Sunday, 30 April 2017

Misplaced Priorities: Unleashing of MOAB by the US

It has been more than 15 years for US-led invasion of Afghanistan and still there are no signs of logical conclusion. On April 13th, fresh from Syrian bluster that earned plaudits of American political pundits, Trump called for attacking IS module in Afghanistan by unleashing the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) days before American NSA H. R. Mc Master’s visit to Kabul. Proclaiming and reinforcing American commitment to extricate the IS cadre operating in Afghanistan, White House okayed this massive operation.

Signaling beginning of a new era of belligerence, Trump continued the pace of the heightened military action with the dropping of GBU-43 or the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), weighing 21,600 pounds and 30 ft, with destructive capacity of 11 tons of TNT, over the putative IS shelters in Achin district of eastern province of Nangarhar bordering Pakistan. MOAB was the largest non-nuclear conventional war munition developed by American Army in a run up to Iraq war in 2002 and was tested miles away from Elgin Air Base, Florida in 2003. But was never used in Iraq war since it was believed to inflict severe damages including civilian causalities. MOAB categorized as MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator) is specially designed to destroy underground bunkers as deep as 200ft below surface. It can literally annihilate anything within a radius of one mile.  Afghan civilians residing close to the targeted area complained of experiencing ground breaking tremors after the bombing. The area was cordoned off preventing the entry of the media reporters or other independent investigators. Two days later, Afghan officials reported death of 94 terrorists including 18 radicalized Indian youth. This stunning operation in Afghanistan was greeted by loud applause by majority of American think-tanks. Enthused by the support for the show of power in Syria and Afghanistan in political circles, Mike Pence, warned North Korea of a military action on his visit to Seoul on April 17th.

Latest reports of Reuters now illustrate that MOAB bombed area showed signs of veritable destruction replete of ruined burnt structures, charred trees along the mountainous terrain. But there was hardly any evidence of human damage raising curious doubts about the MOAB, touted to be as devastating as the two bombs dropped over Japanese cities during World War II. The trail of destruction pales in comparison and even the extent of spread was much less than 1 mile as exalted by American experts. US Defense secretary in a bid to brandish critics asserted that US armed personnel are not interested in determining the human loss. But this bombastic display of power by American seems to be a lost cause now. The latest report which had no iota of evidence of the human loss portends well with the anguish of Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai who denounced America. He accused America of using IS as a ruse to turn Afghanistan into a testing ground for its munitions. Several Afghan opposition leaders joined chorus saying America carried out bombing to quell domestic opposition to Trump’s administration.

Despite repeated failures, US authorities insist that military missions are an effective means of conveying tough message to adversaries, the ground realities prove otherwise. Eight days after Trump’s propagandist assertive war against IS in Afghanistan, Afghan Taliban carried out worst ever bloody carnage. Trespassing the layers of security, Taliban opened fire on unarmed Afghan troops coming out after Namaz, at Camp Shaheen near Mazar-e-Sharif. Taliban who were dressed in military uniform attacked the army base housing the 209th corps killing over 140 soldiers. The operation which lasted for 6 hours was in retaliation to the killing of two Afghan Taliban shadow governors in the provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan. This was the deadliest of attacks carried out by Taliban since their banishment from power in 2001. Last year alone, American agencies reported that Taliban killed 6785 Afghan national security forces. Currently there are 8400 US troops and 6000 NATO & allied troops. The security condition of Afghanistan has been steadily deteriorating. Taliban has more areas under their control than in 2011 and increasingly more areas are coming into their fold. Afghan national forces battered the repeated assaults are now a crumbling force.

On the other hand, an ambiguous American policy lacking a strategic plan of action is frittering away the resources and failing the ever more determined resolve of present Afghan political dispensation. By constantly shifting focus from the regional players to international players like IS and Al-Qaeda, America is setting new goal posts and gradually losing ground. US military estimates that around 600 to 800 IS fighters (IS Khorasan) are in Nangarhar and its neighboring Kunar province. But US fails to comprehend that Afghan Taliban is the dangerous force in Afghanistan. Until the Afghan Taliban are rendered ineffective, Afghanistan would continue to plunge into an abyss. While American officials vainly defend, that Russia has armed the Taliban in the latest attack, it is an open secret that Taliban has been supported, funded and patronized by Pakistan. It is intriguing that despite repeated warnings from the American strategic experts and military establishment since 2003 of the formidable collusion between Taliban and Pakistan, US continues to hoodwink the international community.

In March 2017, General Joseph Votel, deposed before the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) that “twenty US-designated terrorist organizations operate in Afghanistan-Pakistan sub-region; seven of the 20 are in Pakistan. So, long as these groups maintain safe havens inside Pakistan they will threaten long term stability in Afghanistan. Of particular concern to us is Haqqani Network (HQN) which poses greatest threat to coalition forces operating in Afghanistan”. Earlier in Feb 2017, General Nicholson stated before the SASC that “The Taliban and The Haqqani Network are greatest threats to security in Afghanistan. Their senior leaders remain insulated from pressure and enjoy freedom of action within Pakistan safe havens. As long as they enjoy external enablement, they have no incentive to reconcile. The primary factor that will enable our success is the elimination of external sanctuary and support to the insurgents”. In unequivocal terms of highest officials working on ground in Afghanistan sent a message to the US administration. But the American pathological obsession of straying away from attacking the root cause of the solution resulted in a stalemate in Afghanistan. 

Way back in 2011 coalition forces made major gains in Afghanistan but the tactical momentum was lost as America failed to dismantle the strategic support system of Taliban. US has been sufficiently warned of Pakistan’s subterfuge, malfeasance and its strategic policy of destabilizing the region. But America failed to break Pakistan’s inimical strategic foreign policy. A policy which traces its origins to the humiliating defeat in 1971 war. Though Pakistan lost all the four wars started by it against India, after the 1971 war, Pakistan not only resolved to possess nuclear weapon but also charted a strategy of raising an army of terrorists against India and Afghanistan by infusing Salafi-Deobandi jihadist ideology. Pakistan Army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) together mentored and trained the terrorist forces to unleash proxy war against both nations. While Pakistan aimed to dismember Kashmir from India (besides Ghazwa-E-Hind doctrine), it aspired to convert Afghanistan into a client state. This outrageous pathological agenda received a fresh lease for life when America began to generously donate dollars in 1979 to empower Pakistan in Afghan-Soviet war. Ever since ISI passionately patronized and cultivated the Islamic zealots. Pakistan first successfully experimented with the first harvest of jihadists by training them to overthrown Najibullah government supported by Soviet Union. By 1994, ISI supported the emerging Afghan Taliban which successfully toppled Afghan regime in 1996 and remained in power till 2001. The despotic, draconian, feudal Taliban regime annihilated the cosmopolitan attributes of Afghanistan. During this period Pakistan has inextricably penetrated Afghan administration, political establishment and wielded great control over Afghanistan.

Even after US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, ISI hasn’t exonerated itself of neighboring state affairs and continued to play nefarious games. It provided needed support and shelter for the Afghan Taliban in its territory. ISI paved way for phenomenal revival of the terrorist groups like Haqqani Network and Taliban. In its seven-decade long association with America, Pakistan sought parity with India initially and sought aid for acquiring weapons for conventional warfare initially. Later when CIA requested ISI help with Afghan issue Pakistan effectively milked America. Clouded by geopolitical aspirations, America ignored ISI’s odious connections with Al-Qaeda. Till now Pakistan received over $33 billion as financial aid from America. Though America dubbed Islamabad as frenemy, it continued to generously incentivize Pakistan for tacit strategic and geopolitical advantage. The Frankenstein monster nurtured by America is rearing it dangerous fangs and seriously disrupting restoration of peace and stability in Afghanistan. In the meanwhile, wearied by Afghanistan stalemate and domestic pressure, President Obama instead of pressurizing Pakistan to prevail over Taliban and HQN ordered for gradual withdrawal of troops. Bitten by prospect of peace through negotiations with Taliban, US exchanged Taliban leaders lodged in Guatanamo Bay for an American personnel held hostage and held secret peace talks with Taliban in Qatar. In the meanwhile, Pakistan’s all weather friendship energized its clandestine agenda by vetoing sanctions at international forums. Pakistan continued to impart technical and financial momentum into its Afghan agenda by relentlessly bolstering Afghan Taliban. Now China to insulate fragile Xinjiang province bordering Afghanistan from the Muslim extremism is relying on Pakistan. The duo is now enthusiastically clambering for Russian support to side with Taliban citing growing IS threat in the region. Iran which is keen on evacuation of American forces from Afghanistan is inclined to join this group.

For long US continued to ignore the deafening warnings of India and several other countries of Pakistan’s dubious distinction as breeding ground for terrorists. US believed that it could pressurize Pakistan to act on terror networks operating from its territories through monetary incentives. But Pakistan hardly complied with American stipulations of dismantling the terror hubs. Now it is growing from strength to strength by smartly forging ties with countries with vested interests. Intuitively, US instead of reveling in high-handed military missions must step up ultimatums against Pakistan to break the strategic nexus of disrupting the peace and stability in South Asia. Else the lofty ambition of restoring peace in Afghanistan would continue to elude America and other stakeholders in the region.

There is a striking pattern to American military intervention in various countries. Be it Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and Syria, US would enthusiastically jump into fray when least expected, completely derail the existing frame work with uncanny exuberance and mess up the governance hierarchy. Till now none of these wars have ended or have shown sign of respite. Clearly suggesting that US foreign policy has been lopsided, short sighted and devoid of congruent strategic plan. Like Syrian military bluster, American bravado in Afghanistan failed to make any difference but instead reiterated America’s obsession for high-handedness.

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Thursday, 20 April 2017

Erdogan victorious in Turkey’s referendum on Constitutional Reforms

In the referendum held to bring about massive changes in executive and legislative mechanisms of Turkey on Sunday, President Erdogan clinched victory with a narrow margin. The referendum which calls for abrogation of the post of Prime Minister will mark the end of Parliamentary system of democracy in Turkey. The duties of Prime Minister will be subsumed under the title of President of the country. Turkey which is considered as the bridge between Europe and Asia has been the talking point in the recent past for dubious reasons. Be it marked abrasions in the bilateral ties with the US, refusal to allow NATO troops to use its airbase, shot down of Russian fighter plane for alleged violation of airspace, unceremonious assassination of Russian envoy in Ankara, pulling out troops from Syria, foiling coup bid and purging of huge chunk of officials from plum posts in administration, the country is going through tumultuous phases. These colossal changes besides altering the geopolitical equations in the Middle East, had invariably demonstrated Turkey’s progression from a parliamentary form of democracy to an authoritarian regime. The archaic shift in Turkey is undeniably steered by the leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey, unlike the Ottoman Empire was carved on modern lines by the founder Mustafa Kemal, also called Ataturk. Inspired by the tenets of Democracy he diligently transformed the nation ruled by Sultan into a modern state. He exquisitely assigned the powers of administration to legislature, constituting the elected representatives and executive branches. This unique framework has set apart Turkey from other Asian countries in the region. The cosmopolitan approach in governance emulating Western values kept Turkey in a good stead from its inception in 1921 until the current referendum. This referendum marks the annihilation of Ataturk’s vision for modern state of Turkey. Secularism and Democracy, the main pillars of Turkey are now teetering under the burden of Islamists who steadily strangulated all aspects of governance since 2001. The early seeds of antipathy towards the two guiding principles of modern day Turkey were planted as early as 1960’s by Necmettin Erbakan. This movement gradually caught the attention of Islamists who strived hard to veneer Turkey from the West and led to genesis of Erdogan’s AKP party. Despite being hard core Islamist at heart, Erdogan strived to obtain EU membership. But his attempts never fructified. The prospects of getting into EU have deteriorated further, owing to allegations of human rights violations, crackdown on press, refugee crisis, antipathy towards the West. Though Erdogan initially feigned to be a modernist, being a traditional Islamist to the core, attempted to make course corrections to have unrestrained power. Of late, he began courting Russia, was least interested in NATO grouping and was keen on allying with Gulf monarchies.

Erdogan rose to higher echelons of powers in 2003 and served as Prime Minister till 2014. Slogging Turkish economy received a new lease for life under Erdogan whose investor friendly economic reforms bought inflation under control. Turkey soon emerged as one of the fastest growing economies of the World. In 2011, he promised to draft a new constitution to replace military constitution drafted after 1980 coup.  Ahead of 2013 elections when Erdogan made a bid for presidency, he deliberately blocked the Inter Parliamentary Committee constituted to draft new constitution. While Erdogan’s economic reforms made him popular among Turkish middle class, his overpowering authoritarian approach had been a cause of concern. He aspired for absolute power devoid of all checks and balances. He blocked the new constitution which bestowed rights to Kurds, which could have potentially brought an end to three-decade long conflict between Kurdish rebels and Turkish government. Erdogan was elected as president in 2014. In his first public appearance as President, he announced to pursue more active role and firmly laid foundations for changing the Parliamentary system of democracy to an executive Presidential system. But Erdogan’s party failed to surpass the 367-threshold mark in subsequent two general elections to adopt constitutional reforms to bring about a change. Moreover, following government’s massive crackdown on Kurdish forces, the opposition party, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) perceived to be pro-Kurdish, refused to support Erdogan’s amendments in 2015.

In the meanwhile, in the purge after the failed coup attempt, Erdogan had smartly rounded-off all his opponents and jailed most of them. In January 2017, AKP managed to obtain the support of Nationalist Movement’s Party (MHP) to jointly pass a bill to reform Turkish Constitution setting the stage for a referendum on constitutional reforms in April. The reforms intend to dissipate the checks and balances on the functioning of the President conferring him with unbridled power. Exploiting people’s fear of political instability, Erdogan lured them to vote for constitutional reforms promising strong and stable government. Republic of Turkey in 94 years of existence had 65 governments. Coups and terrorism marred modern political history of Turkey. Erdogan even campaigned that a “No” to constitutional reforms essentially meant supporting terrorism. Enjoying the unstinted support of people who rallied behind him after a failed coup attempt Erdogan was confident of a victory from the beginning. Overpowered by hubris he picked up tiffs with Dutch and German governments. He even made outlandish comments against Germany as he campaigned in Europe to woo Turkish diaspora. Being in power, he used all the resources at his behest to promote himself. Many observers allege that referendum wasn’t free and fair. A sizeable majority of the bureaucrats and officials in administration already lodged in jails, opposition voices are effectively muzzled. Just bare minimum eligible voters voted on Sunday. There was significant polarization in voting patterns with three major cities of Turkey-Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir voting for a NO while the country side went for an YES. Opposition demanded review of the results and alleged that the decision of allowing unstamped ballots on the last day reversed the outcome of the referendum. Though European governments initially supported the arguments of opposition, they bowed down when Erdogan agreed to restore death penalty. This move will decimate Turkey’s chances of getting into EU.

As per the new constitutional reforms, President would be the modern-day Sultan with limited term. He will have sweeping powers to make all appointments including the judges, cabinet declare state of emergency, dissolve parliament and pass new laws through decrees. The Parliament can no longer scrutinize actions of President. New term limits will be set. If Erdogan wins elections in 2019, he will continue as President till 2029 unopposed.

Many international organizations and European governments expressed serious concerns about Turkey’s future and its commitment to democratic principles. The referendum had undoubtedly emboldened Erdogan who will crush the residual opposition with iron hand. In 1963 Turkey was an associate member of European Economic Community, forerunner of EU. In 1995, Turkey signed Customs Union agreement with EU. After four years, it was considered for full membership of EU. But both parties failed to come to common terms later. With his inimical attitude, Erdogan had already ruffled feathers with Europe and now Turkey’s chances of getting into EU are almost zero.  Turkey’s relations with US are already diving South over US’s support to Kurdish rebels. But NATO can hardly afford to disown Turkey since it is strategically important ally. Turkey with 620,500 armed personnel has the second largest armed forces in NATO after the US. More so, with situation in Syria deteriorating further US had to keep Turkey on board. Erdogan will now strengthen its defence and security cooperation with Russia. Turkey indeed collaborated with Russia and Iran to bring the Syria rebels and government officials for peace talks in January at Astana. Turkey might now openly consolidate ties with Russia. With an authoritarian President at the helm of affairs, observers allude that Turkey will be ushered into an era devoid of Kemalist ideas..

Strategic Indo-Australian engagement

Unlike the Indo-Australian rivalry on the cricket pitch that made headlines for dubious reasons, the bilateral dialogue between both countries is now keenly watched for larger strategic implications. Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull on a four-day state visit to India arrived at New Delhi on 9th. Indo-Australian common interests are famously summarized in three aspects-Common wealth, Cricket, and Curry. Besides, Australia of late has become a very significant partner for India becoming the second most favorite destination for education after the US. Australia is also home for a sizeable chunk of influential Indian Diaspora.

Turnbull’s visit comes at a time when India is trying to change its “geopolitical vocabulary.” India for long preferred to remain a meek, unassuming regional partner. Despite a scope for expansive engagement in the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal region, India failed to proactively capitalize on its unique geographical positioning. Though it ambitiously carved out various doctrines to build bridges with different nations, concrete actions to ramp up cooperation were ill coordinated. Rapid geopolitical fluxes and widening economic global foot print has finally motivated India to realign and rejuvenate Indo-Pacific cooperation. The idea of deepening cooperation in Indo-Pacific region has been in vogue for over a decade. But for long Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean were considered as two different worlds. The latitude of maritime cooperation and their larger strategic implications were undervalued. Modi embraced the lexicon of Indo-Pacific cooperation with new enthusiasm. Unlike Tony Abbott who pushed for a free trade agreement in 2014, Malcom Turnbull was not very particular about economic cooperation. Australia wary of increasingly assertive China and brow-beaten by unpredictable and illogical American decisions is now keen on heralding a new cooperation with India. Wavered by the geopolitical jostling, Australia aspires to engage with “liberal-minded democracies”, preferably India. Countries in the Indo-Pacific region ruffled by inimitable rise of China are now depending on India to play a role in regional stability.

Australia enjoys trade surplus with China who over time has become its mainstay. But denigration of human rights, ruthless rejection of international tribunal ruling, needless invocation of nationalism by Chinese students on Australian campuses are becoming bit too much for Australia to handle. Constant bullying of China through its mouth piece every time Australia sides with American (which has been its ally since World War II) is stifling Australia’s prospective engagement with China. Moreover, imposition of trade sanctions and blocking South Korea from doing business for allowing the deployment of anti-Missile system THAAD and its failure to curb the nuclear proliferation activities of North Korea, its closest ally have made Australia skeptical of China. Incidentally Turnbull’s visit to India comes at a time India is vigorously pursuing “Act East” Policy and consolidating ties with partners in Pacific region. Like India, Australia is reeling under the expansive maritime spread of China. With economic influence China steadily brought the islands in Oceania under its ambit. Simultaneously through the OBOR, China expanded its foot print in Indian Ocean and is on verge of establishing string of pearls. As a result, both India and Australia, are now developing islands- Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Cocos (Keeling) islands respectively for strategic purposes.

While Modi and Turnbull’s metro ride and selfie-moment reflected fledging bonhomie, a photo on the stairs of Akshardham temple neatly summed up Modi’s compelling soft power articulation. Malcom Turnbull on his first visit to India met President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice-President Hamid Ansari and travelled to Mumbai to meet business delegation. He convened a “strategic roundtable” with Indian intellectuals- former NSA Shiv Shankar Menon, analyst Ashok Malik, former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran and Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President of Centre for Policy Research.

India and Australia share many commonalities-both are democratic, multi-cultural, and secular. Both leaders in the joint statement reaffirmed faith in the above-mentioned attributes and reiterated importance of peace, prosperity and security in the region and underscored the importance of respecting United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Two sides agreed to deepen bilateral defence and security cooperation; promote maritime safety and security; counter terrorism cooperation. Both leaders resolved to strengthen the trilateral cooperation and dialogue among Australia, India, and Japan; agreed to work together through various multilateral institutions like G20, EAS (East Asia Summit), IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association) and UN. Australia extended support for India’s permanent membership at expanded UNSC and APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation).

India, currently the fastest growing economy with a population of 1.25 billion and growing middle class has a huge potential for economic growth. Business firms across the world are interested in investing in India. Australia is also keen on gaining from the burgeoning market size of India. As of 2015, bilateral trade stands at $20 billion which is far below the potential.  After the breakdown of TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), Australia began to bet on RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) which features India. India and Australia in 2014 set a deadline for ratification of CECA (Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement) or the Australia-India FTA (Free Trade Agreement) initiated by Tony Abbott in 2014. But unfortunately, negotiations remained inconclusive and no progress was made in this direction by Turnbull. India and Australia signed the civil nuclear agreement in 2014 which came into force in 2015. A Bill on Civil Nuclear Transfers to India was passed by both houses of Australia in 2016. Turnbull now announced that Uranium will be exported to India at the earliest. Leaders witnessed exchange of 6 MoU’s. These include cooperation in combating international terrorism, health and medicine, sports, environment and climate, civil aviation security and space technology.

The key focus areas of cooperation between both countries have been-economic, knowledge and strategic partnership. In his current visit, Turnbull has extensively focused on deepening the strategic partnership and resisted India’s push to relax immigration norms. Even no fresh impetus was given to economic cooperation. Australia offered certain trade concessions to China to promote bilateral trade. India was keen on extracting similar concessions but offered to give less. Both sides hence failed to reach a mutually agreeable solution. As of now, Indo-Australian is buttressed by strategic maritime cooperation.

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Thursday, 13 April 2017

Sheikh Hasina’s visit fortified Indo-Bangla fraternal relationship

Bolstering “Neighborhood First” doctrine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a marked departure, giving security amiss, reached airport to receive Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, on her first visit to India in seven years on April 7th. The Prime Minister who visited India on an invitation extended by Modi, stayed as guest of President of India at Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Indo-Bangladesh relations touched a new high with India under the leadership of Modi successfully concluding the 43-year-old pending Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) on his visit to Dhaka in June 2015. Ever since, leaders of both nations have invested energies in stabilizing a unique relationship.

Sheikh Hasina on her four day visit to India, reminisced the supreme help and support rendered by India in Bangladesh Liberation war. While both countries share cultural, lingusitic and boundary connect, bilateral relations in contemporary period received a new lease for life after Sheikh Hasina sworn in as Prime Minister in 2009. For long, India’s diffidence in resolving the boundary agreement had been a major obstacle in the Indo-Bangladesh relations. By ratifying the LBA in Parliament and signing the International Tribunal award, India successfully resolved the long overdue maritime and land boundary disputes with Bangladesh. Reciprocating India’s commitment, Bangladesh pledged cooperation in counter-terrorism and free trade. As of now, the Teesta water sharing has become touch stone of the bilateral relations. With Bangladesh, all geared all up elections next year, Teesta agreement could have buttressed Hasina’s election prospects. Anticipating domestic backlash, Hasina made sincere attempts to woo West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Modi, despite the saber-rattling with Banerjee, persuaded her to join attend important events since West Bengal is an important stake holder. But Banerjee vehemently opposed the agreement as Teesta waters are lifeline of West Bengal. India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers. Banerjee offered to negotiate water sharing agreements for Torsa, Santosh and Raidak but Bangladesh is keen on Teesta waters. Moreover, with Panchayat elections around the corner, Banerjee was reluctant to make any commitments on Teesta waters. Making her conversations with Banerjee public Hasina remarked “Paani manga, bijili mila”.  As of now, Teesta water sharing might remain bone of contention between both countries but Modi promised early conclusion.

Despite significant ramping up of bilateral ties, political obstacles plague relations.  Notwithstanding, the enormity of cooperation in various sectors between both countries, Opposition leader Khaleda Zia, accused Hasina of “selling out” the country to India. Indian counterparts on the other hand, encumbered by burgeoning illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, failed to assess the strategic potential of Bangladesh. New Delhi over the years failed to evolve a substantial engagement policy. Bangladesh is now eight largest economy and currently one of the fastest growing countries in the region. Intuitively, for the strategic relationship to new heights, India must feign being a big brother and should engage with Bangladesh as an equal partner. India must recalibrate its strategy towards Bangladesh. New Delhi must intensify trade and investment partnership for mutually beneficial sustained economic development.

South Asian region has become den of terrorism. India and Bangladesh, both victims of terrorism share one of the longest porous borders in the World. They face the daunting challenge of curbing the ever-proliferating network of Islamic radicalization. Effective border surveillance and intelligence sharing between the countries can curtail the rot of terrorism. Moreover, both face constant ire of Pakistan. Obdurate Pakistan, badgered the dimension of South Asian Cooperation. To revitalize the regional cooperation and reframe new cooperation narratives, Bangladesh can be a vital partner to India. Bangladesh can also be an important fulcrum to India’s Act East Policy. Manmohan Singh’s government laid a good foundation for reframing Indo-Bangladesh ties but political diffidence failed to transform the engagement.

While critics in Bangladesh may categorically remark Hasina’s visit to India, far from being successful without Teesta Waters agreement, both countries expanded the realm of cooperation by signing 22 agreements. India and Bangladesh agreed to deepen defence cooperation through military training and exchanges. During bilateral dialogue both sides discussed about growing threat of terrorism and radicalization by extremist elements. In the joint statement, they reiterated commitment to counter the spread of terrorism and violent extremism. Modi indeed, made a veiled dig at Pakistan saying that it prefers “backstabbing over trust” and that its “mindset” is road block for peace of the region. In this connection, both sides called for effective implementation of the Coordinated Border Management Plan (CBMP) and operationalization of bilateral extradition treaty. India pledged third Line of Credit of $4.5 billion to Bangladesh for construction of ports, railways, roads, airports, power and energy, telecommunications, and shipping. Modi has announced additional $500 million for defence procurement. In the past six years India has offered $8 billion concessional credit line. Leaders welcomed the Trilateral Memorandum of Understanding between Bangladesh, Bhutan, and India for cooperation in Hydroelectric Power. Both sides signed Inter-governmental agreement for cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy. MoUs to enhance cooperation in field of earth sciences, defence, space research, energy efficiency, re-gasification, construction of Indo-Bangla Friendship pipeline, freight operations were signed. Leaders witnessed the signing of trade related agreements leading to over $9 billion Indian investments in Bangladesh. Bangladesh allotted 1005 acres to India at Mirsarai for setting up a SEZ.

A railway link between Radhikapur (India) and Birol (Bangladesh) was jointly inaugurated. Both leaders witnessed the trail run of passenger train between Khulna and Kolkata, launched new bus service between Kolkata-Khulna-Dhaka and welcomed upgradation of facilities in the existing Kolkata-Dhaka Maitree Express and opening of Phulbhari-Banglabanda check point.

Extolling the friendship and timely help of India after the bilateral talks, Hasina with Prime Minister Modi, jointly released the Hindi translation of Bangabhandu’s book, “Unfinished Memoirs” at Hyderabad House. India and Bangladesh agreed to jointly produce a film on life and work of Bangabhadhu in 2020, marking his centenary birth celebrations. Further, both countries will also jointly release a documentary of Bangladesh’s war of Liberation commemorating 50 years of Bangladesh formation in 2021. Both leaders even participated in an event honoring the sacrifices of Indian soldiers for an independent Bangladesh. At the “shommanona ceremony”, India and Bangladesh renewed the alliance forged during the liberation. Speaking at the event, Hasina reiterated Bangladesh owes its genesis to the supreme sacrifices of Indian Martyrs and Bangladesh Freedom fighters. She personally presented a citation and crest to the kin of the 7 martyred Indian officers. Modi announced doubling of, “Mukti Yoddha” scholarship from Rs 10,000 in next five years, multiple-entry visas for mukti yoddhas and medical assistance to 100 fighters of Bangladesh Liberation war. Epitomizing the significance of Indo-Bangladesh flourishing bilateral ties, India has renamed the Park Street in the capital after “Bangabhandhu” Sheikh Mujibur Rehman. Hasina has addressed a Business Summit jointly organized by India and Bangladesh business conclave.

Prime Minister Modi walked an extra mile to reach out to Bangladesh for Sheikh Hasina’s valiant efforts in curbing the cross-border terrorism, alerting India about infiltration of subversive elements at a time when Mamata Banerjee’s minority pandering is wreaking havoc in Bengal. In fact, experts advised India to take counter-terrorism lessons from Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina’s zero tolerance approach towards terrorism is making a significant difference in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is making rapid strides in economic development. Hasina is strongly supporting the OBOR (One Belt One Road) of China to catapult its growing economy. India is now wary of growing Chinese investments and presence in its sphere of influence. Further, Bangladesh’s long coast and unimpeded access to Indian Ocean made it a favorite investment destination for China, eyeing to spread foot hold in the Bay of Bengal region. Incidentally insinuating Chinese penetration into South Asian neighborhood, perceived as its backyard by New Delhi, came as a rude shock.  China’s recent overtures to Dhaka in the form of $24billion investments and Bangladesh’s purchase of two Chinese submarines has jolted India.  For long, India engaged with South Asian neighbors by vigorously invoking the “cultural and civilizational” links and refrained from aggressively deepening cooperation in various fields. China’s overwhelming sway has rapidly changed the dynamics of the region and India can no longer afford to sit back. A formidable sub-regional cooperation with South Asian countries can be the way forward. Deepening Indo-Bangladesh ties can lay strong foundation for such regional cooperation.
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Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Pursue your dreams: Looking for careers beyond Engineering and Medicine

It would be no exaggeration to say it is hard to find a Telugu family without an Engineer or a Doctor by modern day standards. The frenzied obsession towards the engineering and medical streams in twin Telugu states is now reaching dangerous proportions. The societies are slowly reaching to a point of no return where engineering and medical degrees have become a default choice. Hence no wonder, both parents and students are caught unawares of life beyond the main stream engineering and medical courses. They are kind of caught up in a quagmire. This single-minded fixation of the average Telugu family is in turn triggering the mushrooming of coaching centers which are eventually capitalizing on their aspirations. While a yearning desire to master these fields of science isn’t inimitable by any chance, an overwhelming derange to solely hinge onto them might surely be unpropitious.

This article is a humble attempt to draw attention of prospective students and parents to career options beyond the mainstream engineering and medical courses. After 10th, both students and parents suddenly face the daunting challenge of making the best career option choice. At this conjecture, an objective analysis of the available, affordable options and their prospects become aspects of primordial importance. Steering the dynamic energies of the youth and channelizing their creativity should be taken into consideration before making a choice. Additionally, latest advances in science and technology and their concomitant outcomes on the society in terms of manpower requirement should be properly assessed. Unlike the 19th and 20th centuries where manufacturing sector boom greatly propelled World economies, 21st century is believed to be dominated by service sector. While deep seated craze and the societal pressure would eternally ensure a formidable production of engineers and doctors in huge numbers, several off-cuff options that work inter-alia with these fields should be chosen.

Advances in sciences and growing awareness in hygiene perceptibly increased the life expectancy of the populations world over. Health sector is now faced with an insurmountable task of taking care of burgeoning aging population. The field of health care operations, management and emergency services is now slowly evolving as a lucrative career option. Hence a professional degree or alternatively a diploma in the following fields might be useful. These include-Nursing, Pharmacy, Anesthesia Technician, Cardiac care Technician, Cathlab Technician, Clinical Optometry, Dental Hygiene, Dental Technician, Medical Imaging and Technology, Medical X-Ray Technology, Occupational Therapist, Operation Theatre Technology (OTT), Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy Technology, Rehabilitation Therapy, Blood Transfusion Technology, Medical Transcription, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Medical administration (Bachelors and Masters level), Hospital Management. Alternative medicine like Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy are now finding acceptance in general public and thus have prospective opportunities in this contemporary time.  

Renewable Energy is another prime field which is on the top of agenda of several developing countries. It is an interdisciplinary science offering courses suited for the life sciences and physical sciences back ground. This diversifies into two streams- one focusing on the conservation, wildlife management and environmental aspects; another on environmental technology bestowing the skills to design, manufacture, install, operate, and maintain renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Courses like B Sc, M Sc, PhD, B Tech, Post Graduate Degrees in environmental science and management are now having immense opportunities.

Indian government is now extensively focusing on Tourism industry. Recently, five special zones of tourism were identified under the Incredible India Campaign too. Prospects in Travel, Tourism, Hospitality, and Allied Industry are exceedingly high and are expected to generate 29.6 million jobs by 2026. Further, a steady increase in the income levels of middle class lead to a surge in domestic and foreign tourism. This steady rise in tourism industry galvanized growth in aviation sector (India has become third largest aviation market), Hotel & Restaurant sector, Cruise industry, state, and local tourism operators. Universities in India are now offering various range of certificate and diploma courses to meet the requirements of the tourism industry. Any individual who has passed 12th class or completed graduation in any stream can look forward to making it big in this sector. Courses include- training in soft skills, personnel management, certificate in tourism, Certificate in Travel, Tourist Guide Courses, Bachelor of Tourism Studies, MBA Tourism Management. Hotel Management Institutes made a head start in this direction by training & grooming aspiring youth to cater the growing needs of fledging tourism industry in India. Individuals in positions like General managers, resident managers, Executive housekeepers, Front office managers, conventional managers are becoming increasingly successful in their careers.  Other allied industries that are simultaneously progressing owing to a boom in tourism industry is Specialty tourism, by pandering to high end tourists from the West. These include a personalized grooming salons, spas which are becoming avenues of growth for beauticians and fitness trainers.

A range of avenues await students desiring to pursue humanities. These are advertising, BA Criminology, Fine Arts, Foreign languages, Home Science, Interior Design, Journalism, Political sciences, and psychology. Indeed, Bachelor of Fine Arts is now becoming launch pad for creative artists who are trying their hands at animation, film making, photography, scriptwriting. Being a rapidly growing economy India has amazing opportunities for students in field of commerce. While most of these courses are widely known, several Indian Universities are now offering new courses to meet increasing demand of flourishing corporate sector. Prominent among them-Chartered Accountant, Cost management Accountant, Company Secretary, B Com Taxation and Tax procedure, B Com Bank Management, BBA/BBM, Bachelors in Financial Markets, Bachelors in Management Studies, Bachelors in Accounting and Finance, Certified Stock Broker and Investment Analysts, Certified Financial Analyst, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Investment Banker. Among the management courses- Business Management, Human Resource Management and Logistics & Management offer guaranteed jobs. Besides, students from Economics and Commerce background in undergrad can take up law courses offered by top-notch Indian Universities. Apart from pursuing graduation in pure sciences like Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Biotechnology. Science students have now a tremendous range of options like the Dietician & Nutritionist, Home Science, Agriculture Science, Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Veterinary sciences, Sericulture, Oceanography, Meteorology, Anthropology, Forensic Science, Computational Biology, Food Technology, Dairy Technology, Fashion Designing, and Multimedia etc. Alternatively, students with Mathematics and Physics stream who are inherently creative and bubbling with revolutionary experimentation may try to get into National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. Recently conferred as Institute of National Importance, the institute offers a wide range of courses like Animation Film Design, Ceramic & Glass Design, Exhibition Design, Film and Video Communication, Furniture Design, Graphic Design, Product Design, Textile Design.

Indian Universities are now offering a panoply of careers. It is time to break-free from the idealistic career option of yesteryears. World over, enthusiastic, and aspiring students are scripting new histories by passionately pursuing the fields of their interest. 

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Trump’s bluster: Impromptu air strikes in Syria

At a time when International Media is all eyes for President Trump and President Xi’s rendezvous, egregious American air strikes in Syria gob smacked the World. Last mid-night President Trump did exactly what President Obama did but with a difference. President Trump ordered air strikes against Assad regime following death of over 70 civilians due to chemical weapons usage four days ago in Idlib Province. Autopsies indicated use of nerve gas, Sarin. Calling it as “disgrace to humanity”, Trump gave his go ahead. President Obama, too launched air strikes against Syria in 2014, a year later after a chemical weapons attack in August 2013 after obtaining internal and Congressional authorization. Indeed, US politicians strongly supported Obama’s decision. Trump’s impromptu authorization elicited mixed responses. Interestingly, experts were startled since, Trump vociferously condemned Obama administration for launching attacks on Syria during his election campaign. Moreover, he wasn’t averse to continuation of Bashar Al-Assad’s regime even until a week ago. In fact, Rex Tillerson at press conference on Thursday announced, “it will seem that there would be no role for him (Assad) to govern the Syrian people”. This abrupt change of tack is really intriguing. On March 31st Nikki Haley said, “we can’t necessarily focus on Assad the way the previous administration did”.

It defies common logic as why Assad regime would use chemical weapons against civilians when it is making big gains against IS. Observers of Syrian war last week pragmatically claimed, “from chaos, clear winner is emerging”.

So far 59 Tomahawk missiles were launched from the USS Porter and USS Ross in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea targeting the airstrip, aircraft shelters, logistical storage areas, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, radars fuel stations at the al-Sharyat Syrian government air base. Four soldiers were killed, air base was rendered defunct, air crafts were blown into pieces in the US air strikes on the second largest air base in Syria. This attack is believed to have crippled Assad regime’s air force capacity. Obama administration obtained legal authorization to carry out strikes against IS as per the war authorization passed by Congress after the September 2001 attacks to fight al-Qaeda globally. Obama justified the strikes against IS indicating that is off-shoot of al-Qaeda. Clearly, Trump administration violated the war authorization by striking the Syrian government espousing America’s “interventionist” attitude and its rather tactless “Police of the World” status. Interestingly, during the Presidential debates, Trump admonished these very unalienable characteristics of the US.

Trump’s forthright justification of “there can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligation under the chemical weapons convention and ignored the urging of the UN Security Council. It is in the vital national interest of United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons” seems to hold no ground. It would be preposterous to allege that Assad regime used chemical weapons, just four days after the attack without an independent investigation. Syria suffered two chemical attack in 2013 and Obama administration alleged that Assad regime had used them. But investigations by UN agencies indicated that attacks were carried out by Syrian rebels, whom US assisted, trained, and supplied arms till it officially entered Syrian skies in 2014. But in 2016, UN concluded that Assad regime and IS are in possession of chemical weapons and that Assad used Chlorine in regions controlled by opposition in 2014 and 2015 while the IS used Sulphur mustard in summer 2015. Chemical attack in August 2013, caused death of over 1000 people. Following International outrage over the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons, UN was forced to act. It requested Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to conduct searches for chemical weapons in Syria and destroy them. For its outstanding service, the organization was even conferred Nobel Prize in 2013. OPCW unearthed several tons of 130 different chemicals which were quarantined, 97% of chemical weapons were eliminated from Syria by September 2014. Recurrence of chemical attacks after 2014 in Syria is now raising serious concerns about the undeclared chemical weapons still lying in Syria.

Syria in the past six years endured unparalleled atrocities, witnessed colossal loss of property and lives, relentless firing. It has become a battle ground for a chunk of combatants- Rebel groups, al Nusra, IS, Syrian Kurds, Turks, Iraqi Militia, US-led alliance coalition and Russian troops. The fate of Syrian regime began to change, when Russia air and ground troops began to make an entry by September 2015. Though Obama administration has pumped in as much as $1billion worth ammunition in just 2016, it couldn’t turn around the tables. In 2016 alone, US dropped 26,000 bombs and most of them landed in civilian areas. President Trump after taking charge continued air strikes but harbored a pragmatic approach. Of late, US made a major policy shift. Instead of picking conflict with Russia, Trump aspired to join hands with Russia to fight IS. Trump’s filibuster, prompts an analysis of sequence of events that preceded, American air strikes.

A major air strike conducted by the US led coalition on March 17th left 300 civilians dead in Iraqi town of Mosul. In the last week of March, 9 Afghan civilians were killed in a US-led air attack. Interestingly, media channels smartly refrained from reporting these incidents. In the meanwhile, CIA intensified investigations to probe links between Russia and Trump’s election campaign delegation. Even on March 31st Rex Tillerson who was in Turkey iterated that “long term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people”. April 4th St. Petersburg in Russia witnessed a bomb attack and alleged gas attack too happened on the same day. By April 6th Trump changed his position on Syria, and appealed that Assad regime was responsible for the attack. Trump’s allegation received support from UK, France, and Australia. But Justin Trudeau called for caution and lamented military action against Assad as Syria is torn asunder by over 6 years of civil war. With Trump decision, US forces in Syria must now take on IS, al-Qaeda and Assad. Thus, US renewed animosities with Russia and reinvigorated enmities of Cold war era. Repercussions of Trump’s temerarious decision can mortify fledging cordial relationships between two giants-US and Russia. Russia has suspended agreement with US that prevents mid- air collisions in Syrian air space. Both countries will no longer continue to exchange information about flight of war planes. Russia informed that US gave less than 90 minutes’ notice of attacks.

Unfortunately, amidst furor over chemical attack, US instead of training guns against IS, is plunging deep into another war. A war whose political and diplomatic strategies are poorly coordinated. This ill-conceived, hasty decision might be disastrous for US and Syria too.  Numerous conflicting groups have stakes in Syria and without a long-term strategy toppling the Assad regime might ruin the nation. Conflicts of warring factions would intensify further and Syria will be broken into pieces. It will become breeding ground for more terror elements. Region will become unstable due to unabated displacement of people. Trump inveterately brought back US to its default status of an interventionist. US had muddled and ruined Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and now flexing muscles against Syrian regime.

Throughout the duration of election campaigning Trump, promised to keep US away from wars but he was no different from any other Republican president. For all the bluster, the most vitriolic opponents of Trump might lend him support. Ironically, by upping ante against Russia, Trump will strengthen Moscow’s resolve of consolidating Assad’s regime. Eventually, Iranian militia working alongside Russian troops steadily firming up their position in West of Syria might intensify their traditional and nontraditional means of war. In the process, Syria might be pushed into abyss…..

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Multidimensional Indo-Malaysian Strategic Partnership

Honoring the invitation of Prime Minister Modi, Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Tun Abdul Razak was on state visit to India from March 30th to April 4th. In his six-day long trip, accompanied by 12 cabinet Ministers and 80-100 business leaders Razak met Indian investors apprising them of potential opportunities in Malaysia. He oversaw Malaysian infrastructure investments in Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. He met President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice president Hamid Ansari and held bilateral meetings with Prime Minister.

Amongst South East Asian Nations, India has a distinct friendly relationship with Malaysia. Besides the historical trade and cultural connections, both countries in the contemporary times have so many complementarities (democracy, multiculturalism, and pluralism) and convergent interests. Both emerging economies, thriving democracies and potentially uphold secular credentials. Commemorating 60 years of establishment of diplomatic ties, and 25 years of dynamic economic cooperation with ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) leaders of both countries have focused their attention on Economic cooperation, cooperation in counter terrorism operations with defence and security cooperation. Razak, son of the second Prime Minister of Malaysia Abdul Razak Hussein and nephew of third Prime Minister Hussein bin Dato Onn, on his third visit after becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia in 2009 appreciated the dynamic leadership of Modi and infused fresh dynamism to strategic partnership established in 2010.

Apart from stressing the importance of bilateral Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA), India and Malaysia signed seven agreements and 31 business MoU’s. These include enhanced cooperation in education, training, research; recognition of each other’s educational degrees; palm oil production; cyber security; defence personnel exchange and training; air connectivity, sports and development of urea and ammonia manufacturing plant in Malaysia and off-take of surplus urea from Malaysia to India. This project worth $2 billion with a production capacity of 2.5 million tons per year can meet the increasing demands of Indian market. Further the Malaysian firm MIGHT Technology Nurturing signed an MoU with Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) on the implementation of Fourth Generation Technology Park at the state’s new capital Amravati. This project expected to attract investments to the tune of $100 million besides catalyzing growth of 75 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) can create 5500 jobs. Government of Andhra Pradesh and PEMANDU of Malaysia signed a MoU in performance management, project delivery and monitoring.

Economic cooperation has been the core component of Modi’s foreign policy. Giving major thrust to trade and economic links both countries signed deals worth 36 billion of which over $30 billion will be executed in India and rest in India. Important deals include those between Andhra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation and Adani Ports with Malaysian Industries and a $23 billion deal for development of integrated Maritime City on Carey Island South of Malaysia. Najib called for speedy conclusion of free trade pact with ASEAN and six other countries i.e.., Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Besides, 10 ASEAN countries, the partnership includes- China, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand. With US pulling out of the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), a trade agreement among Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. ASEAN countries are now very keen on expediting RCEP. Trump protectionist trigger dismantled TPP causing its abandonment. The next big economic agreement on cards is RCEP. Official talks for formalization of RCEP which includes 16 countries, affecting lives of 3 billion people of combined GDP of $17 trillion, accounting for 40% world trade began in 2012 at Phonm Penh. RCEP extensively covers investments, goods, services, intellectual rights, economic and technical cooperation. Disgruntled ASEAN nations after the fall out the big trade agreement is now enthusiastically vying for roll out of RCEP. With the bilateral trade with ASEAN nations and China largely in their favor, India is nimble-footed about RCEP. The trade imbalances especially with China are reaching unprecedented levels and India is not keen on RCEP. India has an edge in service sector but ASEAN countries are reluctant to issue migration clearances in service sector. On the other hand, Indian manufacturing sector as of now is not able to compete with China. While economic cooperation can be the forte for bolstering bilateral ties, India has huge trade deficits with countries like Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Australia. On the contrary, India with its huge market potential is cynosure of all countries in RCEP. Lower tariffs earlier had benefitted foreign countries while India failed to avail the benefits of the same in foreign markets. As of now, India-Malaysia joint forum of CEO’s recommended visa-free travels to boost economic growth through travel and tourism. Prudently, Razak liberalized visa regimes, waived visa fees, launched multiple-entry e-visas for Indian tourists allowing them to travel to Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and South Thailand (valid for 15days). Even promised visa approval applications within 48 hours. Malaysia is currently the third largest trading partner among ASEAN after Indonesia and Singapore. Bilateral trade as of 2015 stands at $12.5 billion in favor of Malaysia. Malaysian investments in India are $7 billion as against reciprocal Indian investments of $2.5 billion. Indian Diaspora in Malaysia account for 7.5% of the population and with sections of Malaysian society are coming under Chinese influence, it is time India makes every attempt to build strong relations with regional states.

Another issue of key focus in the bilateral meet was counter-terrorism. In the joint statement both leaders reinforced the need for curtailing terrorism in all forms and manifestations. They condemned incidence of barbaric terror attacks in the region in strongest terms and emphasized the need to counter the spread of terrorism, radicalization, and growing extremism. Prime Minister Modi commended the steps taken by Malaysian government to countering terrorism and sought continuous cooperation for joint anti-terrorism operations. Malaysia in turn promised to share valuable experiences on mass de-radicalization with India. Both sides called upon the International community to strengthen multilateral forums that can address the challenges posed by terrorism. Reaffirming that extremism has been the root cause of terrorism, both sides ascertained the need for moderation promoted by Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF). GMMF is the brain child of Prime Minister Najib and was adopted by 20th ASEAN Summit to achieve global peace. It promotes cooperation, mutual respect, tolerance, and harmony as an alternative to counter terrorism. Leaders encouraged collaboration between establishments in India and GMMF for promoting moderation.

Ever since ruthless refusal of verdict of Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) that dismissed Beijing claims over South China Sea (SCS), the belligerent rise of China rattles ASEAN nations. Burgeoning power imbalances has made the region conflict prone. Malaysia which has claims in SCS is wary of China’s assertive moves and unabated reclamation of various features in the resource rich region. Malaysia is fervently pushing for India’s “greater role” in maritime security of Asia-Pacific region. Indeed, both leaders, reiterated “commitment to respecting freedom of navigation, and over flight, and unimpeded lawful commerce, based on the principles of international law, as reflected notably in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982”. They urged for peaceful resolution of disputes without resorting to threat or force and appealed to maintain international legal order of the seas and oceans. A change in approach of US and belligerent moves of China has prompted ASEAN nations to strengthen ties with a regional partner like India, an acclaimed benign power. For its size, image and expansive demographic spread India is looked upon by smaller countries to play an important role to keep the region prosperous and peaceful.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib, currently mired in corruption scandals was rescued Chinese intervention. The premier reciprocated Beijing by making huge concessions to Chinese investments. Malaysia is now inundated with Chinese enterprises which is dominating all sectors ranging from infrastructure to real estate. Opposition parties are now wary of colossal Chinese investments are growing suspicious of Beijing’s intentions. Razak’s effusive praise and personal visit to South Indian star Rajinikanth’s house is a desperate attempt to woo the Indian Diaspora, of Tamil descent. While the current visit of Malaysian premier has an entrenched domestic political implication, changing strategic dimensions in Indo-Pacific region calls for a deepening of bilateral ties.

With nations reposing strong hope in India, it is time India improves its credibility by expediting pending infrastructure and investment projects, fast track trade pacts on mutually agreeable terms and make efforts to foster collaboration through intraregional infrastructure connectivity projects. India must now make every effort to ramp up defence ties, ratchet cooperation through joint military exercises to position itself in the Indo-Pacific region as well.

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Monday, 3 April 2017

China warns India over Dalai Lama’s visit to Tawang

China’s repeated warnings to India over the Dalai Lama’s visit is cliched. Stepping up warnings to India and weird apprehensions of China with regards to the Dalai Lama visit is now losing its sheen. Beijing’s act of pressing panic button has reached a standoff. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson warned of “serious damage” to bilateral ties if India allows exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh. Beijing views the Dalai Lama as a “splittist” and strongly objects to his continued presence in India. Earlier in March, China objected to the Dalai Lama being invited to an International Seminar on Buddhism organized by Ministry of Culture in Nalanda. The Global Times, official mouth piece of Chinese government snapped back saying that by extending invitation to the Dalai Lama, “India is asking for trouble, worsening bilateral relations and impeding normal bilateral discussion”. Beijing chided New Delhi with similar remarks when President Pranab Mukherjee hosted the Dalai Lama at Rashtrapathi Bhavan in December 2016, along other Nobel Laureates. Interestingly, Global Times even lashed at Pradeep Khosla, an overseas Indian, Chancellor of University of California, San Diego (UCSD) for inviting the Dalai Lama to address the graduating students in June. China even deliberately insulted Indians by repeatedly referring to them as “these Indians”. China’s obsession with the Dalai Lama dates to 1959 when the exiled spiritual leader sought refuge and settled down in Dharamshala with his followers.

But this time around ULFA-I’s (United Liberation Front of Assam-Independent) warning to the Dalai Lama also added heft to China’s strong protests. ULFA-I, a banned militant organization that operates in Assam issued an open letter to the Dalai Lama, asking him to refrain from making any anti-Chinese comments from Assam’s soil. Needless to say, the commander-in-chief of ULFA is currently based in China and works hand in glove with Chinese masters to wreak havoc in the North-East State. Despite these warnings, India allowed the Dalai Lama to embark on 14-day long tour to North East India starting with Assam on April 1st where he would attend the Assam Tribune’s platinum jubilee celebrations, participate in Namami Brahmaputra festival, deliver a lecture at Dibrugarh University before proceeding to Arunachal Pradesh. During his entire duration of stay the Dalai Lama will give teachings on various aspects of Tibetan Buddhism and visit the Tawang Monastery. The Dalai Lama last visited Arunachal Pradesh in 2009.   

China disdainfully refers to 90,000 sq km of Arunachal Pradesh, an integral part of India as South Tibet. Beijing began laying claims over Tawang, a monastery town and birth place of sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyasto, since 1985. While China is becoming increasingly flustered about Arunachal Pradesh ever since, the actual Indo-Chinese territorial disputes pertain to Aksai Chin, area occupied by China during 1962 war. Beijing began objecting to any official visits to Arunachal Pradesh, even protesting the visit of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Last year it objected to Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister’s invitation to the Dalai Lama, US ambassador Richard Verma visit to the state. It must be noted that China initially had eyes on Tawang, which has 430 years old Buddhist Monastery, the holiest and largest after the Potala Place, Lhasa, the seat of Tibetan Buddhism. But soon Beijing extended claims to entire state of Arunachal Pradesh in 2006 and began issuing stapled visas to residents of Arunachal Pradesh henceforth.

Beijing’s acrimony towards New Delhi emanated from India offering shelter to Dalai Lama and his entourage who sought refuge to escape the wrath of Chinese army. India besides, offering shelter held the Dalai Lama in high esteem, honored him as a spiritual leader, helped him establish a divine abode in Dharamshala to preserve the religious traditions and cultural identities of Tibetans. Over the past five decades, India became home to over 1,50,000 Tibetan refugees and provided needed infrastructure for education and health care. Contrastingly, China has been steadily extirpating Tibetan culture, traditional values, and their core identities with an iron hand. The scale of atrocities and persecution is reaching alarming proportions. Tawang Monastery in India is now the last remaining symbol of Tibetan Buddhism where traditional sanctity and identity are still upheld and widely protected. It has now emerged as beacon of hope for the 20 million Tibetan Buddhists. Many experts believe that Tawang might be the place where next the Dalai Lama reincarnates. Having a Dalai Lama in its favor is vital for China to have an unassailable control over Tibetan uprising. Earlier in 1995 Dalai Lama chose a six-year-old Panchen Lama who could find the child, who would be a reincarnate of Dalai Lama. But after three days of announcement of Panchen Lama, he was kidnapped with his parents. Chinese government immediately chose another Panchen Lama as a replacement. Beijing also declared that it will chose the next Dalai Lama. Dalai Lama who is a spiritual head is also political head for Tibetans. The present Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th in succession, cognizant of Chinese nefarious intentions indicated that he is last in succession and “his reincarnation will depend on the circumstances after his death”.

China’s single-minded fixation towards Tawang is reiterated by top Chinese diplomat, Wang Dehua, who in an interview to Beijing publication Dai Bingguo, in February indicated that border dispute would be resolved if New Delhi parted with Tawang, calling it as “inalienable part” of Tibet. He elaborated that “If the Indian side takes care of China’s concerns in the eastern sector, the Chinese side will address India’s concerns elsewhere”. Former Indian diplomat, Ashok Kantha, clarified that as per the agreement of 2005, “there would be no exchange of territories with settled populations”. Clearly, stating that Chinese insistence of Tawang territory have deep seated implications.

Clearly, unlike in past, Chinese warnings do not rattle Indian political dispensation any more. Home Minister Kiren Rijiju unequivocally stated that “The Dalai Lama is going to visit Arunachal Pradesh as a religious leader and there is no reason to stop him as his followers are demanding he should come”. He also announced that he would meet the Dalai Lama at Tawang.

Chinese admonitions of India are becoming increasing unreasonable. Beijing recently warned India of playing a Taiwan card and undermining the One China Policy for hosting a Taiwanese Parliamentary Delegation. Just a fortnight back, China alleged that New Delhi is posing hurdles to greater Sino-Nepalese cooperation as China’s defence minister visit to Nepal was immediately followed by Indian Chief of Army Bipin Rawat visit.

By and large the irrational and fallacious territorial claims of China are becoming corner stone of its imperialistic vision. Overpowered by irredentism, China is now laying claims on regions near and far. The irredeemable obsession to reunite the rebel province of Taiwan even by force, the reprehensible admonition of South China Sea verdict, punitive plans of exercising control over its weak neighbors, outlandish sanctions on regions part of its historical past together indicate spawning of a hegemon in the region. It should be remembered that China has imposed severe sanctions on Mongolia and literally brought the nation to its knees for allowing Dalai Lama to visit its territory. The One China policy which Beijing states as the basis for Sino-American relation is nurtured by its imperialistic vision. A vision which envisages to rebuild historic arc that includes all the territories which were part of the historic Yuan and Qing Dynasty.

Reprehensibly, while China is making every attempt to portray the Dalai Lama as a “separatist” sheltered by India, it blatantly stalls India’s attempts to blacklist terrorists, scuttles its progression into an elite club, arms and funds militants jeopardizing internal security. Beijing which is extremely unrelenting and uncompromising about its territorial and core strategic interests is ruthlessly indifferent about India staking similar claims. It conveniently chose to violate India’s sovereignty and audaciously launched the CPEC for its strategic and commercial interests. But making strident calls over a spiritual leader religious tour. The illogical assertiveness of China is already taking a toll on the stability of the region. It is time India checkmates irredentist China where it hurts most. Perhaps, time to rewrite rules of economic cooperation.
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