Unbridled Spirits
An overall growth of the person includes both intelligent quotient
(IQ) and the emotional quotient (EQ). Man
would be complete if he has the combination of the IQ and EQ in right proportions
and one without other is useless. They must function hand in hand for the overall
well being of the individual. People are mostly concerned about boosting up
their intellect often neglecting its better half. All our misery and disenchantment
stems for these biased priorities. Each of us would be very eager and keen to
be very vigilant about our career and progress. But deliberately neglect mental
grooming which leaves a lacuna in our lives. Emotions make us complete and life
without such emotion is insipid.
Sometimes it is more
important to be emotionally charged to handle and discharge the stress. Often pent
up anger, stress, frustration and a feeling of helplessness can be driven away
by being emotional.
A most common way of relaxation for majority is watching TV/
reality show or a movie. All of us look forward for recreation for the same
purpose. It is important to purge ourselves of the negative feelings to feel
charged and relaxed. Often a drop of tear on the cheek while watching a movie/
reading a book or even narrating certain experiences to the loved ones relieves
us of the botched up feelings. Or even a hearty laugh at the sight of a
funniest thing is enough to cheer up and lit up the light of joy in our
Sometimes certain inconsequential incidents in our life/on
screen move us and reduce us to tears. I feel that is the way we get
connected....back to our roots. Every individual who can still experience, the
pain, grief, mirth and joy and is moved by incidents happening in his life or
around him.......is an emotional being. Sometimes we seem to have an unflinching
affiliation towards persons like film actors, singers, spiritual guru’s,
mentors, athletes etc. We have nothing in common with them. But we are deeply
attached to them. We rejoice in every victory of theirs and feel doomed when
they are down. We tend to forge bonds
and friendships easily. Basically we are social beings. Each of us is deeply
emotional inside........lest we forget it we cease to lead a happy life.
“The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot
be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart” ---- Helen Keller.
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