. Khan’s high hopes of hogging headlines dashed as Supreme Court of India pronounced historic judgement on Ayodhya temple just hours ahead of the Kartarpur corridor and the attention of media shifted to the most happening place, New Delhi.

Pakistan’s religious diplomacy is a pernicious plot replete of security threats with an indubitable promise of reviving Khalistan movement. But having committed itself, India has no two ways except tightening vigil and adopting extreme caution.

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Thursday, 7 November 2019

No trade-off with core interests: India pulls out of RCEP

Ending the impasse over RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) at the 3rd RCEP summit, Thailand, Prime Minister Modi pulled India out of the trade deal which includes 16 countries, accounts for 35% of the global trade and half global population. He announced, “Our farmers, traders, professionals and industries have stakes in such decisions. Equally important are workers and consumers, who make India a huge market and the biggest economy in terms of purchasing power parity. When I measure the RCEP agreement with respect to the interests of all Indians, I do not get a positive answer. Therefore, neither the talisman of Gandhiji nor my own conscience permit me to join RCEP”.

Initiated in 2012, the multilateral trading bloc, RCEP includes 10 ASEAN members- Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and its FTA (Free Trade Agreement) partners- China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India. India which was part of the trade negotiations since its inception decided to pull out after 29th round of talks. The group comprising of Asian Tiger economies with a proven record as robust market economies fervently batted for a trading block that could augur their trade interests. After India’s slow growth in the last quarter and lower growth projections by financial agencies, analysts argued, RCEP can open up new avenues for investments and trade providing much needed impetus for the Indian economy. By opting out of RCEP, they contended India missed becoming part of sophisticated global export chain and investment opportunities.

Interestingly, unlike other RCEP countries, India has fledging manufacturing ecosystem with service sector fuelling India’s growth. Of the 15 RCEP countries, India has trade deficit with 11 countries which account for $105 billion of which China alone accounts for $53 billion. China a manufacturing bulwark evolved into an economic superpower is currently steering the RCEP negotiations. Apparently aware of India’s hesitation to join the RCEP which can hardly cater to India’s interests, President Xi at Mahabalipuram informal summit pledged to address India’s concerns. But nothing changed on board.

China’s mercantilist policies and its denial to allow reciprocal access to its markets despite spiralling trade deficits over the years turned India into a dumping yard for cheap products. After a decade of requests, at the height of the trade tariff war with China, Beijing relented to provide market access to India’s non-Basmati rice last year. Access protocols for tobacco leaves and chillies concluded just recently. India which lacks competitive manufacturing ecosystem has abysmal record of trade exports with various FTA partners. Indeed, industries and manufacturing sector which accounts for 31% of its GDP is a distant second with service sector contributing as much as 54% of GDP. Services form the huge chunk of India’s trade and is the key driver of India’s economy. They account for 38.4% of India’s total exports. Services is the only sector where India has trade surplus. Even IMF recently suggested that services trade could fuel India’s trade engine. Interests of skilled workers employed by service sector will be undermined if access to services trade is hampered.

Ever since India signed goods FTA in 2009 with ASEAN countries there has been a significant rise in ASEAN imports to India while Indian exports hardly registered any increase. Upon India’s persistence, ASEAN agreed to sign services and investment FTA in September 2014 but Indonesia and Cambodia didn’t ratify the agreement on the pretext of Indian professionals flooding their markets. Similarly, even China continues to fiercely resist market access to India’s services sector, engineering and pharmaceuticals. Currently, India’s trade deficit in goods and services has increased to $103.63 billion from $84.45 billion despite India’s positive surge in exports.

Among the major reasons for India’s withdrawal from RCEP has been lack of assurances on market access, non-tariff barriers and threat of China flooding Indian markets. Auto-trigger mechanisms to protect countries from surge in imports are not clearly defined. Secondly, RCEP set 2014 as the base year import duties as against 2019 when India increased import duties on several goods to protect its domestic manufacturing. The losses accrued from such a scenario would inflict severe losses to Indian trade and counterintuitively impact India’s “Make in India” initiative. Further stringent rules to track the origin of the goods isn’t worked out. So effectively China can re-route its products from other RCEP countries and continue to inundate Indian markets. Above all, RCEP failed to offer a better deal for India’s mainstay- services sector through better mobility of professionals.

Another area of major concern has been agriculture and dairy. With RCEP in place dairy products from New Zealand will penetrate Indian markets throwing the livelihoods of millions of Indian marginal farmers out of gear. This will potentially exacerbate the rural distress. With the threat of cheap imported products inundating Indian markets looming large, domestic manufacturers and farmers opposed RCEP. Unlike in the past when Indian leadership caved into pressure from global powers, India reiterated that RCEP in the present form failed to “reflect the basic spirit and the agreed guiding principles” and pulled out. Previous lopsided FTAs have entailed burgeoning trade deficits. But a defiant India now refused to succumb to Beijing’s indifference.

Had China addressed India’s trade concerns and market access India must have felt confident. But China’s blatant disregard to India’s core concerns stoked India’s worst fears about benefits of RCEP. Facing an economic slowdown and uphill US trade war, China is eyeing Indian market to mitigate its losses. Now, irked by India’s withdrawal China’s state media started floating theories of India making last minute demands. ASEAN countries who earlier had a balanced trade with China are currently reeling under huge trade deficits. But because of its intricate supply chain links and other geopolitical compulsions with China, ASEAN is enthusiastically pushing for RCEP anticipating better trade and investment opportunities.

After its decision on RCEP, India affirmed that it is open for business and sought to have bilateral trade agreement with trading partners. Close on heels, India is on the brink of signing FTA with Mauritius to gain access to Africa where China has massive foothold. India is intent on expediting stalled trade agreements with Australia and the EU. While parallels are drawn between India and the US for pulling out of trade deals, RCEP and TPP respectively. Analysts, allude that both will stand to lose their significances after severing ties with multilateral trade agreements. Being second largest economy in Asia on PPP basis, RCEP countries desire India to be on board. Despite the RCEP, ASEAN will continue to look towards India as a counter balance to hegemonic China in the region,

While economic rationale guided India’s decision experts believe that this will have major geopolitical consequences. RCEP’s success will position China as a winner. By consequence Beijing is expected to have significant sway in the region. As of now, other 15 RCEP countries decided to go ahead without India. However, doors aren’t permanently closed for India. India being a large market will always be a lucrative trade and investment destination. RCEP’s bottom lines will push India towards making its markets more competitive.

By staying away from RCEP, India refused to compromise with its core business interests. India’s audacious move exemplifies its reluctance to be a “junior player in economy and trade”. Earlier India rejected China’s BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) over the concerns of territorial sovereignty. Now India rebuffed trade deal that ignored India’s vital trade interests. India’s bold decision must certainly ring bells in China.

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