Monday, 15 October 2018

Book Review: Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD)

Our academic books and education curriculum are dominated by slanted narratives. Distorted analysis of the Islamic and Marxist historians, jealously propagated and upheld the British bureaucracy is foisted on Indian academia. Indians instead of rewriting the perverse history and questioning the intents of such negative propaganda have regretfully accepted the disdainful accounts of the colonists. Indigenous sources, reading from the Sanskrit inscriptions and explanatory commentary were conveniently omitted. While victories of the Muslim invaders were elaborately described and hailed, Hindu heroism hardly received any mention.   
Like a lie told thousand times becomes truth, over decades, the contorted versions of the Indian history became pansophic. Indians were denied the privilege of knowing real facts. This 75-page book, "Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders" by Sitaram Goel,  is based on the works of Dr Ram Gopal Misra, offers a little-known perspective about the Indian rulers who resisted the attacks of Arab invaders. Goel is known for his phenomenal contributions in unraveling the white-washed facts about Indian history. His writings which have consistently brought out the inconvenient truth buried for ages have contributed towards resurrection of Hindu identity. 

Arab invaders inspired by the clarion call of Prophet Mohammed, after his death formed Muslim armies and began conquests. Religiously following the dictums laid out in Quran “Fight and slay the pagans where ever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem till they repeat and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity”, Arabs after the death of Prophet in 632 AD, occupied the Byzantine provinces, Palestine, Syria.  Subsequently, they occupied the Sassanid empire of Persia which includes Iran, Iraq and Khorasan. In the next decade, Arab have almost annexed regions till to the boundaries of India. By early 7th century Arabs conquered regions of North Africa and even entered Spain. Post annexation all these territories were rapidly Islamised and Arabicized. Arabs even barged into Central Asia but could inflict a minor damage to Indian border only after 69 years of relentless efforts. 

For that matter while Hindu rulers are accused of incompetence, lack of coordination and disunity, it took 570 years for the Muslim invaders to establish their regime in India. The heroic resistance of Hindu rulers was grossly discredited by successive crop of historians who strived hard to portray an insidious picture of Hindu Kings. As a result, educated Hindu elite is forced to believe that unless, "(i) he honours the heroes who plundered, pillaged and enslaved India (ii) respects Islam as a true-religion (iii) pays homage to ideologues of Islamists (iv) works tirelessly to embrace Islamists who are determined to annihilate the native culture of the land and (v) prepared to make any sacrifice to avoid blood-shed, he is not considered a true upholder of Hindu religion and faith". Hindus trapped by this kind of carefully crafted symptomatic narrative continue to woefully deride the unparalleled heroism, sacrifice, valour, patriotism of Hindu Kings. Hence, the tales of courage, commitment, coordination of Hindu rulers now needs an unbiased study. 
Magnanimity of Hindu rulers’ was misconstrued as incompetence and weakness while the perfidy of Muslim invaders began synonymous to aggression and valour. Muslim imperialism which subscribed to “war is perfidy” practised by Prophet know as Siyasat-i-Madinah and sanctified as his Sunnah is glorified. Emulating this very ideology, Arab invaders, mercilessly plundered India, desecrated temples, vandalised idols and bulldozed religious institutions. This inhuman brutality is in sharp contrast to humane dictums of Hindu Shastras which says “A battle was ideally a gigantic tournament with many rules, a warrior fighting from a chariot might not strike one on foot, an enemy in flight ,wounded or asking a quarter might not be slain the lives of enemy soldiers who had lost their weapons were to be respected, poisoned weapons were not be used, homage and not annexation was the rightful fruit of victory”.

The book argues that lack of aggression, forward policy, poor military organisation and abysmal failure in keeping pace with latest military strategies as principal reasons for defeat of Hindu rulers at the hands of the Muslim invaders. Drawing parallels to the battles and cross border infiltrations India continues to face daily, the author urges readers to comprehend the ideology of the invaders and implores the Indian dispensation to learn from the lessons of the past. Rightly so, it is also time to recapitulate the national consciousness, tenacity of Hindu warriors who resisted the unspeakable atrocities of the invaders. But for the supreme sacrifices of Hindu rulers, Hindu civilisation, one of the oldest civilisations despite repeated onslaughts by Muslim invaders is now alive and kicking.

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