Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Meddlesome Middle Class

Meddlesome Middle class
Globalisation brought a phenomenal change in the Indian economy. Consistent growth in the economy has brought a great change in the social structure of our country. Rapid strides have been made by the middle class who by the dint of hard work and dedication has craved a special niche for themselves. There has been a quantum leap in their living standards too. The other two sections of society namely the poor and  the rich are perpetually busy with their lives. The poor are continually engaged in some activity to eke out a livelihood and the rich are busy in splurging the wealth they have been hoarding over generations. These two sections have an impact which is markedly different from newly rising class of individuals-the middle class.

Middle class is the emerging section of people. Most of the markets world over are busy designing their products to suit their interests and needs due to their enchanced purchasing power. They are the most ambitious and hard working people. They are source of maximum remitances world over and contribute vigorously to the growing national economy. They have now marched as leader of change.

I really don’t have anything against this set being a member of it. But peculiar qualities of this section of people are more or less homogeneous and they constantly allude me. They proclaim themselves to be new iconoclasts, torch bearers of the society, upholders of the culture, values,  religious beliefs, customs, traditions. They feel that are endowed with the great burden of maintaining culture of the land. But they are too judgemental. They cann’t  be happy until society acknowledges their way of living. For them approval of the society is much higher than individual choices and believes. They are afraid of taking the least tread path. They crave for social recognition a name and fame of their own is essential for them. Their best leisure activity is social assessment, grading the people in their neighbourhood as per their occupation, income generating abilities, accomplishments of their children, jewellery/property  they inherited and scale of celebrations during important occasions etc. Their assessment and grading system very often is endorsed  and validated by the elders in their association. They are pioneers in finger pointing grossly unaware of their mistakes and misgivings.

 From time to time  according to the changing order of the society they make flexible amendments  in the existing customs to suit their convenience and cast aspersions on individuals who fail conform to it. Though these are the individuals who form the intelligent chunk of  the country. They are often stymied and stigmatised lot. They are adventurous and explore the world and have spread their wings through out the world to earn their livelihood.
But alas, these are again the same set which has a mediocre mentality. They have high aspirations, goals and  ambitions in life and want to take calculated risks. They can sermonise through out their lives but can hardly stir out of their comfort zone to help the person dedicated for a noble cause. They are too naive for they fail to realise the social stigma  they have popularised often ties them down to think or differently. They have  allowed themselves to be bogged down by meaningless traditions. They are highly modest.
This is now growing out to be the typical mentality of a middle class individual. They are warm hearted, generous and welcome people into their houses with utmost hospitality. Perhaps it is time for them (infact most of us) to open up their hearts and mind as well to the new change and stop being too judgemental. People should stop bothering too much about others, instead make possible efforts to better their own lives. Set a noble goal and strive hard to move an inch closer to it everyday. A little progress everyday will ultimately take to destiny. Stop being hypocrite.

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