Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Pernicious Chemical Weapons

In the wake of alleged chemical attack by the Syrian government, there is a growing fear among nations regarding the indiscriminate use of destructive chemical weapons. Suddenly there is new sense of urgency and fear among the nations about the impact, usage of these advanced war weapons and its dubious role in mass destruction. The timely intervention of the UN and inspection of Syrian domain by its officials might provide some concrete evidence about the nature and extent of real damage caused by the chemical weapons.   But modern warfare seems to ostensibly employ the most dangerous weapons which can cause an unprecedented damage to the life on earth. These include the chemical, nuclear and biological war weapons which constitute the most dreaded weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Chemical weapons constitute the usage of lethal agents meant to kill, incapacitate or injure the enemy. Often these compounds cause extensive damage not only to men but also to the agriculture and live stock by causing hunger and starvation. Thus these lethal agents bring life to a complete stand still in the affected area. Lethal agents have been used in wars for over several thousand of year’s modern usage of these chemical weapons dates back to First World War. Mustard gas (nitrogen mustards, a vesicant) and phosgene (a chloride gas) were extensively used that caused lung searing, blindness and death due to asphyxiation. There was a huge public furore over the disastrous trail left by these chemical gases. Even military officials were not impressed by the performance of these weapons. Unlike conventional weapons of war, which hit the targeted areas, chemical weapons lack the directed action. They drift along the wind and hence it largely fails it target.

Hence immediately after the First World War several conventions were initiated to curtail the usage of these harmful weapons. Around 133 countries has become party to Geneva Protocol also known as Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. This protocol prohibits usage of chemical and biological weapons, but failed to address the issue of storage, stockpiling and transfer of these weapons. Later to address this lacuna the modern arms control agreement Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) known as Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction was enacted. It is administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) located at The Hague. This not only prevents use of chemical and biological weapons but effectively inspects chemical weapons and destroys the stocks present in its 189 signatories (nearly 98% population). CWC prevents the use of any toxic chemical, regardless of its origin, like the non living toxic compounds produced by living organisms like plants (toxins like botulinum, ricin) are considered  chemical weapons unless they are used for purposes that are not prohibited under the general purpose criteria. There are seven nations (Israel and Myanmar have signed but not ratified) not party to the CWC. North Korea, South Sudan, Angola, Egypt haven’t signed the act. Syria though not signatory member of Chemical Weapons Convention is a party to Geneva Protocol which doesn’t take stock of the production and storage of chemical weapons in its territory. But despite being a non party to CWC, UN Commissioner for Human Rights strongly condemns Syria as it has customary binding to the International law which prohibits the use of chemical weapons by both the government and anti-government allied forces.

Chemicals weapons constitute several potent and lethal chemicals. They are used in solid, liquid and gaseous form. These are stored in three basic configurations- munitions, projectiles, cartridges, mines and rockets and even as air-craft delivered munitions. They are both unitary and binary munitions –unitary munitions contain a single lethal chemical, where as binary munitions contain two chemicals which are not lethal until they are mixed.

There are four different categories based on their physiological affects on the human body. They are –Blood agents like the cyanides that interfere in development and maturation process of the RBC and are metabolic poisons; Blister agents or vesicants like the nitrogen and sulphur mustards, urticants that produce water-filled blisters and wheal on skin; Nerve agents cause dislocation of nerve synapses resulting in loss of neurological control. These include the compounds of varying efficacies and designated as G series, V series and GV series containing compounds like Sarin, Tabun, Cyclosarin. Symptoms range from severe palpitation, sweating to paralysis, convulsions and death. Pulmonary agents like phosgene, chlorine, and chloropicrin result in severe irritation to lungs and cause damage to lung-blood barrier.

Apart from these harmful chemical agents, police and military sometimes use Riot Control Agents (RCA) to control the unruly mobs and rioters. They are intended not to kill or injure but to control and disperse the huge restive crowds and mobs particularly during agitations.  They include regular non-lethal incapacitating agents like LSD which cause hallucination and delirium; harassing agents like tear gas such as Bromoacetone, Bromobenzyl cyanide irritate the mucous membrane and have a lachrymatory affect; vomiting agents like Adamsite, Diphenylchloroarsine (DA), Diphenylcyanoarsine (DC) cause coughing, sneezing and nausea and malodorants that produce strong unpleasant and repulsive smell.

In the deadly Syrian attack by Bashar al-Assad against his own people Sarin (GB), a nerve agent and an organophosphate compound was supposedly used. This chemical attack has resulted in the death of 1300 people. Sarin was last used in 1994 and 1995 in terrorist attacks in Japan. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), Sarin is a colourless, tasteless clear liquid when pure and can quickly evaporate. It is a very potent nerve agent and was developed by Germans as an insecticide in 1938. The symptoms vary depending on the amount, mode and length of exposure of a person to the chemical. Exposure to mild doses of Sarin might result in chest tightness, rapid breathing, drooling, rapid sweating, blurred vision and nausea. It mainly targets the functioning of acetyl choline esterase enzyme resulting in uncontrolled stimulation of muscles. A tiny drop of Sarin on skin can cause sweating and muscle twitching. Large doses might result in harmful health as it results in convulsions, paralysis and respiratory failure leading to death. Mildly exposed people usually recover completely but severely exposed people are unlikely to survive.

 Syrian issue is now widely debated among the leaders of various nations and most of them are contemplating a legal action. This should deter the use of chemical weapons any more.  An authentic decision and future course of action hasn’t been formulated as yet against the aggressive Syrian regime but major countries are not averse to use of military.

Man with his relentless efforts have marvelled and excelled in the spheres of science and technology. But unfortunately have miserably failed to evolve their barbaric traits of the Stone Age. Unless discretion and restraint prevails the most civilised human species is doomed to be annihilated by its own Frankenstein’s monster.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

A Strident Media A Potrayal Of True Democracy?

I still have the reminiscences, when people thronged a television set for the national news on lone national network, Doordarshan for the latest news. Over the past decade the fourth pillar of the democracy evolved into a stronger unit and surging ahead with great power and authority. News no longer is a monologue. The panel discussions of yesteryears were usually very courteous and panellists would meekly agree to disagree. Discussions were characterised by the absence of stiff oppositions and overtones.

In sharp contrast, present day news channels are animated, loud and boisterous. Typically featured by dramatization and sensationalizing of news. As the era of 24 hours new channels have began to gain popularity, the dynamics of the news, its presentation and documentation have undergone a drastic change. It has become a livewire exuberating latest developments relentlessly in the process of overdoing the news presentations its losing its sheen. Early 90’s passive mode of reading out the news has lent its way to the present form of interactive and live news. Media has become very aggressive. The ubiquitous media intervention and coverage has given much needed leverage to several progressive movements and agitations by creating awareness and stirring up a sense of duty in common man towards a cause.  Media’s over enthusiastic participation and its commercial aspirations have resulted in compromising with the principles of journalism.

Provocations, incitements, heated arguments have become a common parlance of the news channels. In this media frenzy generation, newsmakers and their subsequent events are censured for good and bad reasons alike. The flourishing trend of investigative journalism is mandating the need for scrutiny of the unquestionable authenticity of their information. Undoubtedly it is rendering a great service to nation since the intelligence agencies are tamed by the politician holding power. They seem to have mastered the art of gaining access to widest possible array of the networks from where the latest information can be sought. Indeed taking up the task of a watch dog responsibly.  Unfortunately they seem to overdo it and thus raising unnecessary passion and tempers among the public. It has made successful stint of empowering the common man with information by effective communication. Being presumptuous as expected in a strong democratic regime, it is doing a disservice by unbridling tempers and extrapolating apprehensions about the future of nation.  

Definitely it is evolving and shaping itself into a vibrant and dynamic unit. The brilliance it exudes in political analysis and especially presentation of exit polls is amazing. The whole process of news presentation which was a drab in yester years have pruned into a radiant system. It is no more an exaggeration to say it has become an addiction to several sections of the society. It has become widely popular among the masses as it is emotionally satiating helpless and restless public.

In fact not everything is rosy about the media. On the flipside it has become an effective tool which is being widely abused for it penetrative capacity. To increase their channel viewership most of them are not refraining from telecasting scandalous issues resulting in emotionally alleviating the public tempers. People are getting charged up and incited. Irrespective of the palpable changes in the media, it will be rendering immense service to nation if it can elicit some perceptible change in public.

" Whoever controls the media controls the mind " - Jim Morrison.

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Monday, 19 August 2013

Oil Demand Set To Taper

Good news in store for everyone, more so for nature lovers and environmentalists. Citi, a bank predicts the thirst for petrol and diesel is nearing a peak and the demand would flatten by the next two decades. The current oil requirement stands at 89million barrels per day. International Energy Agency (IEA) and America’s Energy Information Administration estimated the increase to 104m b/d by 2030 in contrast to predictions of Citi of 92m b/d as the peak.

An affirmative research and analysis by the bank confounds that the requirement for fuel (in terms of oil) will decrease as countries are now heavily investing in alternative sources of energy like the wind and solar energy in particular. Owing to imposition of tough environmental policies, developed countries are bound to cut down the carbon emissions. This necessitates them to allot huge funds for research towards environmental- friendly fuel resources. Decrease in oil requirement shouldn’t ring alarm bells as it isn’t pre-emptive of stalling of progress of nations. Developed countries have already reached the peak of the oil requirement and have attained stable economies. The demand from the first world countries is expected to remain same. As the developing countries began are about to make a significant progress in the international business and trade, manufacturing and power sectors are be abuzz with activity in that part of world.  Even the oil demand is set to increase as these nations are aspiring to get rich. Further the teeming billions of people from the third world are aspiring to get behind the wheel of a car. A rapidly growing aviation sector is enhancing the fuel requirements.

In spite of burgeoning demand, automotive technology is offering the greatest succour. With advances in engine technology, car design is becoming more efficient. The fuel requirement is coming down drastically implying the frugal need for oil to travel around. Further the growing popularity of the electric and hybrid cars and the vehicles powered by natural gas or hydrogen fuel cells will have a plausible effect on oil demand. China, a growing super power made rapid economic progress in record time is notorious for being the worst polluter. It has realised it mission very quickly and started working aggressively on cleaning up the environment.  The two pronged approach to tackle this issue are firstly by manufacturing more fuel efficient vehicles. Secondly by developing strategies for developing alternative energy sources which are environmental friendly. Since nations are trying to increase fuel efficiency of 2.5% every year, the future seems to be promising. Another significant milestone in this direction is the discovery of huge shale rock deposits in California recently. American has reached self-sufficiency as fuel requirements can be met existing natural gas reserves. Hence, the major form of fuel is going to be natural gas in the world’s biggest economy.

To sum up, the demand for oil as the only source of fuel is set to decline, implying a positive effect on the environment. Other energy sources like natural gas, electricity, solar and wind power would leave much less carbon footprint. Hence the dream of go green is going to a reality with the rapid economic progress of nations remaining unperturbed.  A great sigh of relief for all the conservationists as nature and its resources are not harmed. Thus climate will not be affected and intense weather changes might soon be thing of past. It has been the oil which has triggered massive conflicts in the world so far. Though everybody else will be happy the Arab allies might be greatly affected. Thus the future seems to offer a glimmer of hope for everyone especially the environmentalists who have been very vocal about the raising carbon levels.
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Innovative Indian Proletariat

Just as we were returning home from our regular outing on the weekend, our vehicle has come to a sudden halt. The vehicular traffic has come to a standstill as red light was signalled. Within few seconds, there was a swarm of ambitious street hawkers on prowl for enthusiastic consumers. Hawkers were of different age groups and it is common sight to watch children of 8-12 in majority and their stiffest business rivals are the teenagers who tend to outsmart the younger members of their club. All these people are forced to sell glitzy goods to make a living. The hawkers and their range products always draw my attention. As we regularly pass the same road, we realised that the spectrum of products sold were never the same. They sell different products depending upon the season, timing of the year and festivals. Though the quality of the goods is not guaranteed they definitely have a wide variety of products to offer.

 I began to recollect all the different goods they were vending. In peak summer they sell black net shields for car windows, hats and goggles in the morning and strings of fresh jasmine at night.  They are ready with stock of cheap umbrellas in rainy season, for winter season they gear up with woollen’s ranging from socks, gloves, monkey cap’s, scarves and mufflers. Don’t be surprised if they remind you of the Valentine Day on the busiest roads by selling fresh roses and bouquets of Germaniums and orchids; Indian flags and badges ahead of Republic Day and Independence Day. They cater to choices of wide variety of people as well. It is not an exaggeration, but they are indeed a mobile market as such. They merchandise cheap toys, balloons, and stuffed toys of popular cartoon characters; bubble blowers. More recently they ventured into the trade of selling the pirated books of the most famous authors; encyclopaedias’ and dictionaries. More often they sell some of the rarest traditional stuff. Some of their fancy collections like hand fan made weaved from peacock feathers etc. are a big hit with foreigners as well. They are truly the epitomes of the entrepreneurial skills in their microcosm.

Suddenly I was distracted from my thoughts when my husband intervened to say-watch out for them, they are truly innovative. You can never find them trading the same products every day. They are up- to- date with the current trends in vogue. They try to make big gains in the transaction from the tiniest interval of time available. Their transactions are done in few seconds on the busiest streets and hence the real knack lies in attracting the attention of customers in that short span of time. But alas!!! Practically they are doing the toughest job and end up having meagre returns for the day’s work. In spite of the tough and trying situations, these people eke out a living by selling goods instead of begging or prying for easy money.

A wave of optimism engulfs when we analyse the rustic intelligence of these masses. If provided with enough impetus and encouragement, these ordinary men and women can change the face of the nation. An average Indian has extraordinary potential. Thus a nation endowed with these potential minds should be a wonderful land making rapid strides. Indians are acknowledged world over for their intuitive thinking and hard work, hence receive highest acclaim. But the nation is unable to progress in spite of its prized human resources. Indians have great entrepreneurial skills but unfortunately, of late they are obsessed with the new fad of trading the country’s interests too. The affects are showing up in the form of steady decline of nation. People started trading votes as well under the guise of caste, creed, region and money. Though individuals are making remarkable progress the country as a unit is failing to operate and deliver.

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Book Review: Looking East To Look West

The book “Looking East To Look West Lee Kuan Yew’s Mission India by Sunanda K Datta-Ray” gives an authentic and detailed view of the Lee Kuan Yew’s (LKY) ideas and impressions about India. Lee is fondly remembered as the father of modern Singapore. He has a special interest towards India for various cultural, political, geographical and economic reasons. His affiliation to India and its culture emanates from the historical connectivity of Suvarnabhumi, Singapore to the great Hindu civilisation which has extended far into the Indian Ocean.

This book has a significant contemporary relevance as it deals with all the issues related to the South East Asia, and Lee’s perceptions of Nehru’s India. He greatly admired Nehru’s role in nurturing the independent India and awed at his vision, destination and goal for the nation. Lee was deeply impressed by his impeccable knowledge and awareness about the world polity and reckoned him as a true statesman and leader of the South East Asia. As a subject of British Colony, Lee felt that his manners far more English than English men.
India has Singapore had common problems as they were former British colonies. Both nations had the burden of revamping severely battered economies. Singapore was declared as separate state after it officially split from Malaysia in 1965. Lee underwent similar struggles as Nehru in constructing the former British colony decrepit of poverty, unemployment and devoid of proper defence. Lee transformed the country and now it has emerged as one of the most developed country in Asia, next to Japan in percapita income. Unlike India, his dream city country is devoid of natural resources and even drinking water supply was controlled by Malaysia when it separated from the Malayan province. Lee was very keen about the progress and development of the land and had a deep penchant for the developmental models that can facelift the economy of his country. India embarked on the journey reviving its economy and restoring its lost glory just a decade back in 1947. Lee keenly followed India’s progress after independence. He was particularly impressed with Indian style of democratic functioning patronised by Nehru. Lee eulogised the five year plans envisaged by him and vouched for the state of art of Air India. With demise of Nehru he observed a sudden shift from western-oriented leaders to local oriented leaders in India. Over the next few decades economies turned around with India still languishing in poverty and rated as a third world country. Whereas Singapore stead fast on the path of economic progress and development and evolved into an exemplary Asian country.

Singapore is a land of migrants with 150 years of history and hence devoid of historical baggage. Lee felt that it could be a dangerous proposition. He firmly believed that future grows out of the past. On the other hand, India was seat of evolution of the great Hindu civilisation. Lee was of view that Indians wouldn’t have been able to foster music, art, literature, architecture, painting and sculpture without surplus agricultural and pastoral production. These relics and statues are the indicators of the past glory of the land. Even though disciplinarian regime was never imposed in Hindu style of living people still maintained exemplary living. He has special place for Indians and adores them for their exceptional intellectual and oratory skills.

Lee desired India to be part of ASEAN, a group founded by him to foster trade relations between the South East Asian nations. But unfortunately, he failed in all his attempts to make India a part of this group. He wanted India to open up the economy so that foreign investments can bring trade giving the needed impetus for the economy to grow at a faster pace. Though India’s economy took off well immediately after the independence, lack of concerted and persistent efforts has pushed it back to an abysmal low until the new reforms initiated in 1991. Whereas China vigorously pushed itself by opening up its markets and within three decades emerged as a giant economy. Lee opined that India alone can take on this giant and provide a counter balance in the central Asia. But unfortunately, India failed to harness its potential to the fullest. Though it has showed the initial signs of a promising growth, lack of political will have pushed it back into doldrums. India failed to live up to the standards and it lacked the quality too. Lee desired India to be part of ASEAN, a group founded by him to foster trade relations between the South East Asian nations. But unfortunately, he failed in all his attempts to make India a part of this group. He wanted India to open up the economy so that foreign investments can bring trade giving the needed impetus for the economy to grow at a faster pace. Though India’s economy took off well immediately after the independence, lack of concerted and persistent efforts has pushed it back to an abysmal low until the new reforms initiated in 1991. Whereas China vigorously pushed itself by opening up its markets and within three decades emerged as a giant economy. Lee opined that India alone take on this giant and provide a counter balance in the central Asia. But unfortunately, India failed to harness its potential to the fullest. Though it has showed the initial signs of a promising growth, lack of political will have pushed it back into doldrums. India failed to live up to the standards and it lacked the quality too.

Lee was distraught at Indian politicians who still insist on populist programs with mass appeal. He expounds that India’s government is biggest enemy of the Indian people and businessmen are their best friend. Two great drawbacks for India are its infrastructure and bureaucracy. He minces no words in saying that economy is strangled in the name of social justice and democracy. He strongly believes that opinions should be based on what works and not on dogma and cautioned that growth might taper off under the pressure of electoral compulsions, xenophobia, terrorist threats or inertia. Lee’s contemplations on Indian economy is of utmost relevance as his incisive and strategic thinking alone has changed the face of the tiny country like Singapore.

Finally he propounded that life blood of the country is economics. Hence the economic progress of nation should never be compromised at the cost of politics, a big message to our politicians. He asserts that Singapore is where the concert of Asia is forged out of meeting of east and west. It is India’s gateway to the world and world’s entry into India.
This book is must for people who are interested in the contemporary history of South East Asia with special interest on Indo-Singapore relations and India’s foreign policy. The author did an excellent job of compiling all the events of significance from the Japan’s attack on Singapore till the year 2008. Though the events are not chronicled as per the year, the flow is maintained by putting all the related information together. The book is divided into 12 different chapters and fast narration of the events makes it really hard to put it down once you start reading.

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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Unbridled Spirits

Unbridled Spirits

An overall growth of the person includes both intelligent quotient (IQ) and the emotional quotient (EQ).  Man would be complete if he has the combination of the IQ and EQ in right proportions and one without other is useless. They must function hand in hand for the overall well being of the individual. People are mostly concerned about boosting up their intellect often neglecting its better half. All our misery and disenchantment stems for these biased priorities. Each of us would be very eager and keen to be very vigilant about our career and progress. But deliberately neglect mental grooming which leaves a lacuna in our lives. Emotions make us complete and life without such emotion is insipid.

 Sometimes it is more important to be emotionally charged to handle and discharge the stress. Often pent up anger, stress, frustration and a feeling of helplessness can be driven away by being emotional.

A most common way of relaxation for majority is watching TV/ reality show or a movie. All of us look forward for recreation for the same purpose. It is important to purge ourselves of the negative feelings to feel charged and relaxed. Often a drop of tear on the cheek while watching a movie/ reading a book or even narrating certain experiences to the loved ones relieves us of the botched up feelings. Or even a hearty laugh at the sight of a funniest thing is enough to cheer up and lit up the light of joy in our hearts....

Sometimes certain inconsequential incidents in our life/on screen move us and reduce us to tears. I feel that is the way we get connected....back to our roots. Every individual who can still experience, the pain, grief, mirth and joy and is moved by incidents happening in his life or around an emotional being. Sometimes we seem to have an unflinching affiliation towards persons like film actors, singers, spiritual guru’s, mentors, athletes etc. We have nothing in common with them. But we are deeply attached to them. We rejoice in every victory of theirs and feel doomed when they are down.  We tend to forge bonds and friendships easily. Basically we are social beings. Each of us is deeply emotional inside........lest we forget it we cease to lead a happy life.

“The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart”    ----  Helen Keller.
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Friday, 2 August 2013

Destination Moon: Book Review

Destination Moon: Book Review

 For all those who follow the Indian calendar systematically even the slightest changes in the direction and placement of Moon are of great significance. We celebrate several festivals and auspicious occasions based on the waxing and waning of Moon. Moon plays a special role in everyone’s life and people of all age groups are carried away by its beauty. Thus even scientifically the journey to moon has also symbolised the technological eminence of mankind. With first man setting foot on the moon as early as 1969 a new thrust and hope has been created for future space exploration.

The book Destination Moon was an humble effort by the science journalists Pallav Bagla and Subhadra Menon to lucidly describe the events that eventually led  to the space mission Chandrayaan-I. The prestigious project was steered to a great success by the concerted efforts of the scientists at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) who worked diligently for thousands of hours discussing and improving their plans. Space related activities were started in early 1960’s in a small church at a place called Thumba in Kerela. The organisation is brain child of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the father of Indian space Program.

India was a late entrant to the space technology. By the time we have even conceived the idea of space exploration developed countries like USA and Soviet Union vied with each other to put several satellites into the outer space. Though there were serious reservations and contentions about the need for space program from the initial days for a developing country like India, ISRO realised its prominence and went ahead with its project’s single minded and all the satellites developed were indigenous. Initial experiments failed but that didn’t deter the resolve of the scientists in excelling in the field. The failure rate stood at 10% which stood at internationally accepted number in such big projects.  ISRO is able to maintain high standards in its research due to openness and transparency, the two qualities must be emulated by all other scientific institutions of India. The institute is known for deliverance of its promises. It has unique reputation and credibility for the high levels of standards it maintains.

 The fundamental objective of ISRO is application of advance technology to cater the needs of the society. Hence two programs were designed to address this issue – Remote sensing for all the meteorological predictions and resource mapping for mapping the natural resources. The direct consequences of sending various satellites has enabled us to have a direct to home service, quick communication, better connectivity through internets and other programs like telemedicine etc have become a reality. These improvements have enhanced the quality of life of an average Indian.

Chandrayaan-I was viewed as a profligate mission when the idea was first conceived in 1995 following the success of the Pokhran. ISRO has come under severe criticism for its fascination towards thrilling and exciting science when nearly 300 billion people are below poverty line. In the midst of these disapprovals satellite orbiting the moon has been successfully launched in October 2008. A satellite was launched that orbits at a height of 100km from the lunar surface. It was a resounding success and has given impetus for future projects and now India is aiming at exploring the solar system. Through this mission ISRO aims at studying the origin of moon, mapping the lunar surface and understanding the lunar weather.

Future mission of ISRO is focussing on SRE (Space Recovery Experiment) which is crucial for developing a manned space vehicle. Earth’s environment, origin and its existence is greatly influenced by its nearest neighbours’ in the solar system. Hence, several ambitious programs of exploring Sun and Mars are on cards. Lunar atmosphere has reached legitimate levels of He-3 which is the main fuel in the nuclear fusion experiments. Efforts are on to utilise this as the energy source. There is no end to dreams, human aspirations and accomplishments too... so is the possibility of expanding the human exploration farther into solar system.

This book has also proffered the urgent need to create new excitement to drive the young into basic sciences and fundamental research. The lack of magnet or setting up new and exciting challenges is the greatest drawback for poor participation of the new generation into this realm of science. Finally the message by authors- “there is no rational explanation for human curiosity and the endless search it fuels”.
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Is Small Always Beautiful?

Is Small Always Beautiful?

 The country is gearing up for yet another genesis of a new state.  A nod from the CWC for the creation of the new state of Telangana has opened up a Pandora box. Suddenly there is a spurt in the mass movements demanding separate states. There have been silent protests and disenchantments in the existing states due to wide disparities between different regions of the same state. People of one particular region allege of various kinds of discriminations faced by them at the hands of the other. They believe that creation of separate state would empower them.

On the other hand, does the mass uproar and demand for a new state symbolise the burgeoning intolerance and subjugation suffered by the people of that region for all these years?  At this juncture it is important to understand unique distinction of India, its diversity. Entire nation was never under the reign of a single ruler or emperor, except under the British Crown. India officially had 595 princely states at the time when British have taken the control of the land. It was an ensemble of all these tiny provinces ruled by different rulers. Each of those states existed as distinct, individual and independent entities. They were self-sustaining units as such. History reinforces and signifies the fact that Indian society has never been homogenous. It is the intricate differences which make our country so unique and a marvellous place to live. Hence the numbers could hardly matter. After independence, all these states by and large into the Indian Union. For administrative convenience and for wider democratic appeal, India is divided into states and Union territories.

As per the recommendation of the States Reorganisation Committee (SRC) Andhra Pradesh was the first state to be carved from the Madras state on the basis of language in the year 1956. But owing to difference cultural, social differences between the Andhra and Telangana   regions, discontent started brewing from 1969. But the movement was quickly suppressed with an iron-hand by the central government. Following the creation of the Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand in 2000 Telangana agitation got a new lease for life. Subsequently, the political aspirations of the TRS party, has spearheaded aggression and heavily lobbied for a separate state. In 2010 Sri Krishna Committee was constituted to assess the feasibility of a separate statehood for the region. Unfortunately, none of the recommendations were implemented. Finally it was just the game of politics which did the magic for the desperate people who have been waging a relentless war for 56 years. Now following the hoards of agitations for separate statehoods across the country it would be imperative to constitute the second SRC capable of diligently setting the criteria for creating a new state. The committee should develop guidelines for creation of separate state, outline the pre-requisites so that the new state can sustain on its own without putting a greater pressure on the centre for its rehabilitation and growth as a new entity.

In this context, it is would be relevant to categorically understand the implications of further divisions in the country. Nation is aware of the existing inter-state disputes regarding sharing of river waters, raising the height of dams, power distribution etc. More the number of states, more disputes are bound to arise. With the creation of every new state, huge amount of money in the form of relief and reconstruction packages has to be granted by the central government towards building a new capital, infrastructure etc. Thus making a big hole in the already deficit budget.

Telangana has made it imperative that the people’s aspirations are seriously considered if is going to hamper the political gains of the national parties. Taking this as a cue all the contenders for separate state will enthusiastically play the political card. As a first step they would form the regional parties and keep the national parties at tenterhooks as allies in coalition governments. Thus there is greater risk of national interests being comprised in lieu of personal gains benefitting the region of their interest. This augurs into a new proposition where states can be created if the political parties find it indispensable for their growth. Thus, new states are born as a result of the “opportunistic” politics played by both the leaders at both national and regional level. This might result in mushrooming of regional parties indicating the greater participation of the masses in the democratic process. But it comes with an intrinsic disadvantage, in a diverse country like India. In recent past electoral verdict is fractured and in absence of clear majority to a single party, execution, decision making and planning on crucial issues are largely hampered. A weak government is prone to various pressures from the splinter parties or its allies and it becomes difficult to achieve its developmental goals and targets.

Though there is no denial of the fact that smaller states facilitate easy governance and quick deliverance parameters like sustainability of the state as an independent entity should be given precedence over other factors. If it fails to make good progress and achieve perceptible growth, the burden has to be borne by the central government.  

Just before granting Independence the British prophesied that lets grant freedom to India and within a day Indian Union will break up into smaller pieces are we in the process of making it real?  The approval for the new state of Telangana was logistically and politically driven. It has suddenly sparked a chain of similar demands for several states like Bodoland, Bundelkhand, Gorkhaland, Harit Pradesh, Vidarbha, Purvanchal, Awadhpradesh etc. The list seems to be endless. At this rate India will march forward to grab the distinction of United States of India.

Finally it is time to make a decision whether we can afford the luxury of stalling the progress of nation and placate the people’s demand for separate states?
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