Our Byzantine Web
Society is a delicate web and encompasses thousands of
interactions taking place between people. Dynamics of the society have changed
as the country has slowly progressed from one stage of economic development to
another but the basic structure remained the same. Man is a social being. He
can’t live in isolation and always prefers to live in groups though he might
detest and protest about its influences and the pressures it exerts. Society
basically functions as an interdependent entity of the individuals living
therein. Our society has a close similarity to the ecosystem and by the way we
form the part of the biggest global ecosystem where the existence of the
ecosystem is largely structured and owes its sustenance to the interactions between
the organisms existing in different strata.
India has morphed into a developing economy and reveled in
the glory of economic growth till 2008.
The great European financial crisis which has dismantled economies of
several nations has left its trail of destruction on ours too. Though it might
sound very emphatic nonetheless we can’t deny the fact that growth has slumped
and it is hovering at around 6%. These statistics no longer qualify us to
maintain the status of a developing nation. There are multitudes of reasons for
the poor economic performance, which of course include the incompetent
government coupled with the apathy of the bureaucrats. Keeping this numerical aside, a look at the
societal structure would give a glimpse of the crucial affects we being
subjected to. Consciously or unconsciously we have turned a blind eye to sudden
changes in the human interactions.
People seem to be less happy and conceited with their present
status and fewer people are able to engage themselves in the nation building
process. On the whole the sum total effects of interactions have majorly become
negative. People slowly began to lose faith in the system and this is really
felt in the changing attitudes of the people. Wide spread corruption, red-tape,
favoritism has changed the mood of the people. The matrix of the events which
existed in a harmonious society is slowly fading out. If this negativity and
dissatisfaction continues to build up, it is definitely going to have a serious
effect on the soul of the nation. It is really so discomforting to learn but
truly greener pastures are slowly becoming extinct. People are unable to find a
gainful and commensurate employment which is the prime reason for both morale
and physical discomfiture.
Just a microscopic view of the same can be felt by
attitudinal changes in the younger generation. With the growing dominance of
the generation who believes in three words I, Me and Myself. The impact is
clearly felt by in the basic framework of our society. A person’s misfortune is soon turning to be
someone else’s opportunity. Extreme
levels of possessiveness have started showing its initial symptoms of rot
gradually developing into a malaise and might take dimension of a pandemic if
proper value system is not put in place. The crumbling of joint family and
evolution of nuclear families has been the initial precursor of the change. The
new cult of selfishness is going to be a biggest problem soon. It has just
spread out it its tentacles and soon going to gulp down the whole society into
its trap. Indian society is in doldrums with high rates of crime, addictions,
divorce, sexual exploitation, female infanticide.
Even in face all these negativities, the only greatest hope
to India is inevitably its people and the sanctity of the land. India is
world’s most spiritually vibrant nation. This knowledge can offer solutions to
all the malaises afflicting the nation. Nation’s soul and pride can be
redressed by working out prospective solutions rather than seeking asylum in
momentary illusions.
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