Saturday, 12 October 2013

Nobel Prizes 2013

Nobel prizes are awarded to persons of highest achievement in particular field. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist, engineer, inventor, business man, poet, dramatist and weapons manufacturer. He developed dynamite and invented a detonator which drastically reduced the cost of mining, blasting rocks, building tunnels and building canals. By the time of his death in 1896 he had 355 patents. Due to his entrepreneurial acumen, he founded 90 industries spread in over 20 counties and accumulated lot of wealth. As per will of Alfred Nobel, the interest on the huge capital invested in safe securities was to be distributed into five equal halves and shall be used to award prizes annually. The prizes are awarded to a discovery or an invention in the field of physics, chemical sciences, physiology or medicine; to a work in the field of literature working towards an ideal; to a person who has made outstanding contributions in promoting the fraternity between nations, reducing the standing armies and contributing to the peace and progress of nations. Following these directions, annually five prizes are awarded. The prizes for Physics and Chemistry are awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, for physiology or medicine by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and Norwegian Storting nominates the award for peace prize.

Though Nobel Prize for economics has not been instituted under Alfred Nobel’s will, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in the memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded every year for outstanding contributions in economics. It is more often referred to as “Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics”. The nomination, selection, awarding and announcement of prizes are similar to the Nobel Prize.  Awardees are selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It is a non-Nobel Prize associated officially with the Nobel Foundation. It was first awarded in the year 1969. Following the eruption of controversies after the release of book “A beautiful Mind” written by Slyvia Nasar pertaining to awarding of Nobel Prize in Economics to John Forbes Nash in 1994, prize was redefined as prize in social sciences. Hence there is an ample opportunity for people working tin fields of psychology, political science and sociology to vie for the prize with their land mark contribution in those fields. Meanwhile the composition of the Economics Prize Committee has thus been changed to accommodate two non-economists. There are instances where non-economists like Herbert A Simson, a PhD in political Science won Nobel Prize in economics. The nominations for the prizes are strictly by invitations. The information about nomination process is not disclosed till 50 years later as per the statutes of the Nobel Foundation.

India has distinction of being the birth place for 11 Nobel Laureates. All the Nobel Prizes have been announced. The Nobel Prize for Physics could be easily guessed as the landmark discovery of the God particle or the Higgs-Boson particle has made headlines in the preceding year. There has been a great excitement regarding the peace prize as for the first time a 16 year old girl has been nominated for the prize and conferring her with the prize would have been a history. Since the average age of the Nobel Prize winners is 59 and the youngest Lawrence Bragg, aged 25 bagged the prize. While 90 is the age of oldest winner Leonid Hurwicz, received Nobel Memorial prize for economics and 49 laureates were younger than 40. Le Duc Tho a Vietnam politician awarded a Nobel Peace Prize along Henry Kissinger for their role in negotiating Vietnam peace accord declined the prize. Prize amount is 8 million Swedish Kroner (SEK) or 1.2 million USD. Till 2012 Nobel Prize was awarded to 835 individuals and 21 organisations.

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute has awarded Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine jointly to James E Rothman Yale University, Randy W. Schekman, University of California Berkeley and Thomas C Sudof Stanford University for solving the mystery of how cell organises its transport system. They have discovered the principles that govern the transport of cargo to the right place at the right time in the cell. The molecules or cargo is transported around the cell in small packaged called vesicles. Randy Schekman discovered the set of genes responsible for vesicular traffic. James Rothman unravelled the protein machinery that allows vesicular fusion and subsequent release of cargo at the right target. Thomas Sudof revealed the processes involved in vesicular signalling that guides the vesicles to release their cargo accurately. Any minor aberration or discrepancy in any of these mechanisms would have deleterious effects resulting in neurological disorders, diabetes and immunological disorders.

Nobel Prize in Physics was jointly was to Francois Englert , Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels and Peter W Higgs, University of Edinburg. In 1964 each of them along with Englert’s colleague Robert Brout, now deceased have independently postulated a theory of how particles acquire mass. These ideas were confirmed by the illustrious experiment carried on Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN laboratory outside Geneva, with the discovery of the Higgs particle. LHC is perhaps the largest and the most complex instrument built by humans so far. Two research groups comprising 3000 scientists managed to extract Higgs particle from billions of collisions within the LHC.

The Royal Swedish Academy has conferred the Nobel Prize in Chemical Sciences 2013 jointly to Martin Karplus, University of Strasbourg, France and Harvard University Cambridge, MA; Michael Levitt, Stanford University, Arieh Warshel, University of Southern California. These have spearheaded computer modelling to understand and predict complex chemical processes. Earlier chemists used to create models of molecules using ball and stick. The trio have managed to make Newton’s Classical physics work to work side by side with fundamentally different quantum physics. The combination of classical and quantum physics is used to make simulations which are realistic and are capable to predicting the outcome of traditional chemical experiments.

Canadian author 82 year old Alice Munro was awarded Nobel Prize for literature for her mastery in contemporary short story writing. She has published several short stories over the years. She is widely acclaimed for her fine tuned style of story- telling characterised by psychological realism and clarity. She is considered as Canadian Chekov. Her stories are set in small town back ground and basically revolve struggle, social acceptance often resulting strained relationships and moral conflicts. They also deal about the generation gap and colliding life ambitions. She is the 13th woman and 17th Canadian to receive the award. She was also winner of Man Booker International Prize in 2009.

Organization for the prohibition of Chemical weapons (OPCW) was awarded Nobel Peace prize 2013.It was founded in 1997.Tha Hague based autonomous body works within the frame work of UN. It is awarded the prize for its extensive efforts to eliminate of chemical weapons. It promotes and verifies the adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention. It has played a crucial role in the recent Syrian war and has been deftly handling the destruction of stock piles of chemical weapons in Syria. It has received massive acclaim for its technical expertise and the unstinted courage displayed by its team for working in the most dangerous war incriminating zones. Disarmament figured prominently in Alfred Nobel’s will, Norwegian Nobel Committee is seeking to contribute to elimination of chemical weapons by awarding the organization.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 25 times to organisation between 1901 and 2013. 22 individual organisations have been awarded, UNHCR and the office of United Nations High Commissioner for refugees received the award twice and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was honoured thrice.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences for the year 2013 in memory of Alfred Nobel is shared jointly by Eugene F Fama, University of Chicago; Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago and Robert Shiller, Yale University for their empirical analysis of assets prices. . In general there is no way to predict the prices of stocks and bonds over few days or weeks. But it is possible to forecast the prices of the stocks over a broad period. These two statements are quite startling and contradictory. The Nobel laureates have laid foundation for understanding asset prices which are subject to rapid fluctuations. Their analyses rely on the fluctuations, risk and risk attitudes, and partly on behavioural biases and market frictions. The behaviour of the asset prices is the key to the savings, buying of assets and finally plays a pivotal role in the national economic policy. Long term assessment of prices has attained utmost prominence following the collapse of US housing market bubble which led the financial meltdown. So far Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics has been awarded 45 times to 74 laureates.

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