Thursday, 20 November 2014

Modi’s Diaspora Connect

The adulation and ovations lavished on Prime Minister Modi during his recent visit to Australia has been an issue of political rhetoric also. Leaders of major political parties have brandished the euphoria of Indian Diaspora in Australia and earlier in USA with outlandish remarks. In reality the Prime Minister represents the country hence his personality and out- reach reflects the mood of the nation as such.  The outburst and flak of the political rivals of Prime Minister, who was once loathed, is understandable, but the enthusiasm and cheer displayed by Indian Diaspora in foreign lands is unprecedented. A decade long subservience and meekness had pushed India into an arena of debilitation. India has been reeking under the burden of conflicting relationships with all its immediate neighbours. Our economy and even citizens withered under the diffident leadership of UPA regime.

Post-Independence India with its vast resources and huge demographic dividend grossly underperformed relative to its potential due to ludicrous socialist policies. As a result large number of Indians migrated abroad to greener pastures for economic reasons, predominantly in 1960s to the West and Gulf Nations. People who dragged their feet against distressing economic conditions were treated disdainfully at home. However, by wooing NRIs Modi has successfully annihilated the guilt-tripping the Diaspora. He strategically utilised the platform, both at Madison Square Garden and the Allphones Arena in Syndey to convince Indian Diaspora to invest in India. Till now Indian leadership had failed to garner the interest evinced by Diaspora to give back to their roots. Modi aroused their interest in development of motherland and commended the hard-work and determination in rebuilding their lives abroad.

If Indian Diaspora spread across nearly 183 countries, intends to generously invest wealth and expertise for the progress of India, it growth run can gain real momentum. China’s transformation too was heralded by its Diaspora abroad. In the 21st century the process of nation building is no longer the predicament of government, people have to spear head it. Modi through his exemplary oratory won the hearts of the Diaspora yearning for a developed nation tag to India. But the exuberant oratory has to be followed up with actions to substantially root Diaspora’s inclination to invest in India.

Astounding welcome extended in the US and Australia indicates that Diaspora takes special pride in welcoming their leaders in foreign lands to showcase their belongingness and affinity towards their roots in India. Modi has been successful in presenting himself as a dynamic and endearing personality whom NRIs began idolising. The final leg of Modi’s ten- day tour which included a visit to Fiji, an island in Pacific Ocean was of special importance.  Almost 37% of the population of the island is constituted by Indians who migrated 109 years back. Their unflinching belongingness towards their roots received a major fillip with his visit.  Romancing with PIOs and NRIs cannot be dismissed as publicity stunt for it helped in amassing Diaspora’s spirit of connectivity to motherland. The burgeoning popularity of Modi can be attributed to his ebullient personality and astute leadership which enthralled the Diaspora.

In a bid to facilitate the investments of Diasporas Modi promised visa upon arrival, and also pushed for a reduction in the remittances costs of non-residents at the G-20 summit.  Subsequently G-20 has pledged to slash the cost of transferring remittances to 5%. Remittance flows help India to drive strong with sustainable and balanced growth. Besides, the investment climate in India must improve and economic reforms which render domestic policy liberal and transparent must be in place. According to a World Bank estimate more than 215 million people live outside their country of birth and most of them send back money back home. In 2013, India received whopping $70 billion remittances from its Diasporas. Meanwhile, curious Modi supporters are eagerly waiting for another bash at Wembley Stadium next year.  For BJP vaulting high on Modi’s oratory may no longer drive crowds in foreign land until Diaspora are really convinced of his commitment  until substantial change is reflected in his economic reforms.

Further won’t it be more prudent if netas and media persons refrain from scanning every issue through a political angle? On the other hand the iconic trip to Myanmar, Australia and Fiji can be reckoned as an attempt by affirmative Indian leadership to reclaim its status on the World Platform. Against the looming dragon influence over the trans-Pacific and South East Asian Region, India should indeed aggressively pursue its strategic interests by warming up to its neighbours and rejuvenating old ties with other nations. 
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