Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Panacea for Hindu Dhimmitude: Satyapal Singh’s Private Members Bill

Removing constitutionally ordained Hindu Dhimmitude is one of the core demands of Hindu Charter.
Unlike numerous indigenous civilisations which bite dust due to Abrahamic invasions, Indian civilisation survived vicious imperialism. Christians, mostly as refugees reached shores of India from 4th century. While the encounters between Hindus and Christians were rather localized they continued to aggressively attack ancient Hindu culture and tradition. Arabs after the death of Prophet in 632 AD determined to wipe out non-believers (idolaters) build a strong Muslim army and plundered the Byzantine Empire, Persian region and Central Asia within a decade of their conquests. They eventually set their eyes on India and launched unprecedented attacks on India. Hindu rulers fought heroically and chased Muslim invaders away from Indian borders number of times and resisted relentless attacks for six centuries. Despite the nefarious attacks by Abrahamic ideologies, Hindus with their unparalleled valour, sacrifices, national consciousness resisted their attempts to wipe out Hindu Civilisation. Muslims could establish a stable regime after 570 years. But our academic books and curriculum glaringly deride and undermine exceptional struggles of Hindus. The slanted narratives peddled by the Marxist, Islamist historians and jealously propagated by the colonial regime continued to dominate the Indian academia. Centuries of disdainful and insidious portrayal of Hindus eventually laid foundation for polemical Hindu dhimmitude.
Post-Independence Counterfeit Secularism
Jolted by the devastating partition along religious lines perhaps, fathers of Indian constitution spooked by the undue apprehensions of leaders of religious minorities undermined the foundation principle of democracy- Equality. Constitution of India under Article 14 guarantees equality before law to every citizen of the country. Acquiescing recommendations of Harender Coomar Mookerjee, Christian leader of Bengal, Vice-President of Constituent Assembly, Chairman of Minority rights, Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Azad tweaked with the constitutional equality clause. To facilitate the demand for preserving language, culture and freedom to run their own educational institutions Articles 25(2)-30 were legislated.
The fundamental objective of constitution makers has been to treat all religious communities equally. But the laws made in the aftermath of partition as an assurance to minorities gradually made way to interpretations where minorities are entitled with special rights denied to the majority. The above-mentioned articles and certain amendments in Constitution eventually shaped the anti-majoritarian slant to the detriment of the Hindus.
Dhimmitude no:1
Hindus deprived of control over temples and religious affairs
Article 26: Freedom to manage religious affairssubject to public order, morality and health, every religious denomination and every section thereof shall have the right
a.      to establish maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes
b.      to manage its own affairs in matters of religion
c.       to own and acquire movable and immovable property
d.      to administer such property in accordance with law”.
Above article bestows all religious denominations be it majority or minority to manage their religious, educational, charitable institutions. But Supreme Court in Ratilal Panachand Gandhi v State of Bombay held religious bodies are constitutionally entitled to manage religious affairs. On the other hand, right to administer its property should be in accordance to law imposed by the state. As per article 25 (2) state can regulate or impose restrictions on establishment and administration of Hindu religious institutions. Together, as per articles 25 and 26 Hindus are divested of the right to manage their own institutions.
Article 25 (2) says, “nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any existing law or prevent state from making any law”
a.      Regulation or restricting any economic, financial, political or secular activity which may be associated with religious practices
b.      Providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus
Legally, this article overrides the clause of constitutionally endowed religious freedom and entitles the minority religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism to acquire, own and administer their religious and charitable institutions.
Intriguing !!!! but true that a state which has no religion as per constitution controls institutes of a single religious denomination
Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Article 26: insertion of following clauses
(2)  Notwithstanding anything contained in article 25, the state shall not control, administer          or manage, whatsoever, any institution, including its properties, established or maintained for religious or charitable purposes by a religious denomination or any section thereof.
(3) All laws in force in the territory of India in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this article shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void
(4) The State shall not make any law which enables it to control, administer or manage, whatsoever, any institution, including its properties, established or maintained for religious or charitable purposes by a religious denomination or any section thereof, and, any law made in contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of such contravention, be void
(5) In this article the expressions “law” and “laws in force” have smaee meaning as respectively assigned to them in the clause (3) of article 13.

Overt Government interference in Hindu temples led to crass commercialisation of temples, tweaking of religious rituals, massive corruption in terms of misuse and misappropriation of temple funds, lands. Awkwardly, non-Hindus are appointed to temple boards eroding the sanctity and pride of Hindus while archakas and pujaris are living in penury. In absence of special investment and towards preservation and dissemination of Hindu ethos, culture and religious practices or Haindavam, survival of Hindu dharma is now at stake.
Temples and mutts are life and soul of Hinduism. They have been seats of higher learning and repositories of intangible cultural heritage. Hence the Abrahamic invaders attacked and destroyed them. Hindu-rulers built temples extensively and generously donated lands to ensure upkeep and maintenance of temples and its allied institutes. With government appropriating temple wealth, Hindu society is deprived of institutional capacity for self-correction, self-defence, religious leadership and organic growth. Temples are indispensable for survival of Hindu dharma. By denying Hindus their right to manage religious institutions, government has significantly inflicted huge blow to promotion, preservation, and restoration of sanatana dharma.
Consequently only
a.      Hindu places of worship are controlled by state
b.      Government manages finances of Hindu temples
c.       Income of Hindu temples are taxed
d.      Government manages the religious rituals, administration of Hindu temples
e.      Government can even dispose or sell the assets of temples
f.        Practitioners of faith have no say in temple affairs
g.       Government can use the incomes from Hindu temples for other purposes
h.      Government interferes with the management of educational institutes run by Hindu religious bodies
i.        Government has the final say in recruitment of personnel, admission of students run by Hindu religious bodies.
j.        Government can even bring more Hindu temples under its control
Dhimmitude No:2 Unabated religious appeasement by government
Similarly, article 27 Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religionNo person shall be compelled to pay any taxes, the proceeds of which are specifically appropriated in payment of expenses for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion or religious denomination”.
Based on criteria of minorityism, some religious denominations are exempt from paying taxes. In addition, State through National Minorities Development and Financial Corporation, extends lucrative loans to minorities and under Multi Sectoral Development Programme districts with more than 20% population are given special grants. To cater to minorities separate ministries, departments, finance corporations, educational institutes have sprung up across different states. Special scholarships and pilgrimage subsidies are awarded to them. To this end, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh openly declared that minorities have first right over country’s resources. Political parties for long have unabashedly indulged in outright minority appeasement to have an edge over opponents. Brazen minority pandering is an indubitable reality of Indian politics.
Finances for these sectarian schemes are drawn from Consolidated Fund of India.  Suitable constitutional amendments must be in place to end minortyism in government schemes.  Besides, the ambiguity pertaining to this article made the State biggest proselytizer by encouraging conversion of Hindus by misuse of public funds.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Article 27: Insertion of clause (2)
(2)  No moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of India, the Consolidated Fund of a State, the Contingency Fund of India or the Contingency Fund of a State or out of the fund of any public body shall be appropriated for advancement or promotion of a section of citizens solely or primarily on the basis of their religious affiliation or belonging to one or more religious or linguistic denomination
When the State patronises minorities so much and encourages, incentivises conversion of Hindus how is it different from missionaries or mullahs?
Dhimmitude No:3 Deracination of Hindus to self-loath and disown their religion, culture and history
Grievously lacking a strategic vision for the country, Indians frittered away the opportunity of shaping the hard-earned independence to resuscitate the Indian identity trampled by years of Abrahamic imperialism. Instead of discarding the vestiges of the Colonial machinery and its educational system, independent India uncannily embraced extraneous ideology. Soon the Indian mind space was bombarded with distorted history. Despicable Muslim invaders were exonerated of all atrocities. Formidable efforts were made to white-wash contemptuous Muslim rule. Public spaces were named after these foreign invaders and every attempt was made to exterminate the role of indigenous fighters, rulers, scientists, philosophers. Achievements and contributions of pro-Hindu nationalists, academicians, scholars were deliberately forsaken. Instead the pro-left or pro-minority academicians were patronised. Formal education devoid of Indic connections was promoted. Since majority couldn’t afford formal educations during the early independence years, people (mostly middle class and poor) were still rooted to Haindavam. In the first three decades of independence, left leaning educational ministers strived hard to deracinate Hindus.
Asian games of 1982 gave much needed reprieve from what appeared as an uninterruptable agenda of deracination. Obligated to portray the Indian identity during games and driven by compulsive domestic politics, 1980s witnessed an inadvertent phase of Re-Hinduisation. Barring this brief respite since 1990s a well-oiled machinery has been carrying out industrial scale deracination of Hindus. Interestingly, public instruction, mass media/entertainment, public discourse is deployed for de-Hinduisation and Abrahamization.                                                                                           
Article 28 Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions
(1)     No religious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution wholly maintained out of state funds.
(2)     Nothing the clause (1) shall apply to an educational institution which is administered by the state but has been established under any endowment or trust which requires that religious instruction shall be imparted in such condition.
(3)     No person attending any educational institution recognised by the state or receiving aid out of state funds shall be required to take part in any religious instruction that may be imparted in such institution or to attend any religious worship that may be conducted in such institution or in any premises attached thereto unless such person or if such person is minor, his guardian has given his consent thereto.
The state is right in keeping the religious instruction out of public educational system in the country. But in consonance with article 28 of constitution, state obviated Hindus from reading and learning the traditional knowledge systems, civilizational heritage and great texts like the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata leading to deracination of Indians from their civilizational and cultural moorings. Every ancient Indian text and civilizational treasures has been classified as religious instruction under article 28. Government schools, government aided schools and those receiving state grants are prevented from teaching India’s traditional texts disparaging it as saffronisation. On the contrary, minority schools continue to teach their religious texts even though they receive state grants due to the special provisions under article 30. The article entitles them to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
Hindu children denied access to Hindu texts and their civilizational knowledge but Hindu students in the minority (read as Muslim and Christian) schools get to know more about Islam or Christianity but very little about Hinduism and Hindu civilisation. These deracinated Hindus are brain washed to disown their culture making them soft targets for conversion.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Article 28: after clause (3) following clause shall be inserted
(4)  Nothing in this constitution shall be deemed to forbid the teaching of traditional Indian knowledge or ancient texts of India in any educational institution, wholly or partly maintained out of State Funds.
Article 30: Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
(1)   All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish
 and administer educational institutions of their choice.
(2)   The state shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any   educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority whether based on religion or language.
State prescribes fee, admission procedure, syllabi and regulates every aspect of functioning including salaries of the staff of only majority Hindu educational institutions but not of minorities. To escape the tyranny of various sections of Hindu society are demanding separate religion status. Ramakrishna mission approached Supreme Court seeking minority status. For all the imminent benefits and special provisions Lingayats demanded minority status. Congress party which is no mood to fritter away this golden opportunity of minting votes months before the assembly polls pledged to grant minority status to Lingayats. This kind of selective and disincentivising approach is causing fragmentation of the Hindu society.
Proposed Constitutional Amendments for Article 30:
(a)   In the marginal heading for the word, “minorities”, the words, “all sections of citizens, whether based on religion or language”, shall be substituted.
(b)   In clause (1), for the word “minorities”, the words “sections of citizens” shall be substituted.
(c)    In clause (1A) for the words “a minority” the words “a section of citizens” shall be substituted.
(d)   In clause (2), for the words “a minority”, the words “a section of citizens” shall be substituted.
Article 29: Protection of interests of minorities  
(1)   Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same
(2)   No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the state or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.
State’s special interest in protecting the cultural and educational of minorities as stated in marginal heading of article 29 is incongruent with constitutionally bestowed equality to all religious denominations.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment for Article 29: substituting the marginal heading, “cultural and educational rights” with “interests of minorities” with words.
Besides, the aforementioned proposed amendments in Article 26-30, to effectively dispense discrimination on various grounds,
Article 15: Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth
(1)   This state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them
(5) Nothing in this article or in sub-clause (g) of clause (1) of article 19 shall prevent the State from making any special provision, by law, for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes in so far as such special provisions relate to their admission to educational institutions including private educational institutions, whether aided or unaided by the State, other than the minority educational institutions referred to in clause (1) of article.
 Satyapal Singh bill proposes omission of clause (5) of article 15.
Inclusion of special provisions to foster the betterment of religious minorities in India raises serious doubts about the secular credentials of the country. It is inconceivable as how a secular country, controls religious institutions of only one community. To retain and uphold the attributes of secularism, government must either take over the places of worship of all religions or constitutionally entitle Hindus to manage their own institutions. This inherently anti-secular and discriminatory stance of the Indian government inadvertently fostered the Hindu dhimmitude.
To redress the constitutional disabilities Dr Satyapal Singh, introduced a private members bill in Lok Sabha seeking amendments of articles 26-30 to grant equal rights to Hindus. The bill was introduced on March 10th, 2017. The bill must be adopted in this Parliamentary session and passed in Lok Sabha else it will lapse by April 2019. Earlier Parliamentarian Late Syed Shahabuddin, a hard-line Islamist, cognizant of constitutional lacunae, called for widening the scope of article 30 and sought amendments. Indeed in 1995 he introduced a Private Members Bill in Lok Sabha. But the bill elapsed without any discussion on the floor of house.
To restore equality irrespective of the religious denominations and abolish the discriminatory legislations, constitutional amendments are inevitable. The Satyapal Singh’s private member bill aims to bring about constitutional and legal parity. The bill is not anti-minority even remotely and perfectly aligns the foundational principles of democracy-equality before law and secularism- religious neutrality. The bill doesn’t intend to take away any privileges of minorities but seeks to extend same rights and privileges to all. Until unless recommended amendments find their way into constitution, constitutional and legal equality continue to evade Hindus who subjected to selective discrimination.

Acknowledgements: This article is based on the inputs from the on the Hindu Charter website.

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Visit to Hunderman Village, a less-known border village near Kargil

The day Indian Army jawan, Aurangzeb was abducted, and his bullet ridden body was recovered in Pulwama district we were travelling from Leh to Jammu. Incidentally, on the same day, Journalist Shujaat Bukhari who strongly supported Track-II diplomacy with Pakistan was killed in the broad day light at Srinagar. Three unidentified gunmen opened fire on the editor of Rising Kashmir and his two security personnel killing all of them. This event not only marked return of terror to the valley completely but brazen killing of a civilian and a peacenik stoked new fears among the valley residents. The twin terror attacks on the last day of Ramzan raised a tumultuous furore over government’s decision of announcing cessation of operations against the Pakistan reared militants in the Valley.

In our three-day long stay in the Ladakh region, there was never a moment of intimidation nor did we experience an iota of fear among the people. People from various religious backgrounds lived in absolute harmony. Dominated by Buddhists and Shia Muslims, Leh, the largest city in the Ladakh region has big Jama Masjid, built by Buddhist Kings to appease the Mughals. Thriving on the massive boost given to tourism by the government, Ladakh district has thus far been most peaceful. Historical records even cite examples of great religious harmony with instances of Buddhist Kings marrying Muslims and vice-versa. As we moved away from Ladakh district people warned us to be on guard. A Buddhist shopkeeper living in the bordering areas of Ladakh and Kargil district confided that in the past 25 years, the region experienced a sea-change. Till early 1990s both Tibetan Buddhists and Muslims used to live in harmony. But over the years, fissures began to widen in the society along the religious lines. While interfaith marriages were totally unheard of, he said Muslims refused to partake food or even water from Buddhists and slowly the rifts between both the religious groups began to widen. He then lamented about the growing militancy in the region, till then it didn’t dawn upon us that we will be travelling through Kashmir valley on an Eid Friday. Just the thought of Friday prayers and attacks on army convoys by stone pelters gave us a fright.

Notwithstanding these fears and the visuals frequently broadcast on television, we decided to halt for an overnight stay at Kargil. Chest-swelled in pride at the thought of famous Kargil war, where Indian soldiers gave befitting reply to treacherous Pakistan. Our palpable enthusiasm to be in the famous Kargil city, was soon dampened by a wily policeman, who deliberately mislead about the entrance to the city. As a result we were forced to drive a dreary 8km long secluded hilly stretch through dark alleys to reenter the town. Even before we could recover from the incident, as we entered the city to check into a hotel referred by someone, we felt intimated by the huge numbers of men thronging the streets. The moment we halted our car before the hotel, literally thousands of eyes began to peep us and follow us. Just the feeling of being of watched by hundreds of people gave us a chill. Reluctant to step out of the car, my husband unwillingly, went to survey the hotel. Within minutes he returned, jumped into driver’s seat and sped the car away from crowded market place. Desperate to find a night shelter, he stopped at yet another hotel which was brightly lit, but as he entered the hotel lobby area, a haunted feeling began to engulf him. Soon, we drove hurriedly towards the Srinagar highway in a hope of finding a better place for a night stay. Fortunately, we managed to find along the banks of Suru (Indus) river.

In the morning, when we switched on news channel, we were shell-shocked to know about the twin terror incidents that rocked the valley.

Being Friday morning, despite our strong desire to visit to Kargil memorial, with last night’s intimidating scenes still afresh, we decided to move away from the main city. Even the hotel owner announced that being Eid eve, cafeteria would be closed by 8am. We checked out before 8am and drove towards Hunderman, a non-descript village nestled amidst craggy Kargil peaks, 10 km from the city. We stopped near the village, when the local guide suggested to look at the perching hilly peaks with a binocular. Nearly all the overlooking peaks housed small Indian army camps guarding the heights from perfidious Pakistanis. Even distant Pakistani villages lying in the valley can be seen with a binocular. Hunderman village extends into the valley and has lush green cultivated farm lands by Suru riverside. The unique history of this less-known village began to make waves due to the concerted efforts of Ilyas Ansari, who had historical roots to the place since 2015. With the help from Roots Collective, a local NGO from Ladakh, Ansari set up a museum, “Unlock Hunderman-Museum of Memories”. The With an intention of restoring the cultural identity of village, which has been part of both countries people intensified efforts to develop the museum to unravel and treasure identities of the place.  We couldn’t visit the Museum that housed a rare collection of war artefacts and other relics reflecting the cultural uniqueness of the place as it was closed for Eid.

From 1948 to 1971, the village claimed by Pakistan became part of India after 1971 Gilgit-Baltistan war, and the residents were immediately bestowed with Indian citizenship. Located along the mountain peaks of the LoC (Line of Control) and extending into Suru valley, the village has suffered brunt of four wars and constantly endures unending border skirmishes. After 1971 war, most of the villagers have left for Pakistan. Few resident villagers who stayed back in India worked as porters for Indian Army, which in turn supported their livelihoods through various initiatives. Parts of the village are vacant and wears a ghost village look termed as Hunderman Brok.  As per local version, the village was believed to be part of the Silk route that ran through Kargil. Alternate theories suggest that local Brokpa community as direct descendants of abandoned Alexander Army. Efforts are now on to revive the long-forgotten stories of the inhabitants who were separated by partition and wars. The war-ridden village still houses several bunkers which protects the inmates from biting cold and harsh heat. Besides Hunderman Brok, villages which have become part of India are- Turtuk, Tyakshi, Chalunkha and Thang. Loss of these villages in the Turtuk block and Siachen Glacier in 1984 has dented the strategic advantage of Pakistan. The Turtuk block is part of the Nubra valley which separates Ladakh from Karakoram mountain ranges.
Hunderman Village
Some reports indicate that in early 1980’s before Indian gained control over Siachen Glacier, Pakistan which had militant camps set up in Gilgit region used the route to infiltrate terrorists into the peaceful Ladakh region, to reach the Kashmir valley. Though people of Gilgit region resisted efforts of Pakistan army to establish militant camps, capture of Siachen Glacier and Turtuk block had successfully blocked ISI efforts to send militants through this route. But some strategist experts opine that since the region changed hands between two countries, the people in the Nubra valley are still confused about their identities and loyalties. Most of these people are now soft-targets of ISI agents, who are often bribed and lured to act as their agents to facilitate their nefarious activities. But Indian Army outreach programs in the Turtuk block have helped confused people to shun their Pakistani identities. After crossing the Hunderman village, the last village close to LoC, we chanced to visit a small army camp and peeked into their bunkers.

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Bizarre Political Crisis In Sri Lanka

Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa was sworn in as Prime Minister on Friday by his betenoire President Maithripala Sirisena. Ever since the inexplicable turn of events in Sri Lanka is keeping the region on the edge. To make matters more confusing, Sri Lanka has two Prime Ministers currently. The high-level political drama which unfolded over the weekend casts doubts on its foreign policy and its delicate balancing with India and China. 

The unmissable, uncanny resemblances between Sri Lanka’s political turmoil and Maldivian political crisis in February purportedly point to an Indo-China inclement competition in the region. Maldivian President Yameen imposed emergency to overturn an unfavourable Supreme Court order much against Constitutional edicts. He later suspended Parliament to have an unrestrained access to power. Similarly, President Sirisena ousted Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, suspended the cabinet and appointed former President Rajapaksa unconstitutionally. Before the constitutional authorities could even question Sirisena, he suspended Parliament for fifteen days. Defiant Wickremesinghe refused to bow down, he refused to vacate the official Temple Greens. He asserted that he had majority and should be allowed to prove his strength on the floor the parliament when it reconvenes. Even speaker Karu Jayasuriya supported Wickremesinghe’s stand who refused to vacate from Temple Greens. He apprised United States, Britain of the current developments in the country. Sirisena’s sudden move surprised New Delhi which fostered the opposition coalition, between leaders-Sirisena and Wickremesinghe for the 2015 Presidential Elections.

As of now, the combined numbers of Sirisena and Rajapaksa in the parliament have just 98 seats well short of the half way mark of 225 to form a new government. Towards the end of 2014, Sirisena who was health minister in Rajapaksa’s cabinet resigned and stealthily jumped into the opposition camp. He formed an electoral coalition with Wickremesinghe with a poll plank of investigating war crimes, corruption charges against Rajapaksa and contested Presidential elections. The coalition promised to renegotiate Chinese contracts and won by a slim majority. Rajapaksa who was in power from 2005-2015 successfully defeated LTTE and put an end to decades long civil war raging in the island.  He crushed the Tamil Elams with iron-hand. His brazen human rights violation is a matter of intense debate in the UN and the Western countries castigated him for this brutal oppression. At the height of international censure, Rajapaksa intensified engagement with China which hardly bothered about human rights. Beijing invested heavily in Sri Lanka since 2008. Rajapaksa and his three brothers in the cabinet who held the plum post of finance, defence, ports and economy facilitated unabated flow of Chinese funds and inundated the island with Chinese conglomerates and workers. Nascent fears of Chinese penetration in almost all sectors made people wary of growing Dragon’s influence in the region. The impact of the Chinese investments precipitated by the end 2014 when Sri Lanka’s debts began to mount, economy began to reel under the pressure of debt servicing.

The supposedly Pro-Indian Unity coalition romped home victory in Presidential elections on anti-China campaign and kept the influence of Rajapaksa and his family at bay. For the first two years in power, the leaders Sirisena of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and Wickremesinghe of United National Party (UNP), shared good relations and made some efforts to stall the Chinese juggernaut. Internal fissures within the United government began to appear in 2017. They began to slowly give in to Chinese pressure tactics and eventually handed over Hambantota port on a 99-year lease to mitigate the debt crisis paving way for Chinese consolidation in the island.

Since 2015, both leaders made number of visits to India which promised necessary developmental assistance and agreed to initiate program for rebuilding North Sri Lanka badly affected by the Civil war. Expressing firm faith and trust in the new leadership, Prime Minister Modi visited Sri Lanka months after Sirisena assumed Presidentship. Indo-Sri Lankan relations appeared to be treading on an even keel when the supposedly pro-India government, in April 2017, held back on number of agreements like rebuilding Trincomalee Oil fields made in 2015. Though upset with Sri Lanka, invoking thousands of years of strong religious, cultural and linguistic connect, Modi attended prayers at Kandy on the eve of International Day of Vesak in May 2017. He even visited Sri Lankan Tamil communities. During this time, Sri Lanka agreed to be part of the BRI (Belt Road Initiative) following which China agreed to lend $24 billion loan in addition to the $8 billion loan earlier. Soon China pushed Sri Lanka to be part of its Geo-positioning System (Beidou). Notwithstanding India’s concerns, Sirisena revisited and restarted the construction of Colombo port city project on the reclaimed 249 acres of land over which China has claim to a 99-year lease. Slowly, Sirisena government began to warm up to China.

By 2017, internal fissures between Sirisena and Wickremesinghe began to widen after Sirisena began to oppose economic reforms initiated by finance minister Wickremesinghe. As per insiders account, Rajapaksa exploited these internal differences and drove a wedge between them. The rifts in the government took toll on governance and sectarian strife reappeared. Expressing their discontent people chose Rajapaksa over Sirisena and Wickremesinghe in February local elections. Enthused by these results, Rajapaksa began to mull a serious come back to national polity. In the meanwhile, toning down his anti-India stance, Rajapaksa visited India on Subramanian Swamy’s invitation in September and interacted with Indian leaders. In the meanwhile, Sirisena’s disenchantment with India reached a crescendo with his allegations of RAW planning to assassinate him though Modi is unaware of it. This statement created ripples in diplomatic circles. Though this controversy did die own as quickly as it hit headlines after leaders of both countries spoke over phone, this marked the beginning of the blood-less coup which was about to unfold.

Days after this allegation, Wickremesinghe visited India on a three-day visit on Oct 18th and called for boosting of ties especially in areas of trade, investment and maritime security. Ahead of Wickremesinghe’s visit, Sri Lanka overturned a housing contract worth $300 million awarded to Chinese company in favour of an Indian conglomerate in North Jaffna region. Wickremesinghe even held talks with Prime Minister Modi. Modi expressed “deep disappointment over delays in commencement of India-assisted development projects”. Barely a week after his visit, Sirisena ousted Wickremesinghe who supported Sirisena as President after 2015 elections. Voicing concerns over the unconstitutional removal of Prime Minister Wickremesinghe, US urged Sirisena to “immediately reconvene the parliament” and asked them “to refrain from intimidation and violence”. Sirisena even removed several people from various constitutional positions casting them as loyalists of Wickremesinghe. Sirisena’s betrayal sparked anger in Sri Lanka who took to streets and in police firing on sunday one person was killed.

Unlike China, India observed restraint and MEA issued a statement on Sunday, “India is closely following the recent political developments in Sri Lanka. As a democracy and close friendly neighbour, we hope that democratic values and the constitutional process will be respected. We will continue to extend our developmental assistance to the friendly people of Sri Lanka”. On the contrary, China’s Sri Lankan ambassador Cheng Xueyuang met the newly-appointed prime minister Mahinda Rajapaksa on Saturday and conveyed congratulatory message of President Xi Jinping. Over the weekend supporters of Rajapaksa stormed into state broadcaster’s office and blacked out live telecasts. Ever since there has been worst showdown of power with allegations and counter allegations flying high. President Sirisena alleged that Wickremesinghe is trying to assassinate him and former defence secretary, brother of Rajapaksa. On Monday, making his intentions clear, Sirisena inducted a new cabinet with Rajapaksa as the finance minister.

After the Presidential elections in 2015, Sri Lanka amended the constitution overturning President’s authority to remove the Prime Minister and bestowed Parliament with the powers to do so. By violating the 19th amendment Sirisena has triggered a crisis. While judiciary can offer some recourse, the courts infiltrated by Rajapaksa loyalists can hardly rule any case against him. Since 2008, after Rajapaksa’s shift towards China, Sri Lanka has become centre of Indo-China rivalry.

Going by the quick turn of events in Sri Lanka it is amply clear that Chinese diplomacy is at play and clearly Chinese generous funds are doing the magic. To evade the Sri Lankan scrutiny into undeniable evidence of China funding Rajapaksa’s election campaign financially in 2014, President Xi has gifted $2 billion Yuan to President Sirisena for any project of his choice and promised to build largest kidney hospital of South Asia in his home province. India and the West have promised assistance to Sri Lanka and have been rallying to pursue charges against Rajapaksa. But the new government is drifting away since Chinese deep pockets continued to make irresistible financial offers. With the removal of pro-India leader Wickremesinghe it is advantage China in Sri Lanka. India Ocean region has become turf of growing Indo-Chinese rivalry. Advancing its India’s encirclement policy, China has been targeting India’s immediate neighbours. By successfully installing a leftist government in Nepal and inking transit agreement, China has tried to severe Indo-Nepalese relations. Soon it turned its attention to strategically important Maldives and Sri Lanka. Unexpected electoral loss of Pro-Chinese Maldivian President Yameen has left China fuming. Since then, China must have supposedly moved its pawns tactically to topple the coalition believed to be favoured by India. Unprecedented constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka hints at an invisible China’s hand at play. Thanks to Sirisena’s blatant betrayal and Rajapaksa’s astute political opportunism, Chinese stars will continue to shine in Sri Lankan skies.

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Monday, 29 October 2018

Turkey leverages Jamal Khashoggi’s murder to its advantage

High profile political murders and Turkey seem to have some incomprehensible relationship. Back in 2016, after assassination of Russian ambassador, Andrei Karlov, at Ankara, World feared that this might can have the potential to become World War I Sarajevo kind of moment and might trigger an unending geopolitical war. Much against these heightened concerns, Turkey rather smartly handled the situation. The incident indeed laid a formidable foundation for a new era of Russo-Turkey friendly relations with Ankara playing a lead role in Russia-led Asthana peace process for Syria.

Call it stroke of coincidence, Turkey is back in headlines for the murder of former Washington Post columnist and critic of Saudi Royal family, Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian consulate at Istanbul. Initially Saudi Arabia dismissed the reports of murder of Khashoggi saying he left the Arab consulate alive on the same day and might have fallen victim to the “rogue elements”. But when the threat of sanctions began to loom large, Kingdom admitted that Khashoggi died in a fist-fight at consulate which the regime is not privy to. Recently, an official of Saudi Consulate disclosed that Khashoggi died in a major scuffle during an investigation at the Consulate when he resisted attempts to return to Saudi. Subsequently, his body was handed over to a “local co-operator” to dispose it off. Yesterday Saudi divulged it as a “premeditated murder”. In the past three weeks, this incident has inadvertently exposed

A.      hypocrisy of the West 

B.      Turkey’s attempts to use this heinous act as a leveraging tool.

Hypocrisy of the West

On Oct 2nd Khashoggi of Saudi origin, visited Saudi Arabian consulate for necessary paper work to marry his Turkish fiancée Hatice Cengiz. Prior to entering consulate, Khashoggi confided about a threat to his life. It has been more than three weeks since his disappearance Saudi Arabia floated several incredulous stories and the West seems to have believed them. The rather cautious approach of the western countries towards Kingdom’s savagery is rather stunning. Contrast this present development with the alleged poisoning of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in UK during the first week of March. Even before preliminary reports could conclusively confirm the alleged poisoning by nerve gas, UK blamed Russia for the incident. Within few days, EU countries expelled over 150 Russian Diplomats. America ordered the closure of Russian consulate at Seattle in retaliation and expelled 60 diplomats.

The feeble and rather guarded response of the Western world towards Saudi Arabia to the brutal killing of Khashoggi is striking. They adopted a wait and watch approach. US’s silence over the dastardly murder of Khashoggi has exposed its hypocrisy. It had no qualms in buying the “rogue elements” theory floated by the Kingdom. Trump even brazenly endorsed the dubious theory and gave a clean chit to the Kingdom. With its complicit approach, Washington has indirectly agreed to write off the Kingdom’s savagery initially. Though Trump administration expressed horror, giving in to the pressure exerted by US congress, he dispatched Mike Pompeo to Saudi Arabia. Pompeo held separate meetings with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, colloquially termed MBS. Both strongly denied having any knowledge about what happened in the consulate. Later he went to Turkey and in his private conversations, officials revealed that journalist was killed in the consulate. On the same day, Khashoggi’s family members released a press statement, “the strong legal and moral responsibility which our father instilled in us has obliged us to call for an independent and impartial international commission to inquire into circumstances of his death”. Family’s first open confirmation has sparked global outrage.

Soon Saudi Arabia was forced to admit killing of Khashoggi in the Consulate. Immediately it announced sacking of two high level consulate officials and 18 persons with suspected links to the crime. In his first public statement at the Future Investment Initiative, Davos in the Desert Summit, MBS vowed to hold the people behind the crime accountable. President Trump called Saudi’s explanation, “the worst cover-up ever” reversing his credibility to the rogue elements and fist-fight subsequently. But in an interview, he said, “I want to believe him. I really want to believe him. They have been a very good ally. They have been tremendous military investor in our military equipment and other things”. Keen on the $110 US-Saudi defence deals, which is believed to provide over 1 million jobs, America ruled out any sanctions. Instead as a cursory measure, US has blacklisted 21 people arrested by Saudi and revoked their visas.

Even the reaction of European countries is no different. EU parliament overwhelmingly voted for stalling the sale of defence weapons and surveillance technology but being non-binding, it is toothless. They called for independent investigation and fair trial. Meanwhile, Spain expressed concerns over the terrible murder but refused to impose ban on defence exports. Theresa May undermined the Opposition call for ending sale of weapons and defended that, “the procedures we follow are the strictest in the World” and announced barring the entry of all suspects into United Kingdom. The answer to West’s indifference to Arab Kingdom’s brazen violation to human rights lies in the figures compiled by the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). US accounts for 61% of Saudi Arabia’s arms sale, France-4%, Britain-23%, Spain, Italy, Germany and Switzerland account for 2%. Germany alone announced halting the sale of arms to Saudi and Slovakia and Czech Republic lent support. Most European countries have huge financial stakes in the Kingdom. Besides, the Desert Kingdom is the largest exporter of oil and nearly all the countries are dependent on the country for energy supplies. Additionally, Saudi Arabia and America are inextricably linked by the common agenda of containing Iran, a sectarian rival of Saudi and have geostrategic partnership.

Given the economic and geopolitical scenario, none of the European countries are inclined to prohibit arms supply to Saudi as Russia can meet all its defence requirements. Even China, one of the largest importers of Saudi oil stayed away from the controversy. Considering its present animosities with US, it will be more than willing to chip in for help Saudi in every possible way. After Turkish President threatened to reveal the naked truth and some gory details began to slowly infiltrate the international media, UK, France and Germany pressed Saudi Arabia to provide the details of death. For all the grandstanding, the paragons of virtuosity, the West has stayed away from pronouncing sanctions. With the World’s attention fixated on the Khashoggi’s incident, China having abducted the Interpol on charges of bribery is having a free run. Clearly, the virtues of rules based international order or ethical guidelines is meant for lesser mortals and poor countries. Audacity and despotism of countries with strong economic and geopolitical clout hardly face any castigation.

Turkey’s Power Play

Saudi consulate in Istanbul was seat of blood-splattering dismemberment of Khashoggi who was once close to the Saudi Royal family. The relationship turned sour following Khashoggi’s vocal criticism of Crown Prince’s impulsive and ill-conceived actions. Aside, the Royal Family is weary of Khashoggi’s close ties with Muslim Brotherhood, designated as terrorist organisation by Riyadh. He was close to Osama bin Laden and covered his activities as a journalist. He was source of CIA Saudi representative, John Brennan. He is nephew of Adnan Khashoggi, a billion arms dealer and Dodi Fayed, who died in car crash with Princess Diana in Paris was his second cousin. Khashoggi is thus very well connected and highly influential. Since 2017 Khashoggi feared reprisals of Royal family for his critical remarks on MBS and moved to America as Washington Post correspondent.

MBS decision of allowing women to drive cars turned him into an instant reformer. Putting record straight, Khashoggi publicly disclosed that MBS instead of arresting the hardliners is putting reformers behind bars. Khashoggi’s iniquitous public disclosures forced the World to reckon the string of unilateral decisions made by MBS. Appointed as Minister of Defence in 2015, he launched Operation Decisive Storm against Yemen. Unabated aerial strikes and military intervention by the Saudi- led Coalition has inflicted irrevocable damage. The poorest Arabian country is now heading towards “Worst humanitarian crisis” ever. With his unrestrained power play, in the next two years, he side-lined two Royal descendants in line to the throne and became Crown Prince. He engineered isolation of Qatar for its alleged ties with Iran, detained Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri, purged Saudi Royals and held them as hostages at the luxurious Ritz Carlton hotel, picked up a diplomatic fight with Canada over captivity of human rights activists. MBS subsequently recalled Saudi students from Canada, ordered execution of five political dissidents which included a woman and caused mysterious disappearance of women drivers.

Incidentally, the oppressive intolerance of the Saudi Monarchy carried out death dance in the Istanbul Saudi Consulate. Must against the norms of Vienna Conventions, Turkey managed to collect first-hand information of the minutest details of the authoritarian fury unleased in the Consulate. Resonating with the tide of global fury against the authoritarian monarchy of Saudi Arabia, President Erdogan questioned Riyadh, “Covering up a savage murder like this will only hurt the human conscience. We expect the same sensitivity from all parties, primarily the Saudi Arabian leadership”. Using the incident to its advantage, Turkey threatened to reveal naked truth by Tuesday (Oct 23rd). But smartly refrained from disclosing the details.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia traditional rivals have been vying for leadership of Sunni Islamic World. Both follow distinct versions of Sunni Islam. Ottoman Kingdom had been cosmopolitan and adopted France’s version of secularism. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia founder Ibn Saud embraced the “true Islam” version propounded by Abd al-Wahhab and continued to patronise the Salafist movements.  Being the protector of holy Cities Mecca and Medina Saudi received special prominence. Ottoman Empire crushed the Wahhabi revolt and its spread restricting it to the Saudi Peninsula. With time Saudi became breeding ground for extremist Islamist doctrine, Turkey adopted Western style democracy. Other two major issues of contention between these countries are Muslim brotherhood and relations with Iran. Erdogan has no major misgivings with Iran and believes in taming Iran through diplomacy. Turkey supports Muslim Brotherhood, which accredits Erdogan’s AKP party as its source of inspiration. Saudi is averse to Muslim Brotherhood which objects absolute monarchy but believes in an electoral democracy in establishing an Islamic state. As a result, the region has two blocks with Turkey, Qatar on one side and another block comprising Saudi, UAE and Egypt. Turkey is keen on using current situation to consolidate its position as leader of Sunni Islamic world. But it is carefully playing its game, avoiding alienating either Saudi or the US. Turkey has offered to share the details of the Khashoggi’s murder. Gina Haspel, CIA director travelled to Turkey to initiate the investigation. Fresh reports indicate that Turkish intelligence found body parts in Saudi Consul’s residence adding heft to Turkey’s claims. The plot is getting murkier and all the leads are invariably heading towards the people in the line of command.

Strategists believe Turkey would use this opportunity to rebuild frayed ties with US. US-Turkey deteriorated recently over Ankara’s refusal of unconditional release of American pastor which fuelled a trade tariff war. This aggravated Turkey’s debt crisis, economy nose-dived, currency plummeted. Under Erdogan, Turkey is emerging as a major player in the region. With an eye on consolidating its territorial stakes in both North Syria, Idlib and Kurds dominated Eastern Turkey, it is engaging with Russia and the US respectively. Turkey it trying to use this situation to its advantage. The selective, coordinated media leaks and messaging clearly suggests that Erdogan is determined to use the present movement to teach Saudi Arabia, America and Europe some vital lessons.

Turkey is pressurising Saudi Arabia to extradite the suspects for a fair trial since the incident happened on Turkish soil. Ankara is carefully escalating the issue and carefully planning for ouster of Crown Prince, who is slowly consolidating the Kingdom’s influence in the region through high level lobbying in US and reaching out to Israel. Erdogan’s steady assaults on MBS has already tarnished the aura of MBS as reformer. This will inflict a death blow on the aggressive foreign policy of the Kingdom. Cognizant of Erdogan’s ambitious plans, MBS called him twice after the Khashoggi’s murder. Addressing Davos in the Desert MBS said “A lot of people are trying to seize this painful situation to create a rift between Saudi Arabia and Turkey. And I want to send a message: you will never be able to do that”. MBS clearly hinted at making some concessions to Turkey- be it in terms of adopting a milder stance towards Qatar, which has pitched in $15 billion to Turkey at heights of currency crisis or making investments in fund starved Turkey or to have uninterrupted energy supplies with Iran set to go under the iron curtain of sanctions.

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Monday, 15 October 2018

Book Review: Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders (636 AD to 1206 AD)

Our academic books and education curriculum are dominated by slanted narratives. Distorted analysis of the Islamic and Marxist historians, jealously propagated and upheld the British bureaucracy is foisted on Indian academia. Indians instead of rewriting the perverse history and questioning the intents of such negative propaganda have regretfully accepted the disdainful accounts of the colonists. Indigenous sources, reading from the Sanskrit inscriptions and explanatory commentary were conveniently omitted. While victories of the Muslim invaders were elaborately described and hailed, Hindu heroism hardly received any mention.   
Like a lie told thousand times becomes truth, over decades, the contorted versions of the Indian history became pansophic. Indians were denied the privilege of knowing real facts. This 75-page book, "Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders" by Sitaram Goel,  is based on the works of Dr Ram Gopal Misra, offers a little-known perspective about the Indian rulers who resisted the attacks of Arab invaders. Goel is known for his phenomenal contributions in unraveling the white-washed facts about Indian history. His writings which have consistently brought out the inconvenient truth buried for ages have contributed towards resurrection of Hindu identity. 

Arab invaders inspired by the clarion call of Prophet Mohammed, after his death formed Muslim armies and began conquests. Religiously following the dictums laid out in Quran “Fight and slay the pagans where ever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem till they repeat and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity”, Arabs after the death of Prophet in 632 AD, occupied the Byzantine provinces, Palestine, Syria.  Subsequently, they occupied the Sassanid empire of Persia which includes Iran, Iraq and Khorasan. In the next decade, Arab have almost annexed regions till to the boundaries of India. By early 7th century Arabs conquered regions of North Africa and even entered Spain. Post annexation all these territories were rapidly Islamised and Arabicized. Arabs even barged into Central Asia but could inflict a minor damage to Indian border only after 69 years of relentless efforts. 

For that matter while Hindu rulers are accused of incompetence, lack of coordination and disunity, it took 570 years for the Muslim invaders to establish their regime in India. The heroic resistance of Hindu rulers was grossly discredited by successive crop of historians who strived hard to portray an insidious picture of Hindu Kings. As a result, educated Hindu elite is forced to believe that unless, "(i) he honours the heroes who plundered, pillaged and enslaved India (ii) respects Islam as a true-religion (iii) pays homage to ideologues of Islamists (iv) works tirelessly to embrace Islamists who are determined to annihilate the native culture of the land and (v) prepared to make any sacrifice to avoid blood-shed, he is not considered a true upholder of Hindu religion and faith". Hindus trapped by this kind of carefully crafted symptomatic narrative continue to woefully deride the unparalleled heroism, sacrifice, valour, patriotism of Hindu Kings. Hence, the tales of courage, commitment, coordination of Hindu rulers now needs an unbiased study. 
Magnanimity of Hindu rulers’ was misconstrued as incompetence and weakness while the perfidy of Muslim invaders began synonymous to aggression and valour. Muslim imperialism which subscribed to “war is perfidy” practised by Prophet know as Siyasat-i-Madinah and sanctified as his Sunnah is glorified. Emulating this very ideology, Arab invaders, mercilessly plundered India, desecrated temples, vandalised idols and bulldozed religious institutions. This inhuman brutality is in sharp contrast to humane dictums of Hindu Shastras which says “A battle was ideally a gigantic tournament with many rules, a warrior fighting from a chariot might not strike one on foot, an enemy in flight ,wounded or asking a quarter might not be slain the lives of enemy soldiers who had lost their weapons were to be respected, poisoned weapons were not be used, homage and not annexation was the rightful fruit of victory”.

The book argues that lack of aggression, forward policy, poor military organisation and abysmal failure in keeping pace with latest military strategies as principal reasons for defeat of Hindu rulers at the hands of the Muslim invaders. Drawing parallels to the battles and cross border infiltrations India continues to face daily, the author urges readers to comprehend the ideology of the invaders and implores the Indian dispensation to learn from the lessons of the past. Rightly so, it is also time to recapitulate the national consciousness, tenacity of Hindu warriors who resisted the unspeakable atrocities of the invaders. But for the supreme sacrifices of Hindu rulers, Hindu civilisation, one of the oldest civilisations despite repeated onslaughts by Muslim invaders is now alive and kicking.

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Thursday, 11 October 2018

India’s delicate balancing act with Russia

Since 2000 India and Russia uninterruptedly held annual summit meetings to enrich the special and privileged strategic partnership. India always had a trusted friendly relationship with former Soviet Union (now Russia) from Cold war times. The foundation for such robust bilateral ties has been defence cooperation.

President Vladimir Putin’s recently concluded two-day visit to India on Oct 4th grabbed international attention for the $5.2 billion S-400 Triumf, Surface to Air Missile System (SAM) defence deal between the two countries. Under President Trump’s regime the relations between the US and Russia deteriorated sharply and the US Congress passed a legislation CAATSA (Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) which empowered it to impose economic sanctions on countries trading with its adversaries North Korea, Iran and Russia. Last month US imposed sanctions on China for purchasing S-400 system making the ominous repercussions more pertinent. India is now staring at the threat of such sanctions under CAATSA. But, India is impelled to take a final call on the mega defence deal with Russia exactly a month after India strengthened its defence ties with the US by signing foundational agreement, COMCASA at the 2+2 Indo-US Ministerial Dialogue. Anticipating wrath of the US, India held high level consultations seeking a waiver from sanctions before Putin’s visit. Though US officials understood the importance of S-400 towards India’s defence preparedness, Washington didn’t make any commitments. Despite the threat of looming economic sanctions, India sealed the deal with Russia on Oct 5th at the 19th annual bilateral summit. Away from the media glare, both countries concluded the deal and the joint statement carried a single line confirming the finalisation of agreement.

Watching the unfoldment of events closely, US embassy spokesperson said, “Waivers of CAATSA section 231 will be considered on a transaction-by-a-transaction basis. We cannot prejudge any sanctions decisions. The intent of our implementation of CAATSA is to impose costs on Russia for its malign behaviour, including by stopping the flow of money to Russia’s defence sector. CAATSA is not intended to impose damage to the military capabilities of our allies or partners”. He added, “the waiver authority is not for a blanket waiver. It is transaction-specific. There are strict criteria for considering a waiver”. Reading between the lines, it is clear US wants India to make more defence purchases with Washington and slowly wean away from Russia. Casting off the traditional diffidence, India is now pursuing a foreign policy strategic to bolster its national interests and this specific agreement testimonies such a strategic shift. S-400 deal is now eliciting various response from strategists who opined that “India is now between a rock and hard place”. They even started questioning India’s prudence in taking the daring step of honouring an agreement with Russia despite the Damocles sword looming over its head.

The rapid geopolitical fluxes, blurring of old strategic friendships and spurt in new relations with countries that belonged to two different blocks during Cold war have become order of the day. Facing the wrath, ire and severe antagonism from the West, Russia began expanding ties with China. Aside, the regular military exercises as show of strength and solidarity, both countries have now intensified economic and defence sales. Russia has been throwing its entire weight behind China in response to West’s alienation. In the process, Russia has even fortified its ties with Pakistan which was cut to size by President Trump.

S-400 to be delivered by 2020, will have ten battalions of the system. One battalion consists of 8 launchers, 112 missiles and an associated command, radar and support vehicles. In an interview to Sputnik, Pakistani defence analyst said Pakistan is concerned about S-400, a strategic asset which is going to be tip balance of conventional weapons possession in favour of India. Pakistan will now make every effort to obtain similar weapons from other countries. Anticipating Islamabad’s plans, India have incorporated a rider in the agreement preventing Russia from selling S-400 or similar superior weapon to Pakistan. India’s firm stand on S-400 in part stems from Russia game plan executed by Sergei Lavrov, who engineered the plan of wooing Islamabad following India’s elevated strategic collaboration with the US.  In 2014, Russia sold four Mi-35M attack and cargo helicopters to Pakistan. Both countries initially planned to hold the first round of joint exercises in PoK but shifted them to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province later following India’s strong protest. Though Russia launched “charm offensive” back in 2002, this strategy gained fresh momentum after America started rebuking Pakistan. The fissures deepened further after President Trump stalled military aid and suspended special training program to Pakistani personnel in the US. At this juncture, Islamabad doubled its efforts to reach out to Russia. Responding to Pakistan’s overtures, Moscow decided to expand and strengthen defence cooperation with Pakistan & appreciated its efforts against terrorism.

In August, after the conclusion of first Russia-Pakistan Joint Military Consultative Committee (JMCC) meeting, Moscow agreed to admit Pakistani personnel for study and training in Russian military colleges and training institutes. Russian defence manufacturing conglomerate, RTI, signed a MoU with Pakistan to supply a radar system to protect Karachi nuclear plant against any attacks. Reports indicate that Russia was keen on making civil nuclear deal with Pakistan to force India for the S-400 deal. While this plot may sound little over board, considering Indo-Russian traditional friendship, Sergei Lavrov recently said, “We have confirmed Russia’s readiness to continue boosting Pakistan’s counter terrorism capacity, which is in the entire region”. On the contrary, analysts argue Russia’s marriage of convenience with China, Pakistan and Iran is more a strategy to challenge US in the region. But Russia’s guarded response to cross border terrorism in recent joint statement indicates otherwise. Unlike America’s open condemnation of Pakistan, appealing Islamabad to bring the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attacks, Pathankot attacks and Uri attacks to justice and even named the terror outfits. Indo-Russian joint statement on terrorism read “The Sides denounced terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reiterated the need to combat international terrorism with decisive and collective response without any double standard. The Sides agreed to converge their efforts to eradicate terror networks, their sources of financing, arms and fighters supply to counter terrorist ideology, propaganda and recruitment.” Russia deliberately avoided naming Pakistan, the den for terrorism. In fact, Russia which earlier condemned America for holding talks with Taliban has recently held talks with Taliban along with China, Pakistan and Iran to discuss counter-terrorism cooperation for fighting Islamic State in Afghanistan grossly undermining India’s role as major stake holder in the region.

Russia’s overt cosy moves towards Pakistan is part of Moscow’s new strategy of asserting itself as key power in Asia. For long Russia preferred being identified as a European power. But with its influence, strength steadily declining and European powers relentlessly antagonising Russia on various aspects, Russia is now intent on taking the Western powers from its strategic Asian positioning. But to wield a great bargaining power in Asia where China and India are jostling to play a dominant role, it must either co-opt or simultaneously make attempts to increase its economic heft.  In the process, Russia is eagerly forging ties with countries like Pakistan and Iran on issues of common interest -fighting Islamic State in Afghanistan and bringing Taliban to table.

Samir Saran, President of ORF, in his review to Valdai Club argued- Indo-Pacific is union of two seas, Eurasia is a confluence of two continents. India partners with America in the Indo-Pacific and seeking to engage with Russia to foster its interests in the Eurasian region. India’s partnership with America breaks down in the Eurasia due to the complicated power play in the region, similarly India can’t tie up with Russia in the Indo-Pacific due to larger Sino-Russian collaboration. Putting things in perspective, India is trying to maintain a delicate balance by “partnering with Washington in the seas and Russia on the continent”. India has an immense potential for growth and America can facilitate India’s rise through investments, finance and technology. Russia a $1.6 trillion economy has little scope for making extensive investments in India. Similarly, India can’t offer the kind of economic and political support China can offer to Russia. In this rapidly evolving geopolitical flux, countries are prioritising their interests and forging new links to bolster their objectives. Considering Russia’s assistance in enhancing defence capabilities for decades and deep defence cooperation, India is willing to risk sanctions under CAATSA by purchasing S-400 from Russia.

Russia is indispensable to India to make forays into Central Asia and Eurasia, stalling the penetrative expansion of China across Asia, emergence of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) by consequence China as the dominant power in the continent, resolving intractable conflicts in Afghanistan and transforming Iran as transit hub for intercontinental trade. Summing up, India must re-innovate its ties with Russia to buttress its position as a responsible power in the region.

Seven-decade long Indo-Russian relationship suffers from lack of vision, imagination and multidimensionality. In the past seven decades both countries failed to expand the arenas of cooperation. Defence cooperation has been the strongest pillar of friendship with new pillars in the form of energy and civil nuclear cooperation joining the fray lately. For all the grandiose rhetoric, economic and trade links are weakest with bilateral trade accounting for little over $10 billion. Countries have now set target of $30 billion by 2025 and to this end signed Joint Declaration, “India-Russia Economic Cooperation: The way forward”. India invited Russia to take a lead in Make in India initiative.

Putin’s 24-hour state visit was shorn of all the ceremonial formalities to ensure more time for one to one interaction. Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj received Putin at the airport who then directly headed to 7, Lok Kalyan Marg, where Prime Minister Modi hosted a private dinner for President Putin. Leaders had one to one discussion for three hours. These crucial exchanges are believed to have laid ground for the conclusion of S-400 deal. The bonhomie which was high on optics, exemplified the special bilateral relationship.  Till now, both leaders met 11 times and informal meeting at Sochi in May is learnt to have played pivotal role in shaping the relationship when countries appeared to drift away. Countries have signed eight agreements which includes MoU on cooperation in MSME sector, contract on rough diamond supplies, cooperation in space technology between ISRO and Federal Space Agency of Russia, “ROSCOSMOS” to assist India’s Gaganyaan project, water transport, Railways “Speed-upgradation” project, assistance to higher educational institutes, agriculture, and the iconic SAM (surface to air missile). Countries have expressed keen interest in jointly collaborating in infrastructure and connectivity projects in third countries. Reiterating its commitment to civil nuclear cooperation, Russia has signed an agreement to set up six nuclear plants in India. Countries called for expediting the INSTC (International North South Transit Corridor) for increasing connectivity. Both countries reached far reaching agreement on wider range of international issues and called for swift implementation of Paris treatment, revamp of security council, evolving political resolution for warn torn Syria. Expressing concerns over unabated violence in Afghanistan, countries have resolved to work together through “Moscow Format” which includes Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

At the Indo-Russia Business Summit, Putin proposed that India and Russia to work in Arctic region. He added, “This is a very promising, long-term and very serious project that looks decades ahead, one with good investment and good return. As the climate continues to change-in some places, it is good, and elsewhere perhaps not so good-the Northern Sea Route offers growing opportunities”. Earlier in the joint statement both leaders extended support to companies to explore the opportunities for joint oil exploration in Russian territories, including those on Arctic shelf, projects on the shelf of Pechora and Okhotsk Seas.

While highest level of continuous engagement between India and Russia reflects deep trust and confidence, abrasions of massive geopolitical changes is casting a palpable influence. Longstanding bilateral ties are longer immune to this change. Fine balancing has become indispensable mantra of foreign policy in contemporary era. India is replicating this principle to maintain quality relationships with multiple partners.

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